Maybe add import in start file?
Posts by LionZXY
Last version?
Try other version MineTweaker and send me logfile, modlist and all .zs file -
Is this a Minetweaker addon or a own mod that work similar to minetweaker for GT 6?
It is addon.
I wrote it for 5 minutes
You do know that there is a HashMap that contains all RecipeMaps? No Reflection needed to access the Field with the RecipeMap.
Oh lol. I change it. Sorry.Not noticed
What for? It's already done.
GregTech recipe support use a Reflection API.
List all recipe variable you can find here
CodeMTUtilsGT.addCustomRecipe(String recipeVar, boolean aOptimize, long aEUt, long aDuration, long[] aChances, IItemStack[] aInputs, ILiquidStack aFluidInput, ILiquidStack aFluidOutput, IItemStack[] aOutputs);
for add or remove recipe.Ex.
Codeimport mods.MTUtilsGT; MTUtilsGT.addCustomRecipe("sShredderRecipes",true, 128, 128, [10000], [<minecraft:stone>], null, null, [<minecraft:diamond_block>]);
Add this recipe