Posts by immibis

    Will give this a shot soon, for sure.

    And I noticed something; was the "Melon Battery" a throw at the ol' potato battery experiment? Oh, and for some reason when I was reading it, all I could see in my mind was GLaDOS as a potato attached to the ASPHD (Portal Gun)...

    EDIT: Once, I get my video software working, I'll work out a movie for this.

    Yes, and because someone suggested blutric melon batteries in the RP2 thread. RP2 almost certainly isn't getting them, so I thought I might as well add them here!

    This is a 3-chamber mark 2 positive breeder, with effiency 5. Would it be a good choice for my first breeder, and why or why not? (and why do most breeders use 6 chambers for the same efficiency if it's not necessary?) I could add a chamber, an IHD and a cooling cell and have a perfect breeder, of course...

    I found a bug in the reactor planner while experimenting with this:
    "Maximum Consecutive Cycles: -0.12" (yes, it's dumb to put ice in a breeder, but it demonstrates the bug)
    Same bug but -500
    Same bug but -3500
    There's also a typo. "Breeder Type: Possitive"

    Quick recipe guide

    The first and second recipe are for the blutric heater, with two different kinds of copper.
    The third recipe is for a blutric energy transformer (the 3-dot one).
    The fourth recipe is for a blutric energy balancer (the 1-dot one).
    The last two recipes are shapeless, and make melon batteries.

    Requires BC 2.2.11 (for some of the heater effects), IC2 1.43, RP2 Pr4c (requires Core, Machine and Wiring), and MC 1.0.0/1.0.1. Incompatible with HD texture packs.
    I haven't done much SMP testing, because MCP is annoying. Please report any bugs you find here.

    Config file
    The default ID conflicts with BC's legacy pipe block. You can disable that in BC's config (it's not needed unless you want to load maps from old versions of BC) or change it in my config.

    You stole Eloraam's textures!
    If you open the zip you'll find no RedPower textures in there. The mod will read the textures from RP Machine, and combine them with its own texture file (which contains no content from other mods). It also reads the melon texture from terrain.png and blends it with the RP battery box texture to make the melon battery texture.

    Your textures are ugly anyway!
    I can't sprite for human excrement, so I just rearranged some RP textures. If you have better textures, feel free to send them to me.

    Have you ever wanted to convert between blutricity, EU's and BuildCraft energy? Well, now you can!

    With our patented T-9001 Blutric Heating Device, made by combining a normal blutric furnace with some copper and iron to conduct heat, and some blue alloy to increase its current carrying capacity, you'll be able to use all that blutricity your solar panels are producing to actually do things! This thing needs a LOT of blutricity. If one solar panel produced 300 units of power, then one of these things can take over 9000! may depend on devices being heated
    The interactions between blue alloy filaments and non-vanilla devices are not yet well understood, but our research suggests they will do nothing at all to vanilla devices. But that's crazy, who would build machines out of vanilla? Is it vanila ice cream? Who cares, HAYO!
    Especially not known is what happens when you put one next to a watermill, and we highly do not recommend finding out, as water could leak into the mechanism and short it out causing the machine to explode, HAYO!

    Aside from the inherently inefficient process of converting blutric power into heat and that heat into EU's, we have also discovered a unique property of blue alloy which allows it to convert EU's to blutricity and vice versa when combined with some storage and circuitry! We think it might only output EUs when provided some sort of signal - we haven't quite worked that out yet. But for now, get your own X9 Blutric Energy Transformer today. Be warned that outputting the EUs produced into a batbox or machine may cause it to explode, HAYO! We weren't able to make this technology 100% efficient, either.

    For people who like useless things, the Blutric Energy Balancer! By combining two transformers in opposite directions with some wiring and circuitry, you get a transformer that can convert energy in both directions at once! We haven't worked out any practical use for this device, but I'm sure there's something, so we're throwing in this device FOR FREE! That's right, pay nothing extra and get the Blutric Energy Balancer with this mod! (What's a mod? I don't know and I don't care, HAYO!)

