Posts by Pyure

    I figured the efficiency settings already affected the fuel consumption rather than the output. As far as "balancing", it actually seems a bit more realistic to me for it to be a tradeoff, where one would choose two of the following three attributes for a power generation setup: compact, fast, efficient.

    They probably do, that's what makes it silly. There's no need to slap on repeated layers of efficiency. Just have input/output and have done.

    You make a good point about realism. The problem isn't actually realism too much, more game design. When we talk about flavours of machines (different types of macerators for instance) there's two ways you can "grow". You can grow progressively (where you accomplish higher tiers of technology via aluminium, stainless steel, etc) or laterally (adding addons to a machine to make it do different things)

    The problem is that GT sort of gets the two mixed up. Greg tries to combine the notion of higher technology with overclocking, but they're two different concepts. In game design, a progression-based change should always meet the criteria "better is better." If you *earn* stainless steel technology via a tech tree, it should be *better* than what came before it. Conversely if you *choose* to add addons to an existing machine (overclocks) that *can* justifiably be a balanced change.

    Right now an advanced macerator is just an overclocked macerator. The pros (faster, smaller space, fewer lossy eu-connections) are offset by the costs (inefficient energy consumption).

    A better design (ahem, one that makes money in gaming) is that an advanced macerator is equal to or better than the basic macerator in every way. That does not mean triple productivity over and over again. It could be that each machine only increases speed by 20% or something. But this is something that everyone wants.

    To have his cake and eat it too, Greg (or blood asp!) could add back overclockers as a feature. These are lateral-improvements. It absolutely makes sense for these to increase the output rate of a machine at some cost (efficiency or resources or space or whatever)

    Huh, a space-based lateral overclocker...that would be so amazing if you had the option to plonk a 4 block-multiblock attachment to a macerator to increase its production speed by 25% and no efficiency degradation.

    For those of you who want to balance the generators such that the ideal setup of 4 generators around a transformer is equal to a single generator of the next tier, here are some efficiencies I calculated.
    Diesel/Gas: LV = 0.9000, MV = 0.84706, HV = 0.802139
    Steam: LV = 0.66667, MV = 0.62745, HV = 0.60844
    Ideal generator: LV = 1.0000, MV = 0.94118, HV = 0.91266

    Personally I feel that the efficiency stat adds an unnecessary level of design fluff. Efficiency is already a factor of energy produced over fuel consumption, an additional level doesn't contribute anything. Game-design-wise, you can accomplish the exact same thing simply by increasing the fuel consumption.

    In the industry we call that "streamlining" :p

    As soon as BA feels his branch is stable, I'm gonna replace GT5 with (OpenGT5? GT5-UNLEASHED? GT5-THENEXTGENERATION????) and tweak it accordingly. All "efficiencies" will be set to 100% or ignored in computation. Basic generators will consume fuel at a less-ideal rate than more advanced generators.

    I will never have to consider older, crappy tech to be superior again :)

    Its not always day in the twilight forest. Its always twilight in the twilight forest.

    If a dev decides that starlight or moonlight or twilight or firefly light isn't enough light to generate "solar" power, that's justifiable.
    the soft, diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, either from daybreak to sunrise or, more commonly, from sunset to nightfall.
    the period in the morning or, more commonly, in the evening during which this light prevails.

    DreamMaster I've seen some of your other cool stuff so I have faith, but how the hell did you manage to integrate TiCo in a balanced fashion w/o its tools completely deprecating everything from GT/IC2?

    I mean who the hell would build a 22nd Century Mining Laser of Doom if you can just make a much-better Big Hammer.

    And can anyone explain me please, why conveyour cover draining power from atached machine but can work perfectly without any power on pipe? If i can easyly avoid power to leak this way, why this leakage exist in the first place?

    This is a fundamental game-design error, I'm surprised greg still tolerates it. I could see him fudging this a couple years ago but he knows better now.

