Agreed, during war time you can NOT connect. For some reason....
This post was a few hours before it started. You and Ark combat log.
Do stfu.
Agreed, during war time you can NOT connect. For some reason....
This post was a few hours before it started. You and Ark combat log.
Do stfu.
Is it me, or the server connection got so weak that I can no longer connect?
When we update.
Someone should probably make a poll to decide whether or not it is erased.
IF It's not able to be converted then....
Erase but keep active players or reps homes. The map is mined up, blown-out, lagged areas and getting crowded. New map would come with new challenges and keep new players active ( having something to mine and build instead of moving in a pre-made home, get bored and leave).
guys about my ban
im prepared to give my lappack to artic and his friends and my diamond drill in return for my unbanning please think about this proposal
Another war declaration 5 Pm Est, and ty for the town red
What the shit......
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hi today me seksan2 gave artics coords to the blues
i was doing it in a joking manner but unfortunately they didnt take it like that andnext minute i was banend
i am emailing to say sorry about this incident and asking for a second chance
please mensrea ur the best
Yes, I banned you and I gave you several warnings and chances to leave them alone, yet you still went on. What you told blue was true, and I'm not taking that as a joke.
To clarify, the powers I (and Tumuchfkingcreep) wield to ban other players will not be used (by me) for people simply using certain words. I'll only pull the banhammer if people are consistently using unproductive, annoying, and jerkish insults for no real reason, as has recently been the case. If you wanna say 'F*** you' or call someone a 'pussy' after they kill you, or if they're crouching behind a wall for ten minutes to hide from you, that's perfectly alright. If you're bored and want to provoke a global chat flamewar by randomly insulting everyone on the other team for five minutes straight, that's not alright. This server is for war, not for being a dick. You know who you are.
Flamewar? So that's what happened during Feb when I was away?
You had a very nice melon square there. Let me tell you why I chose to strike it...
I'm black, bitches.
Truce between blue and red signed at 10:02 pm EST. In affect until wartime 6pm 12-21-11
I signed nothing.
I hereby declare war on Blue Team on the time of 6:00 p.m. est.
I do believe the 24-hour still applies.
Gonna shove lead down his throat...
We can't move in Red base.
Can't wait for this server portal to happen.
And, my friends, remember; we might have left the Iroquois Longhouse, but we sure as hell NEED MORE PAPOOSE!!!!!
What's papoose?
Crashing awfully a lot. I freeze, get a blue screen stating something about buildcraft 2.2.5, then it goes black.
Blue team has officially surrendered. Hostilies scheduled for today have been called off.
Darn, I was hoping they were faking their forfeit.
I'm getting a Bad packet id 230 message when I attempt to join the server. When I go into single player, none of the mods are present. I have modloader installed already, what could be the problem?
Hey is server down? cnat tell, pplz said it was down earlier as well
I'm having the same problem as well. I guess it is down.