    But that's not all! As well as all these machines for converting energy, we've also added another generator. What do you do when your base is underground and you need blutricity? Previously, people have resorted to running long wires and carrying batteries around, but those are annoying and give away the location of your base! Our scientists think blutricity could be generated from a temperature difference sometime in the future, but trying to combine that technology with our current EU systems causes the universe to crash. Crash into what? Good question! So we developed the Melon Battery! Simply craft one by sticking red and blue alloy electrodes into a melon, in any arrangement, and place it next to another melon to generate a tiny amount of blutricity! We also discovered that iron works just as well as red alloy.

    Really, forge should already be bashing addon ores/ingots/ingot blocks/saplings/similar plants in to single IDs for each type of thing. Mods should support that now, and make it a default later (allowing port now while less painful, or start clean with no pain later).

    Turning on 'compact vanilla IDs' should be a further option for those with -many- mods; and the forge IDs should be packed in with them. It would also make sense to reserve the larger/more common forge member damage values as default IDs to be recycled only as a last resort (that way you could drop in say buildcraft or rp2 at a later date).

    It would be much more sensible to have Forge auto-assign all IDs, and save them with the world/send them to the client in SMP, and to reassign IDs and convert worlds automatically if there are ID conflicts. But that's complicated.

    If it could teleport entities, it could teleport signs & chests and such, but how would it calc the price? EX: Chest = player, then per each item in chest like the inv? I don't know, but it sounds pretty cool :P (hmm, what if there was a teleporting wire for electricity...?)

    Signs and chests are tile entities, which are not entities (although they are similarly named). Teleporting chests could be useful too though.

    Actually, the EE model takes only a minute or two to make a diamond, with no power required. Set up 3 of ShdwDragn's clockless block breakers and you have 6 stacks of cobble in about 90 seconds. There's your diamond.
    To make 9 UUM in 90 seconds in IC2 would require 500 EU/t - so 500 solars, or a really reckless nuclear reactor. Quite a far cry from a trio of block breakers.

    So your comparison of leaving the server running all the time is irrelevant - the basis of comparison still fails on the amount of resources required. No matter how long of a time period you have to work with, EE still can produce diamonds faster, with far fewer resources required for the setup.

    It's pretty clear that you aren't actually familiar with EqEx in actual gameplay.

    You'd actually need 1000 solars, given that your block breaker system will run at night.
    I'd forgotten about that mechanic (block breakers + EE) - I deliberately don't do that, although I do turn cobble from my quarry into diamonds. I still have an insane amount of diamonds anyway, from condensors + antimatter relays + watch of flowing time.

    Allow me to fix your fix.

    the three solar panels in my tutorial is WAY overkill. I've learned a lot about redpower recently. It takes 25Wt to push one item. All current redpower machines are 100V. Each solar produces 2 amps. That means you're pushing 6 amps with those three solars. That means it outputs 600W. You can get 12000Ws out of this. We only need 50Ws, because our timer is 0.500s. One thermopile gives 0.5 amps which can give you 50W. This means you can get 1000Ws out of it. We need 50Wt total in a full second of time. We have far far more than that with one thermopile. :D

    I've been over it with the author more than once. AFAIK RP2 power is measured in ticks. Since real life isn't measured in ticks, it's difficult to make EXACT translations, but in the terms of minecraft this math is right.

    "50Wt total in a full second" would be 50W.

    Is a Ws supposed to be a Watt-second?

    To do this you need to block a snowman in a container and put a block breaker attached to a retriever and then connect that to a pipe.

    It works because the snowman NEEDS to be on a block of snow. So as it gets destroyed a new one is instantly created again.

    Genius System.

    Huh? Why would you need a retriever?

    When i put the zip file into the mods folder minecraft crashes.
    help me pls-.-

    It's a block ID conflict. Hence why it says "Slot 201 is already occupied by...MissileBoosterBlock...when adding...BlockPlanter" (some bits cut out)

    In this case, it tried to add Forestry's BlockPlanter but RS's MissileBoosterBlock was already using that ID!
    Change the ID in Rocket Science's config and try again.

