Posts by david8029

    I'm not good in Java, but i'm quite ok in Pascal (Lazarus):

    1.: yep the nuke is destroing all the blocks. And calculation is done in one part. After the calculation is done and everything is destroyed the forcefield has the ability to update itself, the blocks which are now empty. Only solution would be that the force field will replace all Blocks around it, but this is not always wanted... maybe there could be an other mode. Or you manually destroy all blocks arround before stating the forcefield....

    Yea I don't wanna have to destroy the blocks that would be a force field or let the force field do that. There has to be some way though.


    2. like thunderdark said: a block could be marked as undestroyable. But if the other mod's don't care about this you could so nothing...

    Undestroyable sounds good. Not many mods just destroy everything.

    I think I got what you meant lol. Think if I put 2 field projectors 4 squares apart and put them both to radius of 10. That would right now cut off some of the area inside the field because of the overlap. Find some way to recognize that the field blocks are inside another field and have them disappear so that the entire area inside the field is available to work and live in.

    Before any one reads my ideas please realize that my experience with Java programming is: I made the Hello World! program.

    Ok now, if this Force Field mod is supposed to be the ultimate defense with impenetrable shields then we have a problem. While testing the Rocket Science mod I decided I needed to protect the house with all of my stuff in it (I am using the IC2 Test Map). So i made a Force Field that hugs the building like a glove. So I place a Nuke (the IC one) and set it off right beside it. Results look good. While I am launched to the other side of the room I am unharmed and so is the building. When I go outside to look at the ground I notice that some of the ground underneath the building is gone. I tested some more and realized that it has to be the block update rate (if this is the wrong words please forgive me). When the Nuke destroys the ground that would have been force field if it was empty the blast damage goes through and destroys more blocks before the force field block spawns in its place. This can be a very big issue, especially in SMP. If I big under a base and set off a Nuke it will destroy alot of stuff before the force field blocks get in place. So if the block update rate (again sry) can be increased that would work.

    Another idea/problem fix if for damage assessment of the force field blocks themselves. I posted earlier about the two mods I use being able to break the force field blocks and then I crash if I pick one up. The only blocks that these mods cannot destroy like that is bedrock. Is there a way to make the force field block reference damage like it was bedrock? Another problem that this would fix is the ability for the Nuclear Missile and Thermonuclear Missile to penetrate the force field rendering it useless for missile defense.

    And one more thing. I'm not sure if it was mentioned but allowing overlapping force fields where the inside fields are not there would be awesome. It would allow for fully shielded bases or ships.

    Edit: Almost forgot. Can we get it so that the force field projectors can charge without having to be turned on.

    Bug report: When I use the Super Pick option for Single Player Commands or when I use the one hit block option on CJB , I destroy that force field block and it drops on the ground. When I pick it up it crashes with this error. This happens on both the stable version and the new release.

    Ok so I was having a problem with missles just launching themselves to i started over with a new jar and have very few mods on. I used CJB to spawn the missles and I had the same problem. I then opened the modloader and disabled CJB and now everytime when I try to place the missles the game crashes and shows this in the console. Also I am attaching the modloader and config files.

    EDIT: I feel like a tard but I found the issue. ID Resolver would change the id and for some reason that would mess it up. Hopefully the OP will look into this lol.

    srry to tell you but you have to make some choices on what mods you can have and also yo might have to go through alot of your configs
    the reason is because this mod seems to have a few compatibility problems atm and it interracts with some mods in some really weird ways.
    i think that it is stated some where in the forum that cjb mods has some id conflicts(these conflicts don't show up in modloader ?( ) that may be causing you passenger rocket problems and for the rest might be some other mods.

    Do you happen to know which one is the culprit?

    I know that its a part of BTW. I use BTW, BC, and IC2. But I used to be able to use nethercoal in my generators. But I cant remember if it was was IC or early build of IC2. I was just wondering if it was taken out of use on purpose or it was accidental with an update whether it was from IC2 of BTW.

    I seem to remember in a previous release (either IC or IC2) nethercoal worked in generators. Is there a reason this stopped? Was it from an update from BTW or was it from IC2?

    Maybe an easier way to do it would be to add one more block (I know to many blocks lol). You know how when it snows the ground get covered by snow. Why not build that into the explosion. The explosion would create these blocks that would land on the ground and do something. Be it damage players/mobs or render the area around it unbuildable until it is removed by what ever means is decided.