Posts by Talonius

    Hmm.. it appears the cooldown phase was interupted by a 'cell death' event.. the hull has gathered so much heat that the IHDs are suiciding themselves during the cooldown phase.

    Im going to have to think about how to catch that.

    Edit: Okay.. I think the planner now detects when there's a risk to components melting in the cooldown phase and stops the generation prematurely. In that example design the cooling cell suvives with a little over 1% 'health' left.

    Also, resources needed was fixed (the planner was doubling needed alloy) and now has the option to list 'intermediate' resources instead.

    Strange, if all links were broken for everyone I think I'd of been swamped by the cries of many reactor users... I've altered the page slightly in hopes it'll fix the problem for you.

    The v2 planner has been released into the wilds! ... I've randomly gone through the nuclear engineering section clicking on reacter link to check if they load up fine and so far everything seems okay.

    Now to make the page the applet sits on prettier and more informative.

    maybe an nice feature would be the option to swich designs in the old planner to the new planner in some application (manualy doing them all is an huge task since there are so many)

    When I believe this new planner is ready, it'll replace the old planner's location. The new planner will decode all designs made by the previous planner, if you need to look up an old design right now, you can copy the url of it and press the Paste URL button on the new planner (or alternately, Ctrl+V it into the design code text box)

    I've edited the timing scale slider to directly manipulate the displayed generation time, the planner will attempt to match that with an approprate cooldown time

    It will round the cooldown time to the nearest second only if doing so will result in less than 5% reduced cooling, otherwise it'll round the cooldown time UP.

    As for the starting heat, here's how the planner works under the hood.. assuming a possitive breeder:
    There's a "Heating Phase" prior to the Generation Phase where the planner assumes there are no SUC item nor SUC supply, the reactor is also concidered off. It will try to simulate the amount of lava needed to get to the desired target at a safe pace. In this phase, all components that gain heat due to the introduction of lava are flagged as "connected to hull".
    The last part of this phase will total up all the heat in the reactor and it's components.

    The Generation Phase starts as normal and will most likely stop due to critical heat levels.

    The Cooldown Phase starts and will contine until all components that were previously "connected to hull" are less than the desired starting heat, the remaining components must reach 0 heat.
    At the end of the phase the planner again totals up the heat and compares it to the value from the end of the heating phase.. the result is display on the Breeder Info tab.
    I did it this way due to the fact the components can cooldown at different speeds and if I end the cooling phase prematurely then any component that lags behind will be at risk of melting after continual use.

    You can use this heatloss stat to gauge how often you need to 'top up' the reactor with lava after each complete generating/cooling cycle. An addon to view the actual hull temperature is recomended.

    I'm unsure how to calculate the starting heat needed based on an average value, prior to running the simulation.

    Edit: Cooldown bug squished, a missing line in the data tracking class ment that data from the heating phase was bleeding over into the generation phase.

    raGan: The Ctrl-click should fill all blank slots. If you want to fill the entire grid then Reset it first?

    _Tim_: It seems not everyone has that fun lil feature, atleast not me in Windows + FF.

    - A finer heat bar would be dobable Edit: Init. heat slider now goes up in chunks of 100 heat, v2 design codes made prior to this point are now invalid due to a wider datarange (blame gorzak ;) )

    - The generation/cooling down times are a ratio, as long as you do the same to both timers you get the same EU/t.
    Example: A 120 EU/t reactor running for 60 mins with a 30 mins cooldown (80 effective EU/t) ..
    now halve those times: 30 mins on / 15 mins off (still 80 EU/t)
    minimal times: 2 secs on / 1 sec off (still 80EU/t)
    Although I will see if I can squeeze another slider in, for those who don't want to do the maths. Edit: slider added

    - I'm unsure what you mean with the last idea, the planner already displays the amount of 'top-up' lava needed for pre-heated designs that cooldown over time even when generating. (In the Breeder info panel)

    My normal CASUC reactor (xgtexgns49y0b3o80sz6vvap8bktwxetkj3i5id1c6bk0) is a Mark 2, which should be mark 1. But wow, great interface and lots of information as usual.

    This is due to the fact the Ice is all processed on the grid before the uranium cells. This means the first tick will not consume ice but still generate heat, the delayed start makes the ice's overall cooling 1799.97 per tick and thus the design is given a Mark II rating. Placing the ice at the bottom of the reactor will fix it.

    I'm ponding making the planner ignore some data from the first tick, because of this.

    Typos swated, yay

    raGan: I thought about your idea and came up with this.. Ctrl-clicking on any item on the section bar will fill all blank slots with that item. Does that seem good enough?

    About the reason for switching to a combobox instead of tabs is that there's not space limitation on the combobox, allowing

    me to add more info panels if the need arrises.

    Initial and not Initcail.
    I dont get how the SUC options work Seconds per Ice Block, shouldnt it be Ice Blocks per second?
    That standalone thing is not working for me.

    - Joy, I need to do a typo hunt
    - I'm guessing you've not seen the checkboxs next to the SUC options
    - Odd, is it erroring or have you not got java.exe to automatically run jar files?

    To manually run the jar you can have .bat file with: java -jar IC2ReactorPlannerV2.jar

    After several attempts to get breeder reactor tracking sucessfully into the planner I finally decided to scrap the whole thing and start again, learning from the complications I encountered in the first version of the applet.

    Here it is!

    This is on a temporery url for now, I intend to replace the older planner with this one when I'm sure it's safe to do so (old links will still work)

    This planner has (hopfully) better breeder/SUC info as well as individual cell info and can also be downloaded and ran standalone.

    Edit: Is the new planner missing a piece of useful info?

    I'm trying to say that no matter of what engines powering. They actually off (no redstone signal). The only 1 consumer is induction furnance. Why it receives only 8 eU/t (must be 16)?

    When there are no engines powered from the same power line (or only 1 or 2), the furnance getting full power (16 eu/t).

    It seems he's right, even though the engines are inactive and they're not consuming EU (after the capasitors are full). They're still somehow flagged as 'needing EU' thus the EU supply is split up and the induction furnace only gets a small share of the EU.

    In the first design, the cooling cells are gaining 1 heat each tick due to the way IHDs work. As a result, they melt at the very last second.

    In the second design, the plating does not distribute heat in fractions nor evenly. Thus the lower cells slowly gather heat.

    Atleast, those are my theories.