you forgot to set it to 2 ice blocks per second instead of one
here: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vkettegqbkensoc4v4k0kmngg
Posts by raGan
I've been messing with the breeder stuff, and I see that the breeder information mentions using over 100 buckets of lava in order to get to the initial heating. The wiki says that each bucket increases the heat by 2,000, and when testing, reactors exploded after about five buckets.
I see a 'time between buckets' section, too. Does waiting that eleven seconds do something to really affect it? I can see the graphic of my reactor changing from blank to green while doing all this, but I'm not sure what it means.
I'm gonna install the thermometer add-on later and experiment with more information at-hand.
Yes, time between buckets affects it much. Every component in your reactor can store 10000 heat itself. It means if you have 20 HD's in your reactor, its overall heat storage increases by 20 * 10 000 = 200 000 units. But, by adding lava buckets, heat is added directly to reactor hull, not to components. After that, you have to wait few ticks until that heat is divided evenly to every component in reactor, which has connection with reactor hull. Every HD is able to exchange up to 25 heat every tick, which is 500 heat every second. After adding bucket of lava, your HDs will immediately start to spred the heat from hull evenly to all components touching them, but that takes some time. If you add 5 buckets at once, reactor hull goes critical and it explodes immediately, since HDs are limited to 25 heat per tick (each). Better description of mechanics can be found on wiki or in reactor tutorial. -
I also saw your design here,
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…etoapu0oyo741nf3r6v1audxcwhich uses 10 less heat dispensers, but my design produces an effective .5 eu/t more