Posts by monokei

    Do you plan to implement an EV storage block in the future? One that outputs 8192 EU/T?
    I've seen one in Gregtech back in the day (was it AESU?) but since some people, like myself, don't use gregtech anymore, maybe it would be nice to have something similar in IC2. In my late game I use tons of overclocker upgrades and when most of the machines are working, 2048 eu/t just becomes not enough. I know there is solution of multiple MFSUs but I prefer one storage unit inside my base - just a matter of taste.

    Do you plan to implement something like that?

    Yeah I was also a bit disappointed when I found out that after all trouble I've been through while crafting and figuring out how all that stuff works, I get 50 EU/T. I use lava to create heat in Liquid Heat Exchanger, it is using quite much of it, I thought hey, maybe I'll just put 3 geo generators, it will give me 60 EU/t and less lava consumption. But I love the whole concept of the steam system, all the details and ideas are just great so I'll stick with it no matter what, even if just for fun.

    Mine is also constantly running and it still loses small bits of the water over time. I have 4 solar distillers outside to keep my d-water level stable. But is this a bug or intended? Maybe one of the devs can say something about it, then maybe we can make a report on the bug tracker or something

    I wanted to ask, if this is normal that I constantly lose distilled water in my steam generator setup. What I have is:

    Liquid Heat Exchanger heats up Steam Generator filled partially with distilled water. Distilled water goes to Kinetic Steam Generator, but with fluid ejector it ejects it back to the normal Steam Generator. I have the Condenser also converting exhaust steam into distilled water, it is pumped back to Steam Generator also. But from 1000mb of d-water, after 30 minutes I almost have nothing left in the tank. Is this normal?

    I am using the latest build provided. ic2nc-1.7.10-
    Can I ask what was the duration of your test? For me it was working fine for 5 minutes, then the sound started to loop every 3 seconds. Reloading the world and whole Minecraft did not help.

    However, today I edited the sounds.json file and set the "stream" value to true for the desired alarm. For now it is working okay, but I am running further tests.
    For the alarms that the "stream" value is set to false, the stuttering occurs.

    I am no developer and don't know what the "stream" function is responsible for, maybe you can explain? :)

    EDIT: After few hours of playing, it is still working fine - but only after changing the "stream" in sounds.json to true.

    I have a problem with sounds. Using the latest version .06 for 1.7.10.
    Howler alarms works, but it cuts the sounds after 1 or 2 seconds. On default sounds it is barely noticeable but still.
    I have some custom sounds added that are longer, like 15 seconds. The howler alarm plays only 2-3 seconds of the file then starts again. Could that be possibly fixed? I really need the howler alarms for my systems to work properly.
    I did the same things on 1.6.2 versions back in the day and they were working brilliant, even with 45 seconds long files.

    I'll just be polite and change my heat source for something else :) Thank you for the support.
    It's already 20 minutes, still 100C. maybe really a minor bug. But the output changes correctly. However, in the very second I connect the heat source back, the steam is being produced. So the temp is really physically not dropping.

    One more question.
    I have a condenser now full with distilled water. If I wrench it, will the water and steam be gone, or stay like EU in storage blocks?

    Turns out I just oriented the Kinetic Steam Gen in a wrong way - it has to touch the steam generator or a pipe with the 4-turbines side. I started to generate EU already. Thank you.

    I may just not notice something, but I have to ask why this is pointless setup? I use 1 Electric Heat Generator, which uses very little EU to keep the boiler at constant 100C. In effect, with clean turbine I noticed 50EU/t coming back to my MFSU.
    Did I miss something? :)

    So I have the normal Steam Generator, heated by Electric heat Generator. Water is constantly pumped in, constant heat is supplied. I set water output to 1mb/tick. The steam generator starts to heat up, output says 'Water', when the heat reaches some point, output starts flicker WATER/STEAM. I see steam everywhere bursting, so I raise the bar amount and it heats up further, steaming stops, output says water again. Then again after some point is reached, it starts bursting with steam and flickering of the output occurs. When I lower the bar amount, it starts to cool down and during cooling the output is constant STEAM. Then I attach the pipe, steam go into the Kinetic Steam Generator.

    It already has the turbine inside, it says 'Turbine stand by', but I see error/warning sign that says 'RECOGNIZE CONDENSTION ON TURBINE SLOWING DOWN'. I don't know what that means, can't make it work. Like the steam is not entering the generator at all.

    Developers or anyone else, how to make it work? Is it a bug or I do something wrong.

    I was browsing through textures within the newest ic2 experminetal build (as of now it is #633) and I found a texture for Kinetic Water Generator. But it is not showing up in my inventory, I also looked through shaped recipes file inside the jar, but there is no recipe for this machine.
    Is it a developer mistake, is it my game, or you just haven't implemented them yet? I really need them actually :)

    And another debug build for everyone with crashes or corruption-like issues. This should already take care of some non-standard texture handling by mods like jabba.

    This one fixes my FPS issues, but it rejects my texturepack completely. It's not loading at all. I try to put it on the right side back, but it comes back to default texturepack everytime. When I remove FastCraft it is okay.

    It fixes the worldgen lag for me very nicely, however my framerate drops from constant 60fps to fluctating 50-55fps and it is clearly visible, that it got worse. With and without Optifine. Any solutions? Otherwise I will be very sad to remove this great mod :(

    I remember when I played Minecraft last year, I think it was 1.6.2 and I had ic2 with Optifine and it was OK.
    Now in 1.6.4 I had the same problem with JABBA barrels + Optifine, the front side was flickering when I moved around, and I solved the problem by downgrading JABBA a few versions (1.0.3).
    I tried the same with ic2, I went down to build #300 but with no result.

    Does somebody know what was the first build for 1.6.4?

    Hello I'm new to the forum.

    The problem is with flickering textures, everytime any of my IC2 machines starts or stops. It looks like some Z-fighting occurs on the front texture of the machines, as it is rapidly swaping machine state textures, I mean ON texture with OFF texture. It lasts for 5-6 seconds and I see that only when I move my mouse around.

    As you can see on the screenshot, bottom left macerator texture is partially swapped with his "OFF" texture, presented on the bottom middle macerator, while full "ON" texture is on the right macerator.

    It happens only when I move my mouse around, so does it qualify as z-fighting? Can it be solved?

    This is minecraft 1.6.4, Tekkit with some extra mods, also Optifine.
    WIth Optifine removed, there is no problem though. But Optifine is essential to me. Is there a solution to make it work together properly?
    How it is working by you guys?

    To make things clear, this is not a power related issue.