if reach 100C every sec you get 1000-2000 Steam on 100 Heat
Thunderdark, as you know, the heat capacity of the boiler and its water tank is not the only thing affecting how fast steam is generated. That should be mostly dependent on the enthalpy of vaporization of the water.
I say should because in real life, water has a heat capacity of 4.18kJ/kg.K. Heating 1kg of water from 25C to 100C therefore takes 314kJ. Water's enthalpy of vaporization is 2260kJ/kg. Thats 7.2 times larger. It takes 7.2 times more heat to vaporize the water than it took to heat it up.
In IC2E, the heat capacity of water is 40HU/mB.C. Heating 1mB of water from 25C to 100C therefore takes 3000HU. After looking at the boiler class file, I found the enthalpy of vaporization is currently 480HU per mB. That's about one sixth! Clearly in IC2E the rate that you can create steam is far more dependent on heating the water. The actual vaporization takes very little energy, and this is quite unlike real life.
This raises a couple of points:
1) If my boiler is constantly being fed fresh water, then at steady-state it takes 3480HU to make a bucket of steam. The rate that I can produce steam with a Liquid Heat Exchanger is about 29mB of steam created per tick (on average, as steam is always made in 1000mB increments). This is already hard to manage, because Buildcraft wooden pipes can only extract at 10mB per tick.
2) If my boiler is not being fed water, and I have waited for the water to reach 100°C, then it only takes an additional 480HU per bucket of steam. With a Liquid Heat Exchanger that's about 208mB of steam per tick, which is practically impossible to manage with buildcraft pipes. I'd need to use a much more powerful pipe like EnderIO's pressurized pipes, which can pull at 200mB/t. I really don't like this. Even if I switched to a Electric Heat Generator with only one coil, that's still over the 10mB/t that a buildcraft pipe can deal with.
3) The very long heat-up time of the boiler is not very fun. Thanks to your recent change, we can easily change heat capacities in the config file (yay!) which makes the waiting less boring. However we can't increase the heat of vaporization to compensate, and steam production volume is again very hard to deal with.
It would be nice if we could also change the heat of vaporization. However, I think it would be far, far nicer if the volume expansion of water to steam was much less. I realize that in real life, steam expands about 1700x (at atmospheric pressure, of course), but such large volumes of steam don't cooperate well with current fluid mechanics in minecraft. It would be a little realistic to assume that pipes are pressurized, and steam is quite compressible. Could you change the ratio to ~100 or less?