I like this mod and espeically the advanced basic machines, but the adv. Solar Panales are way to powerfull /cheap in my mind.
You need one LV + 8 Panals and u get the same output from eight Original Solar Panales just in one block. And the more costs are only a LV.
Thats way to cheap / overpowered.
I can't see how anyone could think that's unbalanced or overpowered. People who have claimed that solar power is OP have typically relied on one of two possible justifications:
1) Solars are too cheap to construct: Well, this doesn't make them any less expensive! You want 8 EU of power, you need 8 solars either way. You want to make it more compact? You marry them to a transformer.
2) Solars cause too much lag: If you're in this camp, this fix should be a welcome change for you! After all, it's 1/8 the amount of eNet calculations!
So, what's your problem with it, really? that they don't take up enough space now? Are you even listening to how absurd that sounds?