Chocohead : "sigh", bugs...
Posts by Mine_Sasha
Unless you have a gravi suite or other armor battery hybrid, that's pretty much why you can't charge bat boxes with tools.
Udpate But I think it was green because originally, Alblaka wanted to make more like a RP radiation color ( green, glowing ) instead of a more realistic ;P , I miss the time when IC2 was simple, but once the new E-net is finished ( if it will even be finished ), I may like IC2.5 or IC3 more than IC2
Thx ChocoHead ( AAAAAAAAAAAAh, need to take a picture of one of my 2 cats, he looks exactly like Chocohead, except in cat :3 ).
Ah, right, forgot about that, doh
Edit here : the non working script ( the one that causes a crash ) is named "Script - Working", but it actually "doesn't" ( cause a crash when I do a /Minetweaker reload )
Nah, nah nah nah, just gimme your E-mail, and I will give you access to my dropbox folder ^.^, sorry about backup computer, my main computer broke ( hard-disk ), so yeah :c And backup computer is on WinXP ( and not standard one, the previous owner of the backup computer made it... customized I guess ? Oh, whatever ).
Erm, can you try to get it in my dropbox folder, can't post .zs script files, and on my backup computer, there's no such things as "Notepad" or "Word"
Aaaaah, Eeeeerm, well ? Nope :P, sorry XD
Sure, gonna post it right now ( script ), as for the crash, dunno, maybe gonna post it now, maybe this week-end.
Guys, I got to work some recipes, and now it seems that I found the crash problem, I forgot to write import.mod.Railcraft.Rolling or something, now it should work, but I still get a crash, but a lil'different, also, the first 2 lines looks weird...
Also, HYPE for the new GT recipes
Sounds like the Combine Soldiers death sound ( which is probably based on this one ) Oo
Loominaty confirmed :o
Makes no senses, do you use your laptop battery as a battery for you lights in your bedroom ? Nope, that's more or less why you can't do that ;P
I also thought about that in 1.2.5 but then I thinked about the concept at the top of the post.
Don't slap me Senpaï ;P , but also, am I the only one in the Earth who can't make understand my math teacher that the closest you are to zero when you divide, the closest you get to infinity ?
Progress is being made, I like that...
Y no 1/0uple post ( infinity ).
U mad my n, ?
I suggest we add a limit of 8 upgrade for overclockers, 64 for energy storage ( so we can have a huge buffer ), 16 for transformers ( for addons if they want to add MAX voltage when E-Net is finished ), and one for utilities ( like redstone control ).
I have become MIA because I've updated the pack on one of my computers ( I was lazy, and waited for a random guy to repost the pack, but Invultri told me to update it ) , and then my computer hard disk broke, and now I'm at my laptop, ;c