I am using the newest IC² with forge 3.1.2.something and newest ModLoader and also have this problem. I had it from the very beginning when I started using IC² 1.8.1.
This bug is known since I reported it over and over again, same as the fall damage problem, but I don't know if its fixed. Someone of the Coders said around a week ago or so that he has finally fixed the fall damage issue, but I don't know if this reload problem remains.
For me any jetpack (fuel, elec.) is recharged once I remove it from the chest plate slot...
Thanks, This was exactly the answer I was looking for. Thanks a ton. I was 100% sure this has been a bug like I said since 1.8.1 for myself maybe even forever. But this just helps confirm the issue so I can pass it to my players and say hey look its a bug thats been around forever.