Posts by yeganer

    I have a small suggestion:

    Let steam turbines accept steam from other steam turbines that run with steam and not superheated steam. That way one could chain more steam turbines together and every added turbine would be less efficient than the one before, so it would be a self balancing system. The only thing to keep in mind is that there is no perpetual motion. So the electric heat generation must be less efficient than the energy generation from heat. If one would chain 10 Steam turbines the result would be ~ 7 Steam turbines running with full steam power.
    One suggestion would be to change the excess steam to 50% that way the series would converge to 2 (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... = 2)

    EDIt: Of course other values can be chosen to balance towards a specific efficiency.
    One could change the electrical heat generator to be as efficient as a setup with infinite Steam Turbines.

    After reading a bit and playing around with the new Steam Generator i can only repeat kaldskryke: Awesome work!!

    With the pressure valve one can set the target temperature (T>374°C gives superheated steam) which equals a valve of 220 bar. This works at 1mb/t input and 200h/t. Increasing the temperature further doesn't change anything yet i think.

    I tried testing this with a kin. steam generator and i got explosions all the time, so i guess there is some WIP going on with them.

    When i added a 3rd liquid heat exchanger the GUI of all 3 heat exchangers stated 100/100 heat transfer but the Steam generator only stated it needed 200h/t. After checking the liquid tanks of the heat exchangers, i found out, only 2 consumed coolant, the 3rd just stated 100/100 but didn't use any coolant. Seems like a updating a variable is missing there.

    Sometimes i managed to have steam in the inputtank and this completely screwed the thing up. i wasn't able to pull the steam out of the input tank and the thing wasn't doing anything so i have no idea. I i think it happened when the water in the inputtank went empty and somehow the steam generator filled its own tank with steam.

    Since the Steam Generator is able to produce superheated steam, i guess there will be no Steam superheater, right?

    i think it would be a great option for both of them to run of hU/t. But i think it would be more like optional instead of required.

    On the other hand it wouldn't be logical since the temperatur of the heat generators would me much lower than the heat required for smelting/thermally centrifuging the materials. (Although the Blast furnace uses hU/t which seems not logical in this case, too)

    Ideas i have for changes/improvements:

    When mining blocks with inventory, return block + inventory instead of dropping inventory to the ground.
    The way the adv. miner works currently is, that each miner tick, it checks one block. If it is not on blacklist/is on whitelist it will mine it. Thats great, but slow. Since the thing is damn expensive and has the ability to 1. teleport and 2. locate ores(Scanner) it would be more logical to me, if it jumped to the blocks it can mine instead of checking every block. In that case the speed could be slowed down even more. The thing i liked about the normal miner was the way it mined ores. Instead of just making a big hole like the quarry does, it mined towards the ores. At the moment the adv. miner is just a configurable ic2 quarry which is cool, but there is nothing that makes the adv. miner exceptionally better and i would like it to be something really cool.

    I played around with it in creative so far.

    • It needs a redstone signal.
    • It needs power.
    • It puts items into the next valid inventory.
    • You need a OD/OV Scanner. The higher Tier one gives a greater area(don't know the numbers out of my head)
    • You can use Overclocker Upgrades to speed it up. Inserting them while it is running will break it and you will have to break and replace the miner for it to work again. (Gonna submit a bug report as soon as steam cycle is fully implemented, don't want to distract Thunderdark ;) )
    • For the Whitelist/Blacklist you need to put the item in, that would be mined. For example cobblestone to blacklist stone mining (assuming SilkTouch is disabled). I'll make some suggestions regarding the Adv. Miner later (after steam cycle, you know)
    • The whitelist works as inventory, i.e. it stores the items you put in there. (Not like AE2 Import/Export Bus)

    Do you have some more questions?

    Turns out, the Single use Coolants are currently kind of what i just described, at least one can use them that way. And there are some really interesting designs possible with them xD

    All one needs is 2 heat reactors and a ME system to change components ;)

    Which mods won't update for 1.7? that is like completely stupid in my opinion...

    Unless they do a complete rewrite(like AE2) i don't see the benefit of skipping 1.7
    Most mods i consider adding to a modpack have a dev version for 1.7 or are on the verge of releasing a beta/dev version.
    I think in 1-2 month most important mods have a stable 1.7.10 version.

    Hey guys,

    When i played around with the new heat reactor i noticed single use coolants are completely useless in them. This got me thinking how to make them useful in heat reactors and several ideas came to my mind.

    • Make them like a heat storage. That means i could take a completely broken Single use coolant, put it in the heat exchanger and it will give it will recharge and produce heat.
    • Let them stay single use but add the heat they take to the heat output of the reactor, so if heat is consumed by them it will still produce hot coolant.
    • The last idea is the one i like the most and it could be implemented in two ways. The idea is that they are like a coolant storage, lets say 10k coolant for the smallest one. when i craft them, they are empty and i can fill them up with coolant(like universal fluid cells) when they are in a reactor, they will take the heat of adjacent components, like they do now and either output the hot coolant directly or heat up the coolant inside. In the first case after some time, one would have an empty coolant. In the second case i would get a "cell" with 10k hot coolant that i could put in a heat exchanger. After that process the "cell" could be filled again or if it would be too overpowered, destroyed. I know the last idea would need some balance changes to the recipe and somehow the thing needs to be attractive for EU reactors, too.

    What do you think about this idea? I really hope to see some mechanic changes for the heat reactor, since for now, there are 2 component categories which are useless(single use coolants and MOX fuel rods)

    The detection wouldn't be that difficult. Just check for a wall crossing the river, pick the first available water source block on one side of the wall, pick water source on other side of wall, compare y values -> power generation level.
    a bit more advanced would be a detection that ensures that on the "upstream" side of the wall(dam) all water source blocks are flat and above them is air and below are water sources until y of the water source of downstream side.

    Haven't asked yet but the jobs are all running with nice lvl of 19, so nobody should be bothered. The systems were all on idle before.

    Because there are no lectures at the moment nobody is sitting in the computer rooms. I'm not using some computing cluster that is running on heavy load 24/7 where i would delay scientific work, just some workstations in the computer rooms.

    I can always defend with the argument that i wanted to see how the genetic algorithm develops over time and that i am trying to optimize it. Since i am studying physics and programming is important i don't see a problem, but i'll ask the admin on monday.