I like the idea and would make it a compressor recipe, 16 zombie flesh=1 leather.
Posts by nathan
Okay... now seriously why the fuck these expansive recipes are true for default? Why not making them false? ._.
Dude chill out. Look on the bright side, maybe it will teach you how to use a config file.
Wow you have already begun to port IC2 to 1.4 that was quick.
Hey man I love the Idea.
If you created it I would definitely use it.
Btw, I've recently wrote up a full explanation of the Reactor system here:
[NEW] Reactor System
Dude you are really evil. -
Dude I have to say good job on your first mod.
I have to say while I agree that it would be cool to have a biome changing as an added function to the Teraformer, I feel it might cause certain problems. For instance say someone decided to run two conflicting Teraformers next two each other. Another point is that Teraformer Blue Print system would have to be overhauled. For one thing among the TFBP's that have been created, most of the biomes are not repesented (i.e. swampLand, grasslands). Also many of the TFBPs that do exist do not correspond with a specific biome( i.e. the Cultivator, Flatifier).
The Shroomer
Ever wanted to turn a grassy field into mushroom Biome with mycelium and big mushrooms. Well with the Shroomer Terafromer Blueprint (TFBP) you can. Just simply place 2 red and 2 brown mushrooms around an empty TFBP, and you have got yourself a shroomer. Then simply place the shroomer into a teraformer, supply a little electricy and then you can sit back, relax and watch your hills slowly turn purple.
RR=Red mushroom, B=Brown Mushroom, T=TFBP
dude that was hella quick
Who takes a minecart these days? Real MInecrafters ride pigs!
Yo I still use minecarts, plus an inter-dimensional minecart teleporter would enable me to automatically harvest lava and transport in back to the overworld to be consumed as power, thats if im also using Buildcraft and Railcraft.
Would love this idea if minecarts could travel through these portals.
sry just skimmed
No offence but silver ore is not part of Industrial Craft, it is part of Red Power. Yes I know that when you macerate silver you do get silver dust, but that can only happen when Red Power is installed. So the bottem line is that I don't think that Alblacka will be including silver coins in the future.
If you have read Alblacka’s blog recently then you would know that Alblacka is working on an IC computer. My proposal would be to have a special chest that could tell a computer what it contains in real time. The main purpose of the chest would be a way to remotely monitor what your miners are digging up, although it could have a plethora of uses when combined with BuildCraft. I don’t think it would very hard to code, but since I know next to nothing about computer coding my thoughts don’t mean much here.
This is the way I see the computer side of the chest working but if anybody has a better idea, please feel free to post it in the comments section. The first page on the program would list a bunch of links to the different chests connected to the computer. When one clicks on a link what would appear is a table describing the contents of the chest. The rows of the table would list slot numbers whereas the columns would list the Item ID, damage value, and the Item/Block count. Later on people might be able to write simple programs that could search for certain blocks/items all-throughout the chests and give you a total count.
The GUI of the chest would have to be changed to include a number superimposed numbers in the back of each slot.
Alblacka has already said that this will be implimented
QuoteNot wanting to take the fun out of this, but most likely, nope. It's just a ridicolous mount of entirely new concept-code. It's probably much more an own mod then anything to be integrated into a themed mod like IC.
I will eventually create an Electric Minecart, that's it.Seriously not trying to be mean, but some stuff can be done, some stuff can be done easyly, and some stuff appears great but is probably more work to implement then whole IC² x2.
http://forum.industrial-craft.…lectric+minecart#post1525 -
I actually went away from BC I rather see more stuff done with RP2. But either way I don't think anything should be made to depend on 1 mod to another.
Sorry to say but something has been made that already depends on another mod, its called silver dust. Yes macerating silver ore (which only obtainable by installing the redpower mod) produces silver dust.
I'm a fan of the forestry mod from SirSengir. Yea there is the factorycraft mod but that is hella overpowered. Combine this with the Redpower prerelease and you can pretty much farm anything.
Most likely yes the copper/silver/tin will work in the rotary macerator its just a matter of incorpating ore dictionary into the addon but I think eloraam has something else planned for her rubber trees
I just tried it putting eleram's rubber wood inside the extractor does yield rubber. uploading screenshot to prove it
Hey just to let you know, someone has come out with a competing IC/BC power Conversion mod.
Power Crystals, the maker of Factorycraft reloaded is the brainchild of this new addon.
Link To Mod