I can't get the Turbine to work:
Here is a few pictures... anyone have an idea what i am doing wrong?

I have 2048 input and output hatches on sides (centered)
I have normal steam being put into the input hatch, and its full.

I have the Maintenance Hatch on the other side (centered)

And I have a Dynamo Hatch ( 2048 ) on back with a 2048 buffer attached to collect power.
I also put duct tape on hatch (because I can't figure out how the soldering iron works still. I try putting solder into my inventory and use the iron on the hatch, but it just changes the redstone output from weak to strong.
When I hit it with a hammer, the turbine turns a tiny bit for a second, and stops. A tiny bit of water is out put from output hatch. No power is generated. If I repeatedly hit the turbine control with hammer, the same thing happens - the turbine turns a tiny, and stops - and a tiny bit more water comes out the output hatch.
I'm using Forge .1408
and gregtech unofficial .16