Well, the IC2 thing would be a tier on its own, being the lowest. GT would scale up the production, consumption and efficiency.
IC2 fermenter and IC2 semifluid can't quite produce or consume biogas (the fluid should not be altered, just add it to GT diesel gen) at the same rate a GT distillation tower would produce and a GT diesel generator would consume.
I'm confused. I wanna say this makes sense but I'm not actually following it properly.
Right now we have:
Biochaff -> Canner/Enricher -> Fermenter(IC2) -> FluidHeatGenerators(IC2)
Ultimately I'd hope to see something like this as an additional option:
Biochaff -> Canner/Enricher -> Distillation Tower(GT) -> Diesel Engine(GT)
Alternatively I'd also be completely happy with:
Biochaff -> Canner/Enricher -> Fermenter(IC2) -> Distillation Tower(GT) -> Diesel Engine(GT)
(So we'd be distilling crappy-IC2-Biogas into high-grade Ethanol. Notwithstanding that they're theoretically the same thing, but we can assume IC2 is lower grade if we want)
I'd like to *avoid* this as the sole option although its fine as an additional option:
Biochaff -> Canner/Enricher -> Fermenter(IC2) -> Distillation Tower(GT) -> FluidHeatGenerators(IC2)