How's the attached build?
This build works for me, but I just wanted to let you know that on this build specifically, ender pearls do not render in the inventory. They do render on version "debug-1" though.
Thanks Player!
How's the attached build?
This build works for me, but I just wanted to let you know that on this build specifically, ender pearls do not render in the inventory. They do render on version "debug-1" though.
Thanks Player!
How's the attached build?
Still some texture issues : some blocks don't render and some textures in the inventory look weird like the tier 2 lava generator from extra utils :
The missing block textures on the ground are all IC 2 copper ore blocks according to WAILA.
The problems I mentioned earlier are gone now though.
BTW, where can I find older versions of the mod ?
1.8 Seems to have some incompatibility with cofhcore?
1.6 worked fine without issues
Rolled back to 1.6, all problems gone. FPS brilliant, worldgen brilliant. No flickering, no texture issues. Works with Optifine and 60 other mods. A stable release for me If I notice something I let know.
anyone whos getting 1.8 and not 1.8 debug2 get the debug that fixes some of the problems debug 2 is on the 3rd or 4th page
So far I've investigated that hee uses a bad name for TextureBiomeCompass which conflicts with the vanilla compass, causing some corruption. I'm not fully aware yet why fastcraft trips over it though. I can at least reproduce it nicely, so the search continues
Hi there, I'm playing on as Custom Modpack and Fastcraft yes, worked for me once, and then never worked again, I tried the Debug Versions and Version 1.7 and 1.6, 1.7 Crashed without even loading the startup screen and 1.6 Starts fine but I see no FPS Increase unlike my first attempt at 1.8 (Which was a 30 Frame Increase, while 1.6 was my regular 5-10 Poopy FPS). Here's my crashlog, hope you can fix it.
Also the crash report is showing an MP Server I was testing it out there but the same happens in SP so no difference.
Very sad... I tried fastcraft 1.8 ran like a dream once... after that I crash on login every time... take fastcraft off and I log in fine... put fastcraft back on same crash
Crash report:
Tried fastcraft debug 1 and 2... same crash
fc_debug was too big for one pastebin so I had to split it in two parts...
part 1:
part 2:
my server (cauldron-1.7.10-1.1207.01.191-server.jar and some mods IC2, GT, BC, F, RC,...) doesn't like FastCraft 1.8 Version and stops:
Client crashs 3 seconds after login:
New debug version, should avoid the hee crash, although its biome compass won't render until the author releases a new version.
Cauldron crashing is a known issue, it won't work until I've gotten around to implement support for it.
Please always post crash logs and fc_debug.txt files acquired with the latest debug version.
New debug version, should avoid the hee crash, although its biome compass won't render until the author releases a new version.
Cauldron crashing is a known issue, it won't work until I've gotten around to implement support for it.
Please always post crash logs and fc_debug.txt files acquired with the latest debug version.
Cauldron -> something on bloodmc side or just fastcraft
wäre da was auf bloodmc Seite was zu tun oder nur auf Deiner Seite? Ich könnte Ihn fragen, er ist sehr hilfsbereit.
It's mostly on my side.
Just dropped this in to 1.7.10 DNS tech Pack... Wow!!! The performance difference is like day and night.
went from around 20-30fps to 50-60fps. You have done an amazing service here sir.
Cauldron got taken down recently, you may have a hard time working on adding support for it now.
Debug 3 introduced a compatibility issue with Chisel 1.5.6b-2 that crashes client on load. Relevant line from minecraft log is:
Quote[Client thread/WARN] [FastCraft-core]: The sprite Chisel:snakestone/obsidian/particles/6 caused the mipmap level to drop from 4 to 3 because it's too small (8x8 px).
Here is my minecraft boot log, including crash.
Here is the FC_debug log.
The "...caused the mipmap level to drop..." warning is just a warning which Minecraft by itself hides. It means that the texture mentioned is so small, that the mipmap level setting you configured in the mc options can't be used and was automatically lowered. This is vanilla behavior. For example if one of the mods or resource packs happens to add a 2x2 texture, it locks you down to at most mipmap level 1, regardless of what was configured. My warnings are always being handled gracefully.
I've attached a new debug build which works around the Jabba issue and other mods having a similar bug.
Player... you're awesome! 1.8 debug4 so far so good! I can play again
Debug4 is working great for me so far!
Debug 4 works much better for me, I'm using the ImpactFlux modpack, the only issue I have come across is jungle saplings do not render. Otherwise I gained about 15 FPS using it