Posts by Pyure

    This looks fantastaic. Good job sir.

    * Do "filtered" blocks cost EU to process (scan and skip)?
    * Is it possible to define what depth to dig to? Particularly in GT 5.x, we want to dig specific depths.

    Really if I can whitelist specific blocks and they don't cost any/much EU, I could live without the second thing, although it would add pimp factor.

    Mementh, when you have time I'd like to see you do a Version II of your reactor walkthrough. It would be interesting to see you tackle the same topic but with your improved knowledge, and a bit more preparation.

    Set a goal for yourself to get it done in < 15 minutes if you think you can be that concise.

    I think "tutorial" is the wrong word for these types of videos. There's a lot of pioneering going on here, and people have to either be a bit more patient as the details are spooned out, or deal with lack of info.

    How closed is the distilled water loop? If its 100% closed, you can create the distilled water well before you need it, and speed isn't a critical factor.

    On the other hand if you tend to lose it over time, I can definitely see how you'd want a faster mechanism to create it as needed.

    Hate to break it to you, but the nuclear reactor doesn't output steam. At all. Either it outputs EU, or hot coolant. The hot coolant can be turned into IC2 steam, but the nuclear reactor will not do it by itself.

    Hiya Choco

    I don't think this is particularly relevant, especially if you consider the "reactor" as all its constituent parts, not just the blocks named "reactor." At the end of the day, his "Reactor Building" is still outputting something that would ideally streamline with existing steam.

    Whether the dev is interested in or capable of implementing such streamlining is what I and others are curious about.

    nonsense its not a Bug.. Reactor create IC2 Stream for good reasons BALANCE... if IC2 Steam is compatible with "default" Steam it would destroy Balance of other Mods líke Railcraft.,... and no i will not at a config option...

    Steam is traditionally a cross-mod integration medium. When mods decide to run their own direction with steam, it is, unfortunately, extremely cross-mod unfriendly and runs contrary to established norms, further limiting the access this mod can have to players.

    IC2 Cross-Mod compatibility score impact: -10.

    A reasonable argument might be that the steam carries more meta information than typical steam (to differentiate between types of water perhaps). Is this the primary obstacle?

    Would like to see someone more clever than myself propose an intelligent solution to this. If t-dark is some sort of developing-genius, he'll likely be interested in ideas that promote streamlining (steam is steam) over further fracturing.

    If a quick google and forum search doesn't turn up information I need on the first fecking page, I am going to ask on a forum. If I'm feeling particularly shy, I might spam spwnx a personal message instead. No I am not going to read two thousand pages of a thread. No, I won't even read 4 pages of a thread unless I know for sure my info is buried in there.

    IC2 and particularly GregTech change fast enough that an awful lot of the "useful" information floating around out there is half-useless by now anyway. Wikis cannot keep up. Fortunately, this is a forum , where people gather and discuss current issues. If you don't like hearing repeated discussions, then sorry, but it just sucks to be you. Go discuss it with your shrink and see if you can work it out.

    Hell, I might ask today and forget 3 months from now. I will ASK AGAIN. Too bad for anyone who hates that. Fortunately the majority of the community recognizes this as a community affair and not just a knowledge repository.

    "This has been requested before..."

    I know :p

    That thread and another reminded me of it. In fact I believe I mentioned this a few months ago.

    Gregtech Intergalactical mining tools should be amazing. High-tier ones at least.

    I'm relatively new to GT 5 and am still exploring all the fun options.

    Do any of the mining tools at our disposal yet do an AOE? This has been requested before, so I'd like to add my voice to the chorus: Would like to see a mining drill/jackhammer that isn't weaksauce compared to a TiCo Hammer or Excavator. 3x3 would be nice. 2x2 would be dandy. 1x2(tall) would be acceptable.

    Does not need to be equal. Does not need to be better. But a TiCo hammer beats anything at my current disposal, including a mining laser, and I refuse to install TiCo.

    A high-level jackhammer should blow through rock like a rock star.

    If there's already an addon-addon that addons this, I'll add it on.

    This is fantastic info guys, thanks.

    I can't imagine ppl will come running from TiCo though unless there are area-smashing equivalents for the hammer and excavator (not necessarily 3x3 but better than 1x1)

    When terrain-prepping an area, I can't think of any handheld tools in GT that are nearly as handy. The laser mining drill is fun as hell but doesn't quite cut it.

    First off, glad to see you on this forum :)

    iirc, something you said on other forum convinced me to participate here. So, um, kudos?

    Regarding my e-net question, I'm genuinely interested: is there actually any info out there? So far all I've found is that the current one is a temporary plug. This is cool. However, I'd like to know if there's any official commentary on what we might expect from the new version (whether its a remake of the original IC2, or something else, or what)

    Thursdays: I rip on thursdays on thursdays. Talk to me again on Mon-Wed and you'll likely find I have a new arch-nemesis.

    With regards to the forum being fine-as-is:

    As someone with only passing familiarity with this forum specifically, I can agree with the OP that its...a bit of a clustersomething.

    Generally speaking, I can't make heads or tails of it. Finding what I want is nearly impossible, and the amount of text on the screen is overwhelming.

    This is in contrast to...well, seriously, every other forum I've ever seen in the last 10 years. Functionally it may work for veterans on this forum, but its offputting for new players in general, and those who are accustomed to, say, the FTB forum in particular.

    Regarding the E-Net: how the hell do I find info on it? Is there any public info, or is everyone basically just being patient until we learn what it will entail? My googling is failing hard here.

    Regarding multi-blocks: Agree with the OP mostly. I love multiblocks, pointless or otherwise.

    Regarding multi-processes: Agree, but understand that this is far outside the scope of the project.

    Regarding Thursdays: they should act more like Fridays.