G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
i refuse just to piss you off mark because you suck
this whole thing is bull shit so i mise well stop covering for mr cool i dont c how its fair that im being smashed for a crime that i didn't commit but my freind did like seriously mens how stupid can u get that u can continuously blame me with no proof whatsoever i just find this whole thing stupid that i was banned after having an enjoyable honest war on the server were i did no cheating i will still claim this no matter how much of a retard mark is claiming that im cheating just because he wants me off the server so wtf man -
Narthok, for goodness' sake, please stop. You were banned for breaking rules and being rude. Mensrea insulted you in none of the ways you are claiming, and you're simply throwing a tantrum. Can you not simply move on?
this is just retarded u cant be banned for being rude as the server is operated in a free country at most u could kick me or temp ban me for that and this breaking rule thing is fucking bull shit stop claiming that i did something when the only proof u had that i did anything was me saying yea i know how to do it so this whole thing is extremely stupid and somehow i was banned because of mr cool dude helmet chest which had nothing to do with me after you busted me the first time i was never caught duping afterwards so please just admit im innocent and i will leave the server
And mistic you and 90% of the people on blue are not banned; this is just narthok, tedd and the cooldudes.
Narthok is without a doubt a cheater.
Tedd is supposed to show me something.
Mrcooldude and doud are temp banned because I find it hard to believe they were not aware of narthok cheating.
Let me clarify one thing; the people on blue aside from the ones I listed above have been nothing but honest and upfront with me about all this. I wouldnt even have evidence if it wasnt for blue team being so honorable.
Do not let the actions of the few determine your perception of the entire team.
more bull shit how am i without doubt a cheater your evidence alone defies our modern law of the fact that you are innocent until proven guilty so your philosophy is guilty until proven innocent which you are proving impossible to do by banning me each time i attemt to reason with you coming back to the evidence all i said is that i know how to do it MISTIC KNOWS HOW TO DO IT TO WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE BANNED i think this is just a massively stupid stunt that your pulling because for some reason or other your being stubborn about the fact that u dont want to be proven wrong because you have no proff and falsely accused me no court of law would jail someone for knowing how to smoke weed it is only done for smoking weed so your intire logic proccess is dumb show me some proof that i was cheating besides quotes hard evidence of my personal safe exploding with quantum helmets until then stop being stubborn and admit im innocent
sincerly: narthok
ps: the reds suck
pps: markman1111 sucks
ppps: im innocent -
So I'm wonder why I'm still banned?
ID : Nikisamale
I didn't do anything wrongI just wanna play...
I think ya'll have me confused/mixed up with that Nar guy >.> -
As quoted by my friend who read this over my shoulder during class.
"At this point he's just using big words."
Which I found hilarious.
The coordinates of the vault entrance are as follows:
Z:58At 6 PM EST it will be open. The team that can hold it undisputed for the longest amount of time in a 1 hour period wins the round.
The final battle on the map will take place shortly...a demolition war.
Here are some before pictures of the bases:
I will be judging based off the % damage done to those surface structures. Team whose capitals have the least % destroyed wins this round.
Afterwards the server will be going down. Im doing some hardware and software upgrades then the new map will be ready. Shouldnt take more 2 hours.
Ye pretty close, we got red real good at the center and the solar, and gold looks amazing except the walls xD Not to mention the creeper holes we didnt clean up
Green base took it hard, but we got no damage on the walls excpet bot of the pic wall. Blue base was its hanger and center with im guessing 4, because obviously they needed to spread their nukes.
The prob with these pics is they dont show the side, i want side pics T_T -
Sooo.... Who won?
Sooo.... Who won?
Cashhh, wish I could have been on for it. Btw, any word on when server will be up and running with new mods?
Cashhh, wish I could have been on for it. Btw, any word on when server will be up and running with new mods?
I heard 11
I heard 11
Awesome, sounds good.
Nach: I don't want those anyway so it doesn't matter. If we need an item that mobs drop I will add it to the vending machines so people can trade for it.
Any update on the server Mens?
New capitols are at X:0 Y:800/-800.
Both teams have vaults that are open to them.
The resource field is located at spawn and each team has an oil deposit.
Here are the coordinates:
TIN: X:130 Z:14
COPPER: X:118 Z:-77
COAL: X:116 Z:95
IRON: X:22 Z:-19The resource field is now under the city. Enjoy your urban warfare.
Vaults have vending machines in them so I will no longer be conducting trades. Whatever I used to trade is now available at the vending machines. If they are empty let me or nik know.
Locations are marked with stone pillars. A bedrock pillar stands at the center of each capitol.
I did not dissolve teams but picked new reps. If you dont like them vote them out.
Red - Tumuchfkingcreep, ndelmnco, cc1010100
Blue - markman1111, misticblade7. ixipulseixi -
I thought i was a rep, or is it just the people who was on the team origionaly and didnt switch for the war only going to be reps? (Idk what team ndelmo was on (Sorry ik i spelt your name wrong))
P.S. I need the .minecraft, i think i emailed u both on fourm and email.
Can you update the OP to show what mods are required to run on the server? I saw a few posts where you said you were planing on removing vehicles and such... didn't know if we still need planes or not...