Posts by Speiger

    Nope that would be for exp not workable (at least the work would be way bigger),
    because they would need to make 2 EnergyNets and also 2 Handlers for it.
    And the main problem here is also both energyNets has his trouble...

    And spawnX :D Well you are a unlucky person xDD
    And also they have to change the whole jetpacks to make that actually work,
    because the Jetpackcode is simply made only for 2 jetpacks.

    Also there is already a forth jetpack planned xD
    A little hint: Sm sunshine.

    Update 1.6.4-1.5.9:

    -Couple random Bugfixes, also a couple random Tests with some things (will not effect you just for notes)
    -Added: Nuclear Jetpack
    It has the Same Capactiy as the Electric Jetpack, can not be charged by any EnergyUnit.
    The Nuclear Grid is a 5x5, you can use the IC2 Reactor Planer V3 for it, it can still explode.
    The Jetpack provides with its tool tip information about the Reactor heat, and the average durability of the Reactor parts (that can accept heat)
    It uses 12 EU in normal mode, and 9 EU in Hovermode per tick, the Reactor is intelligent, he starts when the Buffer is below 30 % and stops when he is at 99-100% (Note charging happens after the Energy Usage so the buffer gets full),
    The Power of the Jetpack is almost to compare with a fueled jetpack (Fuel Power = 1, Electric Power = 0,7, Nuclear Power = 0.95).
    Maximum Flight hight is 220 (+-15), the Moving speed with the Nuclear Jetpack in hovermode is also a little bit faster then with the Electric one
    Also the the Nuclear Jetpack will be handled as Nuclear Reactor, so Addon parts should also work.

    -Changed: a lot of code from the jetpack to make the nuclear jetpack possible, nothing what you would nodest but its in the log now. (Simply additions compatiblity expanded)
    -Added: Battery Box
    The battery box is a storage unit that can store Power with normal batteries that you put into it.
    The Battery Box has 3 Modes, Charging Bench, Battery Station, Batbox Mode,
    Batbox mode is simply = Charging Bench & BatteryStation.
    To the BatteryStation Mode, there are also 3 Options,
    Small Mode, Big Mode, PacketMode,
    Small mode drains only from the first possible battery.
    Big Mode draws from all batteries that can be drained and output 1 big packet,
    Packet Mode draws also from all batteries but send for each battery his own packet. (Simply MultiPacket idea back like transformers),
    The Battery Box show the stored Power, the charging/discharging time, and the current output, (At packet mod it shows the lowest to highest).

    Yeah that covers it.
    I start update the stuff tomorrow and fix the posted bugs also...
    We will see how far i come.


    First information:
    Next update has a part of code in that is required for Nuclear controll, so that the mod knows ok i have what i need.
    That part of code will unlock some Technical features from Nuclear Control (Everything that has todo with Measuring Energy Units),
    That works with Every current Nuclear Control versions, and should help.

    Other thing: (Bony i hope it does not bother you), he said to me that i should make the special compatiblity between Nuclear Control and IC2 Classic.
    Well i did that yesterday (for me it is already Tuesday), and i gave it to bony, i did not add any specail code to the game but removed everything that would crash with Classic and added a replacment which works with both versions,
    for me i had no trouble with EXP... Now i am waiting for the feedback from Bony hopefully that is what he accepts.

    Another but more Important Info: (At least for me its important)
    (It has nothing todo with IC2)

    After the Nuclear Contorl, i moved around youtube heard one of my favorite Animes songs... (want to know?),
    well then i thaught its boring inside of MC (at least Sound music wise), now after testing a little bit around with Music Decompiling (making a Music File into numbers/bytes) and restoring it at another place,
    i managed to make a idea into my head to play some of my music in the game... Well ^^"
    Here is the result: ClickMe

    That maybe sounds like nothing but for me its a big step because i made something which i made not before^^"

    For 2 reasons:

    1. Its tier 3 (Nano), wich is mostly carbon and Energy Crystals

    2. The Texture is very blackish.

    Correction of 1: Well Carbone and Advanced Alloy have the same tier since they are required at the same time (Adv machines), so that makes no sence.
    Correction of 2: What if a Texturepack make it greyish when the recipe require carbon? Then you have the same reasons for the other side.

