Posts by zer0id
I have few questions about processing arrays
Can I use needs maintainance cover on them?
Can I somehow force processing array to use more than 6 centrifuges when centrifuging redstone dust? and more than 8 wiremills when producing raw carbon fibre?
Can I somehow use mass fabricators in the processing array? -
So, i made a several tests with different amount of plasma injected in LPG per tick. Turbine remain the same - tungstensteel (30000eu/t, 140%)
the best results i've got with 14mB/t of plasma injected - 322-325mil EU from 64 helium plasma cells with 80,1 kEU/t (at peak).
overall efficency with some power loss and time to turbine spin up is about 127%.
Blood Asp, i still think 80,1 kEU/t (and appropriate fuel consumption) is too much for the turbine with 30000 EU/t optimal plasma flow and something is broken in .27 version...
and can someone explain how the math works? i mean how can i calculate optimal plasma flow (in mB/t) for different turbine. thanks. -
I did not limit plasma flow and energy output. I use ZPM dynamo hatch (LuV is not enough) and quantum tank with plasma next to the input hatch + pump cover.
Never thought there can be overflow... as i always saw expected numbers 30000*140%=42k EU/t in v .26 and before (optimal=maximum)
I'll try to limit flow with fluid regulators.
so in that case i have to inject 7 or 8 mB/t into LPG to get optimal flow? -
I running non-stop process of helium plasma fusion, then plasma goes into large plasma generator with large tungstensteel turbine.
tungstensteel turbine has turbine efficency 140 and optimal plasma flow 30000 eu/t -- i don't know how exactly this numbers (should) work, but since i've updated greg from 5.08.26 to 5.08.27 version
large plasma generator consumes MUCH more plasma, and now it consume more plasma than fuion reactor produces, so i run out of plasma very fast. In previous version reactor was producing slightly more plasma than LPG was consuming.i measured how much energy i get from stack of helium plasma cells in LPG with tungstensteel turbine in different versions
v5.08.26 ~366,7mil ~42k EU/t
v5.08.27 ~234,7mil ~63k EU/t
So, i think something is broken in .27 version...