Quick recipe guide
The first and second recipe are for the blutric heater, with two different kinds of copper.
The third recipe is for a blutric energy transformer (the 3-dot one).
The fourth recipe is for a blutric energy balancer (the 1-dot one).
The last two recipes are shapeless, and make melon batteries.
Requires BC 2.2.11 (for some of the heater effects), IC2 1.43, RP2 Pr4c (requires Core, Machine and Wiring), and MC 1.0.0/1.0.1. Incompatible with HD texture packs.
I haven't done much SMP testing, because MCP is annoying. Please report any bugs you find here.
Config file
The default ID conflicts with BC's legacy pipe block. You can disable that in BC's config (it's not needed unless you want to load maps from old versions of BC) or change it in my config.
You stole Eloraam's textures!
If you open the zip you'll find no RedPower textures in there. The mod will read the textures from RP Machine, and combine them with its own texture file (which contains no content from other mods). It also reads the melon texture from terrain.png and blends it with the RP battery box texture to make the melon battery texture.
Your textures are ugly anyway!
I can't sprite for human excrement, so I just rearranged some RP textures. If you have better textures, feel free to send them to me.
Have you ever wanted to convert between blutricity, EU's and BuildCraft energy? Well, now you can!
With our patented T-9001 Blutric Heating Device, made by combining a normal blutric furnace with some copper and iron to conduct heat, and some blue alloy to increase its current carrying capacity, you'll be able to use all that blutricity your solar panels are producing to actually do things! This thing needs a LOT of blutricity. If one solar panel produced 300 units of power, then one of these things can take over 9000! may depend on devices being heated
The interactions between blue alloy filaments and non-vanilla devices are not yet well understood, but our research suggests they will do nothing at all to vanilla devices. But that's crazy, who would build machines out of vanilla? Is it vanila ice cream? Who cares, HAYO!
Especially not known is what happens when you put one next to a watermill, and we highly do not recommend finding out, as water could leak into the mechanism and short it out causing the machine to explode, HAYO!
Aside from the inherently inefficient process of converting blutric power into heat and that heat into EU's, we have also discovered a unique property of blue alloy which allows it to convert EU's to blutricity and vice versa when combined with some storage and circuitry! We think it might only output EUs when provided some sort of signal - we haven't quite worked that out yet. But for now, get your own X9 Blutric Energy Transformer today. Be warned that outputting the EUs produced into a batbox or machine may cause it to explode, HAYO! We weren't able to make this technology 100% efficient, either.
For people who like useless things, the Blutric Energy Balancer! By combining two transformers in opposite directions with some wiring and circuitry, you get a transformer that can convert energy in both directions at once! We haven't worked out any practical use for this device, but I'm sure there's something, so we're throwing in this device FOR FREE! That's right, pay nothing extra and get the Blutric Energy Balancer with this mod! (What's a mod? I don't know and I don't care, HAYO!)
But that's not all! As well as all these machines for converting energy, we've also added another generator. What do you do when your base is underground and you need blutricity? Previously, people have resorted to running long wires and carrying batteries around, but those are annoying and give away the location of your base! Our scientists think blutricity could be generated from a temperature difference sometime in the future, but trying to combine that technology with our current EU systems causes the universe to crash. Crash into what? Good question! So we developed the Melon Battery! Simply craft one by sticking red and blue alloy electrodes into a melon, in any arrangement, and place it next to another melon to generate a tiny amount of blutricity! We also discovered that iron works just as well as red alloy.