Posts by Direwolf20
Im not sure but the only massively popular mod not updated I see is Industrial Craft
Its also one of the more complicated mods out there
so will take a little longer to update to v1.00 than some of the others might.
Sorry guys, teh servers been down a bit due to maintenance. Not 100% sure whats going on.
Once IC2 is V1.00 compatible, i'm starting a new Lets Play series SSP.
My best attempt at a tutorial :). I think it covers MOST of how stuff works :).
So in playing around with this, i THINK i've figured most of it out. Except:
Inhibitors -- They seem to nullify any other forcefields within their range? Whats the inhibitor detector do?
Hardeners -- no idea what these do :).
Otherwise, i think i've got them all sorted out.
I would suggest BC tanks filled with a liquid, RP deployer with a bunch of buckets in it and a filter to pull out the full ones, you can then use the buckets for whatever you need or have a BC auto table craft them into cells.
Thats basically what i was thinking as well
Is the soil near water? Remember, you need to be near water or the tilled soil will revert to dirt.
You'd be surprised how many people still get it wrong.
Amen to that. I get 5 messages a day on youtube asking for an installation tutorial vid.
I have a video up about it -- 4 RS engines seem fine.
Yea, I've tried everything from 2x2, to 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. I'm thinking its just odd. Other people have had issues as well, and its why the bucket filler guy created the machine that makes water.
Our server will be getting that mod very soon, and i'll be using it :).
I actually endevor to tech up to advanced machines as quickly as possible. I spend a good amount of time mining, and then quickly build:
Generator, Macerator (2x), Electro Furnace (2x), 1x extractor, 1x compressor
Then, I hopefully have enough resources to go
A couple solars
2x Induction Furance (Upgrade the 2x electro's above)
2x Rotary Macerator (Upgrade the 2x macerators above)
1x Adv Extractor
1x Adv Compressor.I'm impatient when it comes to macerating :).
They plan to add new people to the server as time goes on.
The water SHOULDN'T dry though, because i'm using Chunk Loaders from Zeldo's additional pipes to keep that chunk loaded at all times.
I'm not sure, but soon i think!
Very nice looking!
I suck at making things look good. Sure, they function pretty well - but look good? no:(
hey direwolf just wanted 2 say that i love your videos and you do a great job commentating oh and if you get the chance i need some1 who knows a ton about the mods i have and that seems 2 be rare 2 rate my base, i have so id like it if you would find the time to do that for me, the link is http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=20984#post20984
Peace out,
slauter24I'll take a look when i get home from work, pics are blocked
You know, I've never tried that ;). I always use a sword.
BTW Player -- try hitting a tin cable with an electric wrench. It does something weird. Meant to submit that as a bug report....
Looking cool thunder
I'm going to check this out, and maybe do a new video for you. This mod is getting better and better looking
Thanks man
up to ep. 13 now.