Posts by HeadHunter67

    Nice to see you bringing this to the IC forums! It sounds like a lot of good possibility.

    My only recommendation is that tin tools should have less durability than iron. On its own, tin is very malleable and doesn't make for good tools.

    Yes, a rechargeable "flint and steel" is a good idea - and it's sensible to run on fuel. It would probably only need one cell and should have quite a lot of uses out of that.

    Depending on the speed, it would have a higher block/sec then the diamond drill.

    Say, 1 second for the Diamond drill for one block.
    Say, 3 seconds for the Tunneling Drill for 9 blocks.

    That's 3 blocks a second.

    Then I would suggest you rephrase your original post, because the phrase "slower than a diamond drill" does not in any way imply what you just explained. In this case, at least it does have a piurpose, though it's still not worth the expense. If you consider something that requires 16 diamonds and mines as fast as a diamond drill "OP as hell", I'm not sure what you think WOULD be a fair expense. Even the Quarry requires only 11 diamonds and the time it takes to make a 9x9 hole to bedrock is many times faster than a diamond drill, count on it.

    Ok, Then lets remove the automated miner from the game. After all, Nothing stops you from manually using your drill to get those ores yourself, Far faster, and for less energy too. Unless that only applies to new ideas, and not ideas already implemented.

    Oh, and a build-craft quarry is clearly useless! Look how slow it moves, unless you use an obscene amount of fuel to power it, I mean, I certainly could clear that out with my drill far faster than it would.. Now If only i didn't rather stay home and decorate my house instead....

    Your sarcasm would be amusing if you actually comprehended the difference beween a TOOL and a MACHINE. Miners and Quarries are set, powered externally and operate independently. The device in the OP is clearly intended (by the batpack reference) to be man-portable - and if you have to carry a tool, wouldn't you prefer one that would work quicker to do the same thing... and have a longer battery life?

    Seriously, how long does it take you to make a 3x3x1 tunnel with a diamond drill? As for the Quarry (or the Miner) - I'd like to see you dig a 9x9 hole down to bedrock faster than either machine can.

    If you're going to be snarky, first make sure you know what you're talking about - because as it stands, you just sound foolish.

    What you would have to do is take the oil materilizer textures and resize them to the size of the HD textures then copy them into the HD texture image, in the same row and column they are in, in my mods texture file. I think that will work, it's really not a supported feature while it's just a placeholder texture.

    Scooby-Do mystery solved. I discovered that somehow I pasted into the wrong row. As usual, another problem accounted for by user error. :S

    Now, if I can just figure out why my redstone transport pipes are invisible... :cursing:


    3x more coolant compared to a fuel burning combustion engine.

    It uses more EU.

    Yes it is for batteries, currently you can only use Tier 1 batteries (RE and such). I have to ask the IC2 team what their stance is on using crystals in machines. The code supports it but none of their machines use the crystals directly; you have to have a MFE or MFSU.

    Thanks, that's about what I thought. As for crystals, I know that the Advanced Miner that F4113nb34st did uses crystals - and it's one of the main mods I use. But for something like this, where a more widespread integration is desired and necessary, it would help to know what the "official" stance is.

    Wouldn't I just be better off using the drills? If it's slower and has fewer charges, it would be easier to just make the tunnel myself. I see no need to go to that expense for something that does the job worse than an existing tool.

    What does it matter? It's not like the last version is outdated or something. You need IC2 to use it, so if you're running Minecraft 1.8.1 you don't need a newer version of this mod yet.
    If you upgraded Minecraft to v1.0, you'd have to wait untin IC2 was updated for that version of Minecraft.

    I'm sure you're simply eager for the new features, but it sounds like a pretty ambitious undertaking and I wouldn't blame the author for waiting until IC2 is updated to the new Minecraft first.

    I've always been a "mix-and-match" kind of guy when it comes to Minecraft textures. I cobble together bits and pieces from packs I like for my own use, and my pack honestly iterates on almost a daily basis. I settled on 64x because to me, it's the best blend between detail and performance. 128x can look very nice but my computer isn't that new.

    So I learned everything about texture packs and Paint.NEt by doing it the hard way. I'm not an artist at all - hell, I'm so clumsy that if I pick up a pencil I'm more likely to draw blood than anything esle - but I have learned a few tricks for improving the textures I like and sometimes cobbling together others to suit the need (as I did with a couple of machines to match Warbaque's pack).

    Long story short, I found a lot of fun and satisfaction in customizing the pack I use to suit my style and my preferences, and I'd encourage others to learn the basics! This way, if you like this terrain tile, or that item, you can use them - and if you find a pack you like but want it at a lower resolution (or to upscale a pack to a higher one), it's not that hard!

    6tuple Crystal charge'? Probably not. I will offer 300k at max ^^ It's still far enough to wipe out a whole village with lazers.

    That's not unreasonable for a T2 pack - made with energy crystals. But if you're using lapotrons? Even if only one is needed for the recipe that's a mere 30% of the crystal's raw capacity. Perhaps I misunderstood your intended plan.

    Quick question on cooling:

    Conventional wisdom says a pump with three redstone engines will provide enough coolant for two fuel-using combustion engines. I am using the large electric engine (the one that takes MV) and it seems to be pulling more coolant than two combustion engines would. Any idea just how much cooling it needs by comparison?

    I'm trying to set up an automated refinery and currently, I have to offline the engine every so often while the coolant tank replenishes. And what is the penalty for an overheated electric engine? If it doesn't explode, what happens? Does it just run slower - or shut down entirely while it cools off?

    [Also, on a related note: On the Engine GUI, what is the slot under the power icon? Is it for a portable power source like a battery (if so, what can it accept?) or is it for coolant like a bucket of water?]

    That's exactly what I mean. When I used the default BC textures it was the typical expected white block. Now it seems it's looking somewhere that isn't textured.
    Comparing the HD sheet to the default, I don't see any difference - each block is represented on both, there are no missing spots.

    [EDIT: I see where it is... you've got the texture in a new place on your sheet! I'll add it and I think all should be OK.]
    [EDIT2: Nope, that didn't seem to work... maybe I'm modifying the wrong sheet?]

    I will warn you, though: If you reduce the size of the images, use "nearest neighbor" so they are not blurry. Also, overlay the transparency onto a colored backing sheet (like the purple default grid) so that you can erase the semi-transparent pixels you are bound to get from reducing the image. You can't easily see them on the sheet, but they are VERY noticable as white edges to the items in game.

    I discovered something almost as bad, something that only happens once you start using BuildCraft as well...

    I was trying to get the Oil Fabricator to work and was having trouble. I knew the MFSU and wiring were good because the Mass Fabricator I was using had sat in the same spot and worked fine. Well, of course in BC you don't need a wrench to pick up machines, you break them with your pick...

    Which is what I did to the MassFab. As I sat staring at the Advanced Machine Block it left behind, all I could think of was how I'd need to make another Lapotron Crystal. Sonofa...