    Piston Boots is genius idea xDDD Yeah that make step assist really realistic even if you do not want to... xDD
    And in combining with tech its really not that hard todo it is also a indirect jump xD
    Nothing to complain anymore xD And well i do not use step assist anyway...

    Even minecraft has his own rules... Players are 2 blocks tall, They can jump (by their own) 1 block high...
    Well can you just go on a barricade that is half that tall then you with shoes that prevent damage on you?
    I do not think so i mean even without realism there is still the own mc rule^^"

    That is nothing agains stepasist at all. I just do not like the fact when you add generally step assist that it is called cheating and the other not...
    Because all that stuff is not hard to get. You can get it always after your first mining trip.. Even if you did not find diamonds...

    Yeah, but that addon is a movement assist cheat :P I'd like to have my step assist legitely.

    Step assist is a cheat by itself you can not really say boots help you travel higher... Because they do not make you really much bigger at all... High hells would maybe make it but would you wear 50 cm high hells for that?

    Toggleable uphill assist is fine by me. I can have it enabled while traveling outside and disabled while in my base.

    So, yes, i'd like to see something like this. Since this is not that much of a deal, it could be part of the nanoboots.

    Well true... Nothing against it which is worth of talking about xD
    But instead of adding it into the boots just use the addon from the Forecaster which applies the step assist to the Player itself (do not know about the toggle thing) and it it is a client sided mod also...
    That would be way easier to use if you want to use Step assist also you do not need to wear armor for that.

    Just a little side-note: In your question you're want us to compare Tekkit, which is a modpack, and FTB, which is a team of people making modpacks. That's like comparing an apple with a banana.

    Aroma he is talking about the tekkit launcher and will be called mostly Tekkit because its easier to remember... (Just ignore that fact) and behind the tekkit launcher stays also a team...

    why not breed sticky resin ? it comes from sugarcane and takes a little but its easier imho and that "mod" is not needed!

    True ^^" And you can make it way faster then the Tree farm would ever be because it is based on TileEntity ticks instead of Random Ticks like the rubbertree is unless IC2 Exp did change that

    I mean instead of making a fluid Treetap you could place that next to a Extractor and then it generate really slow Sticky Resin if it has enough power. ^^"

    Little update info:

    Battery Box is finish in 1.6.4. Works like rooling Hedgehog on the street x)

    Here a Picture of the Gui and the Textures.

    First Picture: Showing the Battery Station in the world and with Waila.
    Second Picture: Showing 9 Quantum Accumulators that will be Drained at low Energy Mode.
    Third Picture: Showing the same but in High Energy Mode.

    The Battery Station Recalculates ever 5 Seconds its Energy Income and Output, i maybe increase that even more, that has two reasons.
    First one: Performances, the more often it has to recalculate the more lag it generates.
    Second one: Better Calculation the more time he has to Calculating the Energy Income the better is the result of calculation, 20 Ticks is way to low for a normal calcualtion since in one second can happen a lot. So 5 seconds is more then enough.

    If you want to know all features: ClickMe
    It is the Third Post i made on this page.

    Ok i am fair now:
    I know how it works. Its really simple.

    You simply need EU detector cables and Transformers thats it. And also other cables for the empty spaces

    But the question is: is that still possible with IC2 Exp since the Energy net did change?

    If you want to see an example: VideoLink

    XD Greg you maybe know how it works because its the same way done as in the real world xD

    I saw someone making a EU Detector in the Inworld,
    he had some sings which said how much EU was flowing through the cable and lamps above them,
    and if the lamp was active the amount of EU was flowing though it.
    He made also a check with the EU Reader and it was almost the same amount as on the sign (+-2-5 EU)

    The question:
    Does anybody has the idea how he could made that ?
    He used at that time IC2 for MC 1.0-1.1 and it worked with 1.2.5
    Also he said he only used for EU flow detection Vanilla IC2.

    Another Question:

    Is that possible with IC2 Exp today also?

    Well stepassist is a twosided thing it helps you with walking though the world but also it blocks you with some things...
    I you have to constantly have to switch the mode / keep a key pressed it is more a downside then a upside...