Posts by Martititi

    You use the wrong version.
    Above your post, there is a rectangle. Click on the jenkins (Experimental builds: v2.0/2.1 (For Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.4/1.7.2 → jenkins))
    In the jenkins, you should look for the 397 build, which is the last one for 1.6.4 (397 is the last number in the build number). If you don't find it, then click on the "details" button in the bottom right corner of the left box. You'll find it.

    Please do not double post your bug. If it is posted in the right section, people will answer you, and be patient, people aren't here to serve you.

    What about an upgrade to the fusion reactor, the Star Reactor: basically, a miniature star whose energies are contained and harnessed. Maybe more resources and care would need to go towards containment and much more energy to get started, but far more efficient fuel-wise and far more output, or something like that. Of course, any potential containment failure could have some disastrous results...

    Or maybe a Mr. Fusion type thing where you can put anything in the reactor as fuel, but it takes a huge volume of stuff and produces very little energy. But maybe it's, like, infinitely scaleable: anything you put in it gets used as fast as possible, as long as you keep supplying it with insane amounts of fuel.

    Ah well, just ideas. Really glad this mod is being worked on, in whatever form it takes.

    so like a tardis

    Well, if we take this example:
    Supposing I've got huge amounts of gold, so much I cannot use it for any thing.
    According to your idea, I would put the gold into the fusion reactor. BUT: gold doesn't fuse with any thing, it is waaaay too heavy...

    No, I think we might implement an isotope extractor, or something like this, but nothing as OP as this (even if I know it would not produce a lot...).

    And, maybe the other elements like cobblestone can deserve a better end: scrap ==> UU matter (or anti-matter)

    Like anti-matter reaction, or water mills?
    I mean: you build matter from energy, with this equation: E = mc² in mind, it would mean that we can easily revert the matter back to energy.
    Or, you have the preservation of energy: water is pumped up to a lake (in the mountains), and once you release, it will (if there is no loss of energy) give you back the energy you dispensed in order to suck the water up.
    This way: it could be nice to have something like a big dam, or a block that you would place at the bottom of the lake (or the river...), and it would remove water blocks gradually (if you set it to low-production, it would remove as much water as it respawns).

    Or, like the chemical reactions that balance themselves (I mean, an acid-base reaction)?

    Oh, that's the way I've got to take it.
    So, this goes to the folder "slang", not to be used in my Literature essays.

    EDIT: OHHH, that would be so nice !!!!!
    Imagine we have a new kind of energy storage: anti-matter. If you have to get some high output for your machines, simply put your anti-matter into your reactor (not the nuclear one, it would not be as technologically advanced as we would need), and you can enjoy.

    It brings to me some proposals:
    -External heat vents (like the ones in the BC-IC2 crossover (I think it is this one)). These would absorb heat from any kind of nuclear reactor while they are next to.
    -The anti-matter producer. Maybe it would be as the UU-matter producer, or maybe it could produce the two at the same time.
    -An anti-matter bomb. ==> even more efficient than the H-nuclear bomb (which uses fusion), but with a large output of gamma rays.

    Why shouldn't machines use Gregtech Power Generator-gnerated EU and explode? And why should one need a large-scale cable when you just talk about transferring one block? And since when can Macerators take Energy directly from MFEs, without an inbuilt transformer?

    You make me imagine something: cable coolers...
    That could be nice to add a sort of cooler like those on your microprocessors, which could raise the voltage cables can transfer...

    Auelos has built the communicator. He tries to be in contact with Morrowerre.
    Auelos: OK, let's set it to the canal we used for our com... 1.864 KHz, here we are.
    Types commands on the screen of his computer: begin to power the com, verify that all datas and variables are entered, check the heat of every component...
    Auelos speaking in his mic:Hello, here is Auelos. I hope you capt my message. Morrowerre I give you the ID of the dimension, which I found out yesterday: 326:qdzAAnfldPPDigeg65258_____:x=375;y=102;z=-986

    He enters the command to continuously broadcast the message

    Morrowerre's point of view:
    Computer: Morrowerre? Our antennas just received a message from Auelos.
    Morrowerre: That must be the coordinates!
    Types the play message
    Message: (4018th try) Hello, here is Auelos. I hope you capt my message. Morrowerre I give you the ID of the dimension, which I found out yesterday: 326:qdzAAnfldPPDigeg65258_____:x=375;y=102;z=-986

    Morrowerre: Oh, is there that much dimensions? Woa... It doesn't surprise me that we are all sent in a different dimension...
    He finishes building the teleporter
    Morrowerre: OK, so I have to set the tension... Now, place this translocator ray reflector just in the opposite direction...
    I guess I'm done with this. It is sad I cannot communicate with Auelos, just to know if the teleporter works, and to know if it is safe to go with this mean, or if I can do any thing...
    He suddenly realizes hecan
    Morrowerre: I'm so dumb! I can actually communicate, I just have to remove the reflectors, and send a paper message...

    Message: Hey, Auelos. I'm done with the teleporter. If you have this message, then the teleporter works perfectly and I can travel to you. Though, please communicate with me to lt me know if it works, and please, check that the position at x=345;y=102;z=-986 is empty, because I will have to teleport every single part of the teleporter, and I guess matter will get a bit dense if I teleport right in the middle of another matter. Thanks for letting me know. My dimension is the 4018th you tried.

    Morrowerre teleports it and waits
    Auelos' point of view:
    ZAP !
    Auelos: Whow, what happened? Of, a piece of paper!
    He grabs the piece of paper and shouts of pain
    Auelos: A very cold piece of paper...

    Message: Hey, Auelos. I'm done with the teleporter. If you have this message, then the teleporter works perfectly and I can travel to you. Though, please communicate with me to lt me know if it works, and please, check that the position at x=345;y=102;z=-986 is empty, because I will have to teleport every single part of the teleporter, and I guess matter will get a bit dense if I teleport right in the middle of another matter. Thanks for letting me know. My dimension is the 4018th you tried.

    Auelos: OK, let's transmit all the stuff he needs.

    I think it would be more realistic and cool if we could have a kind of Multiblocks Nuclear Reactor.

    I mean, all the reactors used in the world follow more or less the setup:

    Nuclear Heating System ==> Pressurized water becomes really hot ==> Turbines ==> Movement ==> Electricity
    Cooling system ==> Two possibilities:
    - The big towers that use water to evaporate and therefore, to cool down, BUT you have to find the water
    - You pump water from the sea or a river, and you cool down your nuclear reactor with this water, BUT you have to deal with the hot water you just produced (the most often, you release it 500 meters away in the river)

    It will be a bit hard to beta test without knowing how to use things...

    Example: I don't know how to use the isotopic accumulator, and what purpose it has.
    Other thing: It seems like I don't have any launcher, and some textures are missing.

    The problems I have to say:
    -Superconductor wires cannot be placed
    -What are those sirens?
    -How do I place this missile?

    You can take a look at this mod:…able-ships-out-of-blocks/

    This is a mod by Cuchaz that adds Ships made out of blocks.
    This means that you could for example make a big galleon, or something like this. Why not making Rocket Science 2 and/or IC2 compatible with the ships?
    I imagine quite well a missile carrier (or a submarine) that could bomb other players' bases...

    New idea!
    A torpedo... or any kind of missile that can go underwater?