    Strange that no one took this up. I can't program worth crap but even if I could figure out how to compile it then... As far as I know all you do is recompile it against the latest api and that's it heh.

    First they have to get old versions of IC2, Minecraft and MCP to decompile it against (or decompile it without MCP and deobfuscate things manually), then recompile it with the latest versions, fix any errors caused by changes in IC2 or Minecraft, test it and make sure it still works, and get permission to release it.

    Read the title. At least the part in square brackets. The last page would be good too.

    1. By watching batbox connected to the watermill, i assume 1EU is sent every 4 ticks.
    2. No clue. :D

    1. Yes, they send 1 EU every 4 ticks. EU packets must always be whole numbers
    2. Yes they can, it happened to me a few times before I upgraded my wind farm to glass fibre. If the effective height (Y coordinate minus the number of covered blocks in a 9x7x9 area, as explained on the wiki) is no more than 80, then the windmill can never output more than 5 EU/t, and thus can never melt tin cable.

    Block breakers also work for scrap generation if not using cobble from quarries in BC.

    I dont understand people who use IC2 and complain about EE. IC2 with its UUM generation creates any block from nothing, given enough time, just as EE does.

    It might be because UUM is incredibly lossful while EE is lossless. (I use EE in singleplayer, because it's fun. I don't care about balance in this world)
    1 UUM, with scrap, takes 41.67 coal worth of energy.
    That means you can turn 375 coal into a diamond, and there's no way to turn a diamond back into coal.
    It also takes advanced technology and lots of time.
    If you converted the UUM back into coal, you'd waste 98.4% of your coal doing so.

    In EE, you can turn 96 coal into a diamond. You can just as easily turn your diamond back into 96 coal.
    You don't need any advanced technology, only a philosopher's stone.
    What's more, a single collector can upgrade redstone to mobius fuel (which you can convert back to redstone) at a rate of 4 EMC/second. A diamond is worth 1536 EMC, so you can get a diamond every 6.4 minutes with a collector. That means it pays for itself in just under an hour.
    If you were to get a diamond every 6.4 minutes with a mass fab, you need an average input of 195 EU/t. That's 390 solar panels, which will take almost 61 stacks of iron to make, and countless other materials. I shouldn't need to point out that 61 stacks of iron and 79 stacks of rubber is a lot more than 9 diamonds and 6 glowstone blocks to make a collector.

    Simply put, EE will give you a lot more stuff than IC for a lot less capital.

    I would agree. In BuildCraft, refined fuel provides three tiomes the energy of oil (600k MJ vs 200k MJ), but it takes twice as long to release it (20k ticks vs. 10k).
    So, comparatively, refined fuel should yield 1.5 times the EU/t, but also burn twice as long.

    I don't have that handbook, but in the source code fuel is set to produce 5 MJ/t for 50000 ticks, and oil 2 MJ/t for 10000 ticks. That woul mean fuel produces 5x the power of oil, and also lasts 2.5x as long, for 12.5x the total energy.

    Using a conversion factor of 1 MJ = 2.5 EU (which is also used by Power Converters)
    5 MJ/t * 50000 t * 2.5 EU/MJ = 625000 EU
    2 MJ/t * 10000 t * 2.5 EU/MJ = 50000 EU

    I've run into this problem too. It happens because the decompiler breaks the order of the initializers in
    I fixed mine a much more tedious way, but this should work too, although I haven't tried it, and I don't know if other items have the same problem as well:

    • Open net.minecraft.src.mod_IC2
    • Find a line starting with "public static Item itemScrapBox"
    • Change that line so all it says is

      public static Item itemScrapBox;

    • Gol to the end of the file, and scroll up until you find a line starting with "itemArmorAlloyChestplate = "
    • Underneath that line, add

      itemScrapBox = (new ItemScrapbox(getItemIdFor("itemScrapbox", 29883), 159)).setItemName("itemScrapbox");