IC2 classic todolist ? I would add uranium as an amplifier
I was more thinking of scrapmetal or something from another game which is a byproduct for some things.
And nope its not a todolist^^"
IC2 classic todolist ? I would add uranium as an amplifier
I was more thinking of scrapmetal or something from another game which is a byproduct for some things.
And nope its not a todolist^^"
Yeah thats a thing more differend kind of amplifiers would be kinda cool.
Klar versteh ich das, das Thread enabled ding was nur etwas was ich gemacht habe um notifications zu fixen. Und von dem Bug habe ich keine ahnung also habe ich nicht geantwortet
Ok das du deutsch schreiben kannst habe ich nicht erwartet xD. Damit hast du mich voll erwischt xD
Naja wird warscheinlich daran liegen das bestimmte sachen einfach nicht registriert / gefunden wurden.
Das war bei classic zum Teil auch so..
Quoted from "Speiger"
And he also wants to know how to solve it. I have no clue how
See the English version of his thread
Yeah i saw that after i posted on that one xD I was not smart enough xD
Thread enabled.
Greg you should understand that^^" At least that is what i think xD
und zwra ich habe IC2 auf meinem eigenen Server laufen und leider heißen alle Blöcke von IC2 leider nicht normal sondern immer ic2.Block.. (Also z.B. die MFSU heißt bei mir ic2.blockMFSU).
Wäre ja soweit eigentlich kein Problem, aber wenn ich zum Beispiel den Modus des MiningLasers umschalte, steht nicht der Modus dort sondern nur: ic2.tooltip.mode..
Kann mir jemand helfen?
Erstmal hallo. Es wäre schön wenn du das auf englisch geschrieben hättest, weil es ein englisches forum ist,
das was du beschreibst sind Lokalisations fehler, bestimmte blöcke wurden noch nicht lokalisiert (es bedeuted technischer name wird zum ingameNamen umgeändert), die frage ist spielst du das spiel in Deutsch? oder spielst du es in Englisch?
Leider weiß ich nicht wie man das beheben kann. Ich übersetze das jetzt mal für alle die kein Deutsch können.
And now for every person who do not understand what there stays:
He discribes that the ingame names (his example was the MFSU) are not localized, instead of the name "MFSU" he get "ic2.blockMFSU",
that covers also not only the Blocks, and he also say that is normally not a problem but that also counts for the Mininglaser Modeinformation when you change it.
And he also wants to know how to solve it. I have no clue how^^"
Little info even if it has nothing todo with IC2 Classic directly.
I made a really small mod that has the Feature of my Custom BC version with the SlotDetection, and it has a support for IC2 (both versions),
Also it requires BC but maybe you will like it.
How it works is at the download descripition.
I am simply back now. For coding, talking and other stuff, i will also start coding on IC2 Classic this sunday or the comming Monday,
because i wanted to update some of my TinyModularthings Features which some people like (TMT will be not updated but some of its features).
oh now i understand why you have a 2 in your name. Well would be funny to have 2 of you xD
I think i put that on my todolist too xD would be funny to have 2 of me that would run the world into the completly chaos xDD
Because it requires a java 8 version. Simply download the Reactor planner and say Paste URL, Also that downloaded Reactor planner works like the online one its just an offline version...
And it runs with Java 7
Yeah Radioactivity is a PotionEffect that you can detect and maybe even prevent... Well i do not know exactly if you can make a prevent Potion effect or something but you can detect the effect with the API files..
But thanks for that suggestion... I put that on my todolist.
Why does forge/FML add useless functions?
(Example: Add Option function at EnumHelperClient)
Yeah i saw that hammering thing as i installed MC on a friends Computer (or soyrans stream) and i was thinking Yay now i can see how many hours Minecraft loads....
I mean its a totally useless thing since the FMLlog (if you follow it) tells you already the state which minecraft is loaded and how long it takes (if you have a feeling for that)...
I wonder who had that idea...
ok did not know that...
The is with classic invioment is no problem... need to fix the other invioment which will be for a lot of addons there...
But i am not for coding here (this week), just watching a couple things
Well i meant with that that i have to update forge anyways and i take the recommented version anyways, because my current version is 1291... And that is outdated...
and i do not think that gradlew will update forge by itself...
Edit: My IC2 Classic invioment is at 1291, and the other 1.7.10 invioment for everything else is at 1220-1221. So gradlew does not update at all forge which is kinda bad...
You know i already made what he wanted. Exactly^^"
That means i have to update IC2 Classic also to the fitting Forge...
Or i think it is already updated to the latest at least from what i have seen at least...
Oh by the way xBony if you need help (not codewise because you hate my coding stile xD) with something to make NC compatible to IC2 Classic then ask luckly i can extend the API easily
Waila would maybe work
Texture pack not because its grabbing the textures directly from the dirtblock...
Yeah sorry for that mistake^^"
Well i figured a way out to prevent any Worldgen (that has todo with Plants) right away before i was going to leave for about 1 week.
I tested it and it working smooth. Why didn't i think before of that xD
-This mod adds now 1 Block. DirtyDirt or something (do not need a cool name), it looks like dirt, it drops dirt but it is no dirt. You can't plant anything on it. You have to break and replace it^^" Maybe adding a way of hoeing it... But today is not my time...
Why did i add this dirt: Well since some Biomes forces their Trees and stuff to grow i tried to remove them after the world was loaded (well last version), but was 2 things. First laggy, second it did not work at all... Also it effected your tickrate every time you ran around...
Now instead of removing blocks and replace them with dirt and remove the trees after they were generated i simply added a fake dirt.
That fake dirt does not get supportet by the Plants and because worldgens always ask the plants if they can grow there i made acutally that what was requested...
The only downside. You can use dirt only when you replaced it which is in a world full of dirt really hard to remember xD
But that version is really less laggier at all. You feel only lagspicks when you run to fast around and generate world, because some blocks still get replaced (some biomes forces their own grass blocks), so as long as you do not travel around like an iron man or something everything is fine^^"
AlexTheAwesome i hope that is what you wanted ^^" I can not make it any better... ^^"
Here you have a TestVersion.
Knowen Issus:
-Serten biomes still spawn Trees and some plants (only these that have the new Tree types),
As much as i try it i am not able prevent the spawn of trees and co...
If you like the idea i planned also to implement other stuff like that: Prevent oregen/removing ores, and other stuff...
Edit: i discovered a idea to prevent Trees from spawning^^" I have to test that..
Anyways here is the first version...
See ya
couldn't you just.. i don't know.. change the worldgen directly? Maybe make only one biome generate(like desert), so that no planbts grow, then change worldgen to the desired? I have no idea of minecraft modding, so i don't know how much effort it would be, but many maps use changed world generation, and heck, there is a mod that allows you to change the biome of something IN GAME.
Yes i could do that but then i you would only have 1 - 2 biomes and not all the differend once ^^"
Removing the Dirt and most of the Vanilla world gen is not that hard... Problem is to remove everything that is not EventBased simply forced to be loaded (like in forest biomes) and stuff. I have to manually remove them which seems easy but take a lot of time. But thanks to removing all the Grass the amount of progress is about 10% of the original. Only a couple biomes still generate dirt which is no problem. I simply have to check through worldTicks stuff (which i wanted to prevent but not can)...
Made Huge Progress: Managed to remove all the Grass from the World without any lag.. Preventing most of the Worldgen (trees and co), but some of it are ancored into the BiomeCode which is unaccessable...
Well with that i can do the Laggy version of the Terrain Gen. But the blocks i have to remove/replace are really much nothing xD So the lag should stay in small amounts ^^"