Posts by Narthok the red slayer

    more bull shit how am i without doubt a cheater your evidence alone defies our modern law of the fact that you are innocent until proven guilty so your philosophy is guilty until proven innocent which you are proving impossible to do by banning me each time i attemt to reason with you coming back to the evidence all i said is that i know how to do it MISTIC KNOWS HOW TO DO IT TO WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE BANNED i think this is just a massively stupid stunt that your pulling because for some reason or other your being stubborn about the fact that u dont want to be proven wrong because you have no proff and falsely accused me no court of law would jail someone for knowing how to smoke weed it is only done for smoking weed so your intire logic proccess is dumb show me some proof that i was cheating besides quotes hard evidence of my personal safe exploding with quantum helmets until then stop being stubborn and admit im innocent
    sincerly: narthok
    ps: the reds suck
    pps: markman1111 sucks
    ppps: im innocent

    Narthok, for goodness' sake, please stop. You were banned for breaking rules and being rude. Mensrea insulted you in none of the ways you are claiming, and you're simply throwing a tantrum. Can you not simply move on?

    this is just retarded u cant be banned for being rude as the server is operated in a free country at most u could kick me or temp ban me for that and this breaking rule thing is fucking bull shit stop claiming that i did something when the only proof u had that i did anything was me saying yea i know how to do it so this whole thing is extremely stupid and somehow i was banned because of mr cool dude helmet chest which had nothing to do with me after you busted me the first time i was never caught duping afterwards so please just admit im innocent and i will leave the server

    i refuse just to piss you off mark because you suck
    this whole thing is bull shit so i mise well stop covering for mr cool i dont c how its fair that im being smashed for a crime that i didn't commit but my freind did like seriously mens how stupid can u get that u can continuously blame me with no proof whatsoever i just find this whole thing stupid that i was banned after having an enjoyable honest war on the server were i did no cheating i will still claim this no matter how much of a retard mark is claiming that im cheating just because he wants me off the server so wtf man :cursing:

    mens after your recent comments on the economique state of europe i am offended for one thing i live in north america and my family makes a more then enough money to buy our fucking groceries second of all i'm insulted at your language towards my mother insult me all you want but fuck off about her i have lost all respect for you as an admin that i once respected i hope you enjoy your server as i certainly won't
    sincerly in best regards to blue team(barring markman1111 and every other person on the sever)

    :Quantum-Bodyarmor: also who told u that i live in portugal ? my backround is german/british so im confused about what u are talking about MinecraftCreeper MinecraftCreeper MinecraftCreeper MinecraftCreeper MinecraftCreeper MinecraftCreeper

    :Quantum-Leggings: btw menstrea because im not a terrible admin and my players actually like me you arent banned from my server i actually find ppl that are guilty instead of doing guilty until proven innocent

    :Quantum-Boots: oh btw just a hint im duping q suits in your forum as well you fucking disrespectful bastard

    its nice to know that ppl dont believe that i have faith in god so thanks for that mens
    also your philosiphy is basically guilty until proven innocent which is kind of annoying and you havent let me speak for myself so thanks for that aswell
    also you have let a shit load of duping go on by "ppl who shall remain unnamed" and the fact that mark takes two picks of my original dupe which was forgiven then submits it to you is a reason for banning is just retarded so yea
    thanks for the fun server if im unbanned ill be thankful but other wise
    take it easy
    narthok out
    ps:also i win because i somehow became the most hated person on the server MinecraftNotch
    pps:also the only haxs i used were rei's mini map so yea

    hey mens im just saying pic 8 says that i only know how to do it it says nothing about me doing it and mr cool dude admits on skype that that was his chat so i dont c why i have to be banned that is like saying you are guilty until proven innocent so please can u just not ban me i didn't dupe i swear i dont know why i was banned for simply admitting that i know how to do something thats like being jailed for knowing how to smoke inside a building
    thanks for your time

    Dear mensrea
    this is narthok the red slayer :D so why is our clan banned from what i hear some nooby reds reported that three important blue players and a cannon fodder got banned for inf health hack which i think is bull shit one they said they had q helms in my safe i can confidently swear to god that i had no q helms in my safe also my armor was 100% legit mistic gave it to me also i didn't fight anyone so how can i have been accused of health haxs if i never fought anyone. also if you are going to ban me for some random reason me and all of the other blue commanders didn't use any health haxs or duped armor cause mark would have tattled the hell out of me because he is like a creepy mc stalker or something anyway please dont make us redo the war we worked hard to go online during the war doing our homework in advanced etc but somehow the reds who are terrible sore losers decided that your mod detecter didnt work and that somehow half our team had the x-ray mod so thanks
    sincerly: narthok the red slayer
    ps: reds suck
    pps: :D we won the war