Posts by immibis

    SMP port.
    Version number is rev1 in the file name but 1.2 Beta 6pre3_2 in-game, since I forgot to change that.
    Everything I tested works, including generator cores, forcefield projectors, and reactor interfacing, except the camouflage projector.
    Camouflaged force fields will always display the "invalid block" texture.
    Also the names have been slightly changed. If you want them back, there is a config setting.
    Includes the recipe fix.

    Apparently I need permission to upload this anywhere other than the IC2 forums.

    Edit: almost forgot, this port now requires Immibis Core from my usual download page

    Going to be fixed.

    PSA: What is really delaying the release is FML. We have found using world ticks as a potential fix for the energynet bug, but FML only provides the ModLoader interface right now, which only provides render ticks. We're waiting on cpw to take off the final from the tick callback so we can override it.


    I hope 1.96 is coming out (only that its coming out, i'm not asking for a Releasedate!), because i think i will also not update to 1.3, due to the actual SMP-behaviour of Singleplayer.

    It's frustrating to see all the "it's fixed" posts by RichardG knowing there probably won't be a next version for a while, isn't it?

    Wait, you're not going to update Minecraft because it's going to start using the same system other games have used for years? Even Half-Life 2, a singleplayer-only game, does what Minecraft will do.

    Nerf cables!
    Every cable you make lets you transfer energy over one block. This is obviously
    very overpowered, because it lets you move energy from one block to another with ZERO ongoing costs!
    Even the setup cost is very small for a short distance!
    Remember before cables, when we had to use batteries for everything? That was much better.

    Given that cables once didn't exist, obviously we can live without them.
    One should have to WORK for his energy transfer, not just get it for free! This is obviously a
    nightmare for server admins, because they have to patrol the entire world looking for
    no-good players who just want to transfer power for free! It takes less than an hour from starting
    a new world to getting your first cables, and then you can make them so quickly it's not funny!

    Given the above problems, the solution is almost as obvious as the problems themselves.
    I suggest that cables should require cable-juice, a purple conductive liquid that evaporates as a cable is used.
    Very expensive to craft, of course, because we don't want just anyone to be able to transfer power.
    Every drop of cable juice must be precious, so clearly the recipe involves iridium.

    You might think iridium would be too expensive for this, but no. It must be very expensive to transfer power,
    or players would just use cables everywhere! For this I suggest that one iridium ore (which normally costs 7
    UUM) should extract to 7 pieces of cable juice. Each piece repairs a cable, allowing just 32 EU to flow through it before it breaks again.

    Unfortunately, this makes it very expensive to run a mass fab or terraformer, as they have no battery slots. Oh well.
    Perhaps now IC2 will be balanced, finally, and stop all the nerf requests. And perhaps there's a hidden message in this post.

    (I was bored :P )

    +0 for tin cable modification (Meh.)
    +1 for ULV storage/transformer IF it can't convert higher voltages down to ULV (so it just "collects" ULV packets, combines them and resends them). (Interesting idea. It would significantly change the concepts behind building green generator farms, because you could transport power further than 40 blocks but only if you had less than 5 or 8 eu/t [not eu/packet])
    If it can convert higher voltages to ULV, then -9001. Cables have loss for a reason.

    +1 for the energy tap.

    I can understand how the lava could be considered OP... but potions? Is Killerbeez off his damn rocker to consider something as tedious as an RPG potion system overpowered?

    But then again, I'm not that surprised either, lol...

    UUM Soulsand: Sure
    UUM Blaze rods: idk..

    It's Godcraft, not Industrial Rage, so Kane_Hart is the owner not xKillerbees.

    And thinking about it a bit more, it might've been that enchanting was "overpowered" and brewing was just a side effect of disabling the nether.

    Colored Wool + Extractor = Dye => DENIED
    Colored Wool + Compressor = White Wool => DENIED
    Color + Extractor = More Color => Do you see the exploit

    You know that the Painter already makes dyes 16 Times more usable? And you also should know, that the Painter can color Wool, AND it even has a Autorefillmode (with the Modekey + Rightclick).

    I for one don't see the exploit.
    Dandelion + extractor -> 3 yellow dye (instead of 2)
    Rose + extractor -> 3 red dye (instead of 2)
    Cactus + extractor -> 2 green dye (instead of 1)

    It's just the same as:
    Blaze rod + macerator -> 5 blaze powder
    Bone + macerator -> 5 bonemeal

    For those servers where the nether is disabled (because apparently, all that lava is OP) and you want netherwart (for no real reason, since apparently potions are also OP)
    Edit: Also one for blaze rods.

    Another edit: Reading rules fail (forgot [Suggestion])