Could someone provide me with ihl .256 as the post does not look to have that version and I cannot find anything on the wiki for previous versions.
Thanks invultri.
Posts by Schleiden
Invulti attached it to his post, go to page 107.
Thanks I did not see that when I was scrolling to see if anyone asked before.
Would someone be kind enough to provide the version of extra cells being used as it is not available from the Jenkins downloads?
Would someone be able to provide the needed required version of Carpenter's Blocks as it has been updated.
Would anyone be able to provide Baubles as I am not able to find it and it is not automatically downloading from TC4.
Lol, self note : Don't go in the end without a Q suit, even with a partially full ( Without counting helm ) nanosuit with every thing having Protection 4 and thorns 3 ( thx to TC4 fish golems ), I think I'm gonna die pretty fast XD
Those wailers can two shot you even with enchanted Thaumium Fortress armor.
Cassiterite spawns in granite at any height. Cassiterite sands spawn along coastlines.
Would someone be kind enough to provide PFAA 0.2.17 as I cannot find it on the forum post.
Would someone be able to provide Bibliowoods Forestry v1.6
ME ME PICK ME!!!! I only haven't logged on in 1,5 monnths
The sooner you get back on the sooner we can link the 7 people left on K1 by locomotive. Like we planned 1.5 months ago.
I had an issue with the nether earlier today on K1, where I had gone through the portal and appeared above a lava ocean and fell in, I disconnected before I had died. Because of that I was not able to ask if there were issues with the nether on K1. So I am here to ask if anybody else has gone into the nether since the update on k1 and if so whether this issue has occurred before.
Fuck PFAA, i did numbers in MCEdit and it generated shit, ore is ridiculously low! There is nothing. Not worth playing.
I compared it to TFC worldgen and it have 100x-1000x less usable ore. This is not even funny.
I don't use MCEdit but I assume that either you are not putting in all of the ores, you have really bad rocks, or terrible luck. Also I find tfc ores except Iron too common.
Almost everything in PFAA that does not either have rubble or cobblestone/brick variant is a mineral and all of them except graphite have a yield. -
That wiki is confusing. Only if there was list like blue schist contain this and this, basalt this, but SEDEX,BIF,VMS, that is real confusing stuff for me
If I remember correctly the wiki says how much of what generates in each deposit such as Molybdite having something like 10℅ and Chalcopyrite being 20℅ in porphys(or however they are spelled.) As the ore generation is meant to derive from real geology you can use Wikipedia or a reference book. It seems that the reason for the wiki to have entries such as SEDEX is to make it easier, deposits under the same name such as SEDEX are always the same baseline unless mentioned otherwise. When it gets to that point such as the hydrothermal deposits( I think the wiki creator called them something else that involves igneous deposits) it says how they varry, such example would be Cinnabar being found in Basalt in ocean biomes.
But i found next to nothing, not even a one type of crap, just really really rare amount of copper and bauxite.
Again the rocks depend on the biome, I assume you went digging in either a swamp or jungle as you found bauxite. Also the minerals that you find are dependent upon the rock, for example Banded Iron Ore is abundant in Sedimentary rocks such as Limestone, Mud stone and Clay stone however you would not find it naturally occurring in Igneous Extrusive rocks such as Basalt. You need to know where the minerals can form to and where the rocks will generate to get the ores you want, also not all of the ores will say (Copper) such as Malachite which can be smelted to yield copper. With PFAA you need to either have some background in geology or look at the wiki instead of digging randomly and hoping to come across the ores you want. Some of the ores are rarer than others Pitchblende for example can be found in every rock whilst Banded Iron ore and Coal only generate in sedimentary rocks but the latter will be much more abundant.
That is because different ores and minerals are found in different rocks and rocks are based on biome.
Is anybody able to provide me a Custom Ore Generation 1.2.4, the forum post does not seem to have it.
That moment when you have an hour to kill, and you've been off the server for a bit... so many changes... much modlist.... very discouraging
I am yet to make it function properly for me.