I used these in my Server Play series, so cut out the section and made it a seperate mod spotlight video, enjoy!!
Posts by Direwolf20
I'm up to episode 10 now, just FYI
Added Portable Teleporter and More Tree Taps mod spotlights.
I'll do a mod spotlight on your other mods shortly :).
I did a tutorial video on these, it can be found along with my other tutorial videos here:
Added Tesla Coil and CF Sprayer. Breeders -- I hardly understand myself
I'd be a bad teacher on that subject.
Episode 3 is up, 4 is uploading
I accidently double tapped earlier today.
While i was adjusting my buildcraft pump.
Over lava.CTRL+W i miss you!
<3 Al for adding a config option, can't wait!
From what i read in other posts, spacetoads API was changed, and this is a result of that. I don't believe any IC changes were made.
Just as an FYI to you guys -- Wooden pipes can't pull out of these chests, BUT -- If you have Zeldo's Additional Pipes mod -- Advanced wooden pipes appear to work. YMMV.
I haven't gotten anything to pump INTO a chest though.
I Ran into this on my server, figured out you have to pump it out the BOTTOM of the machine.
It's in the collapsed thread with all my vids
Even though I've not installed it yet- I agree.
Sweet gonna try this out now