    5x5 reactors create hot coolant which needs to be dealt with. You remove it from the system via a Reactor Port, whereupon most people put that hot coolant into a Liquid Heat Exchanger, which they use to heat steam, to get kinetic energy that they turn into electricity. What's happening here is instead of making steam, I'm using multiple heat exchangers to heat multiple fermenters, making a ton of biogas burned in 53 semifluid generators, all fed by that one source: Hot coolant from the 5x5 reactor ( that and sugar ;) )

    Awesome, thanks for clarifying. I take it you've confirmed that the result produces more energy than steam/kinetic? (I would imagine so at a glance)

    The Range Trigger might be buggy, it's kinda underused :P

    GT has it's own energy system; and I don't want to put a soft dependency on it (the 5 minute load time is bad as a player, but as a modder...). GregTech has it's own special sensor card that might be worth looking into. If that doesn't work it's always ok to annoy Greg :P

    Goddammit :p

    Ok well its funny you mentioned greg's sensor. I noticed it last night independently. *IF* it actually works on RC tanks it may solve my problem.

    I tried to get an RC tank to emit redstone when its 75% full by using BC gates, but there's only a LESS THAN 75 condition. So I inverted that with a NOT gate, but then I couldn't get it to only emit pulse signals(I need just a pulse in order to get an SR Latch to work properly I think). Blah blah long story short, hopefully the BC works, I'll probably have to use a pipe or a machinebox or something as a "structure pipe" against the RC valve.

    The Range Trigger block describes what you want; it's just that the Range Trigger detects energy amounts rather then liquid amounts.

    Holy crap, I had no idea this block existed. You're right, it makes a million times more sense to use this. I'm excited if you can pull it off :)

    BTW I tried to use the energy sensor kit on GT battery buffers last night to no avail. Is this something you're interested in implementing at any point?

    I can certainly see where its not as simple as reading the single value of an MFSU for what its worth.

    But it already requires a redstone signal to light up, so that'd not make sense. It should really have it's own block like the average counter if it were to output redstone.

    Woops, I'm using advanced ones and forgotten that the regular ones require redstone (granted the advanced one is just inverted and can require redstone too)

    But yeah, that's just another reason for it to be another block.

    Range Trigger supporting the liquid card? I'd like to look into adding that in next biggish update.

    I don't understand your reply :\ To keep things super simple, I might suggest something like making the display panel itself emit 0-15 redstone signal depending on the fullness of the storage tank. So if the tank is full, 15. If its empty, 0. Etc.

    Bonus if it were another machine other than the display panel however, since that's not intended for logic.

    Xbony, is there any way for me to use your liquid sensor kit to place a card into ... something that will output redstone signals depending on the amount of liquid detected?

    PS: I'd forgotten how much I love the display panels. I was playing with them again last night have a long hiatus. Too much fun :)

    I agree. Its sometimes misleading. It takes me looking for a recipe not by name, but by its description. And imho "blend-o-matic" fits better to Mixer, not the Macerator. But from other side its fun somehow. Its like the top of the roof. Unique names for tier 5 are fine. But if other tiers would have unique names, then its gonna be a mess imho.

    I'd be totally satisfied if the "tier" name was in brackets.

    Blend-o-matic 3000 (Macerator III)
    Blend-o-tron 4000 (Macerator IV)
    Scuisinart 5000 (Macerator V)

    Or whatever.

    Okay, so, thank you for the reply, I've done some further experimenting, and came to the conclusion, that the main problem now is a bit buggy.
    I am now using BC pipes to move the distilled water around but whatever I connect to the steam generator, it just can't resist the urge to clog it up with steam. What I mean is, I have the two kinetic steam generators one after the other and then a condenser and from there a fluid pipe to the X block (I've tried pipes, fluid regulator, fluid distributor, can't think of anything else) but the steam generator just violently spews out all it's liquids wherever it can. Also, I always have it on at 1mb/tick and on one side of the reactor, there is 50mb of water constantly stuck in the 2nd kinetic steam generators, this also goes for the steam spewing problem. They only do it on one side. I also built another test reactor, and that one works, I figured it's because it is differently rotated. I'm guessing it has to do with how the game checks which "the first valid side" is. The easiest way to fix this would probably be to have a fluid ejector upgrade for steam generators.

    No idea if this applies to you, but the last time something similar happened to me it was because I had too much water in the system. The trick was to reduce the amount of distilled water I was feeding in.