works on 1.97?
Posts by streetstar5
Does this really not work with EE?
Sphax 64x & 128x textures available for version 1.1.6
Thread here:…-nuclear-control-v112-v01
...just a thought: have you tried checking the version of IC the mod is for? You know, the number in the title?
This mod requires Modloader/MLMP. Since you can't have MLMP and forge, you can't use this in SMP.
From the update 1 page back, the mod requires forge/fml - it doesnt need mlmp anymore, therefor its smp ready for 1.2.5 with forge.
at fr.a(
at ModLoader.addRecipe(
at mod_modrills.load(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(
at ahu.<init>(
at ahu.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT fe78cde8 ---------- -
works fine for me on 1.95b
added mlmp no problems, and using forge .102 -
keep up the good work
how about Immibis mods (Tubestuff) which has a mkII crafting table that works with tubes, and also a buffer.…123125-immibiss-mods-smp/ -
i use 4096 fix from inficraft thread if i were you
Pretty sure uranium will have an EMC value. Of about 49k EMC or 6 diamonds is 1 Uranium. Word from pahimar himself, with ic2 devs approval.
Then don't use it in your game.
True that! Anyway - look forward for charcoal dust in 1.95
Because they were too busy on fixing ModloaderMP-Problems?
Not an excuse for why a known bug was not fixed.
IC2 Error when placing charging bench (I use the fix for mc 1.2.5)
Display More2012-04-22 14:14:43 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ModLoader.openGUI(Lih;ILni;Lew;)V at ic2chargingbench.platform.ChargingBenchMod.launchGUI( at ic2chargingbench.common.BlockChargingBench.a( at wd.a( at mm.a( at ii.a(SourceFile:39) at qq.b( at mm.a( at fk.a(SourceFile:107) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at
Its not updated for ic2 1.95/MC 1.2.5 yet?
where's modloader? and why is there a server and client for Forge installed?
in the new 1.90 jar - i dont even see a neiIntergration folder
Ughhh next patch for a fix >.>, i wasnt planning to update to 1.2.4 (Because i would have to wait for every other mod to update too... Fuck my life)
Yea this is getting pretty annoying, especially game breaking bugs like this with small fixes should be released to the public immediately. I guess they stop doing hotfixes and should let us continue with something major, being broken. I demand you get new beta testers! how can something like this get past them and make it into the release. Seriously?
The code CB gave me has machines too.
Do the right thing RichardG