or you can use one tin cable as a fuse so when it blows you dont lose your wind gens
Posts by dude2976
364 million wtf thats alot of daimonds for mfsu,s um.... what could i do with all that juice.............. i know ill terra form the whole world
i am working on a 50000 eu per tick power plant currently on 15000 and i am not using solar power 80% of that power is made by wind!
wind power is awesome
look again
i am working on a 50000 eu per tick power plant currently on 15000 and i am not using solar power 80% of that power is made by wind!
mengolems are even more effective ;).
No waiting for lava to flow to make more cobbleagreed snow poer actavate
i/was not using my brain faceplam
matter decompiler
description :
at last the monkeys in the white coats have figured out how to turn matter ( blocks) into pure energy
basicly this means that i am sugesting some thing that can turn blocks into energy but it cant be cobblestone because that would be op! i just ran out also forgive my speling and grammar also i am a newb -
great work yet again crazzy man diamonds
i know how you feel and thats very clever
12 block breakers wtf are you thinking thats not possibble