That sarcasm Speiger... Why so much hate xD ?
Posts by Mine_Sasha
I haven't seen ultimatum yet...
Wait wut only 12 episodes wtf ? Shouldn't it be 20 like previous season O.o ?
SpwnX : Dunno, well I guess if you say so...
Speiger : Well at least I know I will need my box of tissues like for clannad
Wut Nisekoi 2 is finished ? We only have one episode every week in french with the official dub
At least it's confirmed season 3 and 4 will come out
Gonna check the anime out btw.
Also, Watch Banlieue 13 you will love it ;D@Greg : No really, oh well, I didn't went to school the last 4 days before summer anyway, the 1 day the only thing I did was coming to registration and then going out of the school with friends to go swim to the lake léman
Our Italian teacher said she was ok with us going out and even registred us even though we weren't here xD
SpwnX : There is no real "normal" life, everyone have it's own
I don't consider my life as normal either, not a lot of people have the same hobbies as me ( parkour, sprint, video games, animes... ), and I don't want to be considered as being "normal", as for fullfilling this standard, according to people of my grade, you need to : smoke, drink, being homophobic, having a religion, bully someone etc...Speiger : I know this film, gonna Watch it when I have time
For a similar film, I recommend you Banlieue 13.
Also gonna Watch plastic memories, because people told me it was awsome@Grag : OR, simply being Lucky, have a nice girl in your class, and then going out part is not really required, but so far, this only happened to me ONCE out of 5 relations ;P
Well I know you can turn off channels....
Now the only thing I don't really like is the new autocrafting system as it's limited....
So I will also be happy if an addon with the old MAC from AE1 is made for AE2
Erm guys, wtf is that question xD
I love and Watch animes since I am little, yet, my chances with girls never was affected by this factor, actually in SOME cases it welped me ;P
But then if you mean watching anime = Being bad at sport, I also totally disapprove this because I am able to Watch animes, play games, proggram, go out with friends + doing a LOT of sport ( mainly sprint and parkour ). -
Lol yeah now I remember
Why this mod seems so familiar to me yet I am failing to recall it's name...
Oh dayum you are back
GT2 to 4
Also, our team is already making a GT classic, it's techReborn, go check it out, if we team toghether, I am pretty sure we will have amazing results
I will never understand why IC2 team tried to re do something that was already good... I know it's for performance, but at the end they only broke it to the point where they don't even know how to repair it... Can't we use Speiger modified version of EXP e-net and call it done at least for now ? So we have an actual release ;P
Mmh, wonder what will happen to my mass fab if I feed it with 32.000000000000000000001 eu/tick ( half nuke powa explosion ).
I think the output should stay static xD
Actually everywhere in the world where there is sun, this can work
But yeah, it's not a steam "solar panel" either but rather a hot water solar panel, + steam "solar panels" are steam solar boilers
But why don't you make all DM Tools for infinity and beyond ? :3
Small late question choco : What are those black Tools next to your DM pickaxe ?
And I think it's a shame, it was a great mod with a good future... Experimental IC2 killed it, as it's concepts became obsolete ( mostly ).
AE2 silicon has 256 EMC as it's smelted quartz. EnderIO silicon overwrites the silicon recipe, but doesn't change the EMC. Thermal Expansion in all it's wisdom adds a sand -> silicon recipe in the pulveriser. So 1 EMC + 1600 RF = 256 EMC.
AFAIK, EIO have a config for that, I also requested a config for that in TE github, and KingLemming said it will be here next update
All loops can be fixed in project E manually
EE3 unfortunately is for now only inworld fixeable, so it's not a global config
Immibis version is discontinued, speiger is now updating them, pls go check them out