acutally it would still be java, it's just a "smaller" version of java
lack of forge wouldn't be a problem because with no other mods you could just take over the base class ones
but still you're right, you can't mod the pocket edition easily
even if you could, the ic2 team is a bit busy atm and they only have to worry about the main version
wouldn't make sense adding more to their workload
Posts by F4113nb34st
hm... don't know if there is a way to fix that, I'll look into it when I'm on my computer later
edit: thought of a way to fix it, just have to actually do it later -
I'll see what I can do, but it won't be til at least tomorrow, because I'm going to bed here soon
do you mean to change the good/bad biomes for each gen, or to change how good or bad the good/bad biomes are?
you can already do the second one if that's what you mean
edit: i'll check it
edit2: works for me -
ikr, it took a whole 8 mins to research, come up with good/bad biomes, implement, and post
edit: did I mention that I was making a bugfix to advgens at the same time too? -
now compatible with ExtraBiomesXL!!!!!
right now you can't, however I'll have it fixed in a jiffy
edit: kk it's up -
never heard of it, but it sounds like an awesome idea
don't worry about the fact that there is no addon suggestion section, most addon makers look to suggestions forum for ideas when they can't think of any
also, if no one picks this up, I might take it up in the future
(note: I mean distant future, right now I got alot of things I gotta make, so I would be a month or two min) -
it affect vanilly, advgens, and any other addon the implements the api (if it doesn't implement it, ask me and I'll discuss it with the modmaker in question)
kk it's out, btw don't forget to update your core, I noticed one of the advgen versions had 8 downloads, but it's prerequisite core version had 0
ok I got the bug fixed, just got to update thread and download
and I slightly changed your gui sprite, since your layout might confuse n00bies
something like this would probably happen:
"n00bie68334: do the cells need to be in while it's cooking?"
"me: nope"
and so on -
kk thanks
and hmm, you're right, i'll use something like that -
ye not very practicle for ic2 api
like this:
Display More/* * new code to implement gregtechmod.api.ICapsuleCellContainer */ try { //will kill try block if it doesn't exist Class.forName("gregtechmod.api.ICapsuleCellContainer"); //creates special version of wood gas cell that implements ICapsuleContainer int id = IDHandler.getItemId("Wood Gas Cell"); Item item = new SimpleItem(id, texturepath + "items.png", 1).setItemName("Wood Gas Cell".toLowerCase()); LanguageRegistry.addName(item, "Wood Gas Cell"); craftingitems.put("Wood Gas Cell", item); }catch(Exception ex) { //normal version CIHandler.createCraftingItem("Wood Gas Cell", 1); }
itemwoodgascell implements a ICapsuleCellContainer that "doesn't" exist,
but it doesn't cause problems since it won't be loaded at runtime, since it is never used -
don't worry, I never get bored of users, just that it's not going to be made for a bit so I'm not going to commit yet
error 1: I get that error from time to time too, but it's not in my code, it's something with the ic2 api, so go bug al
error 2: that's not intentional, enable debug in the core cfg and give me the contents of the output file (debug.txt in .minecraft folder)
error 3: fixing it now
error 4: ik I ran out of room -
np, just doing my job
haha, I beat you to it
now updated for IC2 1.106
we'll see
oops sry about that, i'll get that fixed in a sec
edit: ok it's up, sry for the inconvience