*In EE3, in Project E, if some values are lowered, the dupe doesn't exist anymore...
Posts by Mine_Sasha
Project E is way better imo than EE3, EE3 concept is better than project E / EE2, don't get me wrong, but I am nostalgic, so I prefer Project E ( similar to my opinion on GT4 and 5 ).
@Guys : Modtweaker support is kinda broken atm, so removing recipes might not work ( due to the api of IC2 )...
Lol, also, can we buff Glass fibre if tin cable is now a very good conductor ?
Funky forum is funky...
Nice, but still set it at 8 eu/tick for the sake of logic, and also for users, for not creating surprise, as logic users might think tin cables are 8 eu/tick voltage, because like always MV = HV/4, LV = MV/4 and so logically ULV = LV/4.
Note that I reallly want this
Windmills, can ;/
Why not ? It's standard IC2 logic to be 8-32-256-512 and so on, so always *4 of the value before, even Greg use that
Can we set the cap at 8 eu/tick ?
I know that originally it was 5 eu / tick but that isn't logic ;P
*There is a config for activating loss again, as far as I know ( and last time I tested ), explosions where still absent...
Use classic if you like explosions or a more softcore mechanic which stops eu flow.
@Industrial coil : OOOOH yeah, this thing, completely forgot about it, yeah you can, but I think there is some important loss iirc xD
Lol, but aren''t tin cables in IC2 classic capped at 8 eu /packets ?
There is no power storage in rotary craft ( except if you convert RotaryCraft rotation units into Electricraft electricity/RF/EU/Mekanism Joules/UE joules and then vice-versa ;P ) or if you use the flywheel
Really old features.... Like the energy belt ?
Or perhaps you are talking some 1.5 IC2 classic features that are missing ? Like the obscurator and the boats ? -
IV = 8192 *
Also, I had permission for making the AFSU for the afsu, and for textures, but actual block, I dunno, gonna ask greg, even though storage units doesn't seems much of a problem, still gonna ask greg just to be sure
Ultra low voltage is considered as a tier 0.25 , well at least for me
It's really dead xD
If you think IC2 is dead, try IC2 classic ;P
Can we also include a /spawn command please with a mod ? This would allow us to TP at spawn if we are stuck in a cave
Bon bah les mecs, si vous parliez en allemand, moi je parle en français, car après tout c'est un bored chat les mecs ;P xD
=> Well guys, if you speak in german, well I will speak in french, well after all it's a bored chat guys ;P xD
Sorry for late translation.
Depends how Greg did it, I guess it's not really a problem, + was the issue related to Natura/TiCon ?
Like it's cheap aluminium ;O
I would still like to have a "reunion" on TiCon and GT actual relations, because since MDyio left, why is there still tensions and black list code and no support for fixing issues ?
This should stop, even MDyio admitted his reaction wasn't smart...
The main problem we need to fix is the "no support for fixing issues" from TiCon part