Posts by autotalon

    Hello, I just updated to build 274, and i noticed that the ore washing plant now no longer takes MV, which from the tooltip i can only assume was the intended behavior all along. The only odd thing is that with no overclockers, hooked to an lv line, two ore washing plants hooked to an LV line draw more power than the line can provide. Am i to understand that this is the intended behavior? Would i need a transformer upgrade in order to input more than the machine can use to remedy this?

    Medium Voltage (128 EU/t). Almost all machines, including the basic electric furnace/macerator/etc, now accept MV per default. The thermal centrifuge and the four UU-matter related machines are fine on a HV line (512 EU/t). I have yet to find anything aside from a batbox that blows up on a MV line, but maybe things like luminators are LV only.

    A miner and LV transformer also blow up. I also blew up my ore washing plants once, somehow. Not really sure how that worked.

    It seems if i accidentally make strange loops of machines i get a random explosion. Not the mods fault, moreso mine for my shoddily ran wiring.

    I'm not sure about the cells not going into the chest, but the redstone going into the pump is intentional, because redstone can be used as an energy source when put into the battery slot of machines, my recommendation would be to put an empty battery in the battery slot and keep it connected to the cable, or you can just power it with a battery, and that should be enough for at least one run with the miner.

    Ok, yeah i thought the redstone thing made sense but ill try tossing a battery in there to test.

    The top one is for water containers like buckets. No idea what the bottom one is for.

    Alright, thanks. Another off the wall question, When i have a miner and a pump together with a chest touching them, lava/water cells dont get put into the chest. Also, any redstone mined goes into the power slot of the pump instead of in the chest. The machines are powered from a cable. Is any of this behavior intentional?

    I just installed the latest Compact Solars build with IC2-experimental build 153 and it works.

    I have a suggestion relating to how it interacts with the new energy nets. Since EU are now additive instead of packetized, it would be best to have the panels output a constant EU/t. I'm sure this behavior is a holdover from the previous packetized EU system, but it seems that the LV panels, for example, output 32 EU during 1 tick and 0 EU during the following 3. With the new energy net, this means that if you put one LV panel on a machine, that machine only receives 8 EU on average (as it should, since it takes 8 solar panels to craft it). But when you put two LV panels on one LV machine (expecting to get 16 EU/t, still within LV specs), the machine explodes because it got 64 EU during one tick, never mind the next 3 ticks were going to be empty.

    As it is, to get a continuous 32 EU/t into a machine you have to have them combine four of them into an MV feed and go through an LV transformer, which you didn't have to do before.

    I have the same problem, I made a CESU and hooked 4 LV arrays to it and it exploded. I also had the same problem hooking one array and one panel to a batbox. I know this isnt intentional behavior because if i use an equivalent amount of solar panels it works fine. My circuit goes panels->CESU->LV transformer->machines