Posts by immibis

    Indeed - that occurred to me after my last response. The problem is, you'd have to replace all the wiring with gold to handle the bigger packets, or each mill would require back-to-back LVTs (one redstoned). Might as well use a batbox, the expense is comparable and the benefit is increased storage to moderate fluctuations in output.

    It might be possible to do it with one LVT, not redstoned - depending on what LVTs do with undersized packets on their high-voltage side.

    Sorry for being pedantic, but a watt is a unit of power, like eu/t, and a joule is a unit of energy, like eu. (And a coulomb is an amp times a second)

    the three solar panels in my tutorial is WAY overkill. I've learned a lot about redpower recently. It takes 25J to push one item. All current redpower machines are 100V. Each solar is 2 Amps. That means you're pushing 6 amps with those three solars. That's 600 Joules per TICK. 12000Watts per second. We only need 50W per second, because our timer is 0.500s. One thermopile gives 0.5 C per tick which is 50J per tick 1000W per second. We need 50W per second. We have far far more than that with one thermopile. :D

    Actually, an amp is a coulomb per second, not per tick (although I don't know how RP works internally, it might well be C/t instead of A). If that's right then the above math is wrong.

    a server containing ic²,Redpower,Buildcraft and railcraft is modded to the limit of block id's nearly full , (exept 2 or so block ids)

    In singleplayer I have IC2, RedPower, BuildCraft, RailCraft, AdditionalPipes, Advanced Machines, Rocket Science, Logistics Pipes, Equivalent Exchange, Forestry, MineFactory Reloaded, Power Converters, and ComputerCraft, and I'm not out of block IDs yet. (I don't have an ID extender mod either)
    New blocks can use the same block IDs as existing ones, but existing blocks can't be merged like that because it would break existing worlds.

    Yes. It is incompatible? ?(

    By default they have conflicting GUI IDs. You need to change the IDs of one or both in their configs, and make sure all your clients have the new configs.
    By coincidence, I had that problem just before you posted it - nobody on our server was using the forcefields yet, so we just deleted that addon because it's easier.

    Some math:

    One recycler uses 1 eu/t and takes 35 ticks per recycling operation.
    That means it takes 280 ticks per scrap produced, on average, and consumes 280 eu to do so.
    870 - 280 = 590 eu
    590 eu over 280 ticks = 2.107 eu/t, which is more than most renewable generators.

    Because a generator burns a piece of scrap in 87 ticks, but a recycler takes 280 ticks to produce one, you will need at least one generator for every 3.218 recyclers.

    From 3.218 recyclers (which take 10 iron to make) and one generator (which takes 8 iron to make) you will get 6.780 eu/t, and spend 40.18 iron ingots. That's 0.1687 eu/t/iron ingot.

    From solar, you get about 0.5 eu/t from 10 iron. That's 0.05 eu/t/iron ingot.
    From wind, you get up to 1.3 eu/t from 12 iron. That's 0.108 eu/t/iron ingot.
    From unmanned water, you get up to 0.25 eu/t from 4 iron. That's 0.0625 eu/t/iron ingot.
    From manned water, you get up to 2 eu/t from 4 iron. That's 0.5 eu/t/iron ingot.

    Conclusion: This gives you cheaper power than any other simple renewable source, other than manned watermills. :thumbup:

    Thought I should add: I tried this in SMP once, before this topic, but I ended up losing energy overall. I think I got the balance of the various parts wrong then - not enough recyclers to offset the fact that I was making cobble pipes as scrap fodder, which costs energy to macerate and smelt the cobblestone.

    Really... the only reason for industry is mass-production. You could make Flint out of gravel by placing and breaking it... but a macerator is so much easier.

    I think Alblaka said once that he might think of a more industrial approach to potions. Maybe Drugs or Stims and this might include a High-Tech-Brewing stand. Potions are stupid in the first place. Mohjang provides thousands of ItemIDs and they save all potions in a single one using damage-values (which makes them unstackable). But they spam out new blocks like even isn't a limit to the number.

    The potions' damage values are bitfields. Bitfields cannot be used in IDs, as it would require a large group of contiguous IDs. (According to the wiki's data values page, there are 7 used bits currently = 128 combinations). It would also mean a new class for each of these combinations.

    1.The recipe is already used by the HV Cable

    He might mean normal iron, not refined.

    2. A HV Cable has a loss of 1EU/t per block
    Your cable has a loss of 0.5 EU/t
    It should have a loss of 2-4 EU/t

    An HV cable has a loss of 1 EU/p per block.
    (S)he said the cable has a loss of 0.5 EU/t/block, which doesn't tell us anything about the EP/p/block.

    3. EV is already good enough

    Almost certainly. You can go 1024 blocks with an uninsulated HV cable before you get to 50% loss, and this is well beyond the chunk loading range.

    More to the point, it would be impractical to use them on /glass/ cables.

    Perhaps make it so that detector/splitter cables are updated every so often (several thousand ticks would work) based on the surrounding cables. Among the cables touching the detector cable select the highest resistance cable and mirror it's output; during scans other detector cables should be detected as a cable with infinite resistance and not allow passage. This would have an unfortunate side-effect of making each type of detector cable take up several damage values.

    That would work. Several damage values would not be needed, as they are tile entities when placed, and don't need to store this information when in your inventory.

    Edit: You could then use 50% detector cables and 50% glass fibre...

    Well, setting up the watermill farm does technically require 2 diamonds for the handsaw to cut the silicon boule to make the blue doped wafers for blutricity, but then again you can also keep using that handsaw, so I don't know if that really counts.

    Definitely a nice system though, and now that blutricity is somewhat portable because of batteries, a good way to get power underground without having to move pumps around.

    It's possible to do this with advanced wooden pipes instead of retrievers and filters, meaning you can do it without diamonds, but only with AdditionalPipes and BuildCraft.

    I have a script that combines a bunch of mods -in to- the server.jar file. However if this is throwing you for a loop it's more likely that my script would just confuse you more; it performs several remixes and more or less depends on the packages I expect to be installed being there and the mods I want being in locations that make sense to me.

    It's a shame copyright would prevent me from distributing the result even if I did get permission from the IC2 authors and Eloraam for RP2.

    But you could distribute the script. I'm sure it would be useful to a lot of server owners.

    If I’m not mistaken, solars and water mills produce roughly the same eu/t. You have to factor in that you get TWO watermills for the materials and solars are off half of the time.

    Hmm, I thought water mills made up to 0.025 EU/t unmanned, meaning you'd need 10x the materials as for solars. Did it change in IC2?

    Solars just trade their expense for ease of use.

    Ease of use seems to be highly underrated.

    But if you believe the fancy computations in other threads, then wind blows them both out of the water.[/align]

    No fancy computations involved. At level 126, with two cable blocks underneath, the effective level is 124.
    124 blocks * 250 eu/day/block (from the wiki page) / 24000 ticks/day = 1.29167 eu/t.
    That's 5.167 unmanned watermills, or 2.583 solars (assuming 50% uptime). It's much lower than manned watermills or water strainers though, but as I said, the continuous pumping causes me graphical lag.

    I prefer either solar, or wind, because of water's low power output.
    Wind generators are cheaper than solar, but you need to use glass fibre cables or a ton of batboxes to avoid melting any cables.
    Solar is very convenient - just wire it and forget it, which cancels out some of its expense.

    If we're not talking vanilla IC2, Power Converters has generators called Water Strainers, which are like watermills that take water from BC pipes instead of buckets. They produce 4-5x as much EU/t/iron ingot as solar, but actually pumping the water causes plenty of lag with my Intel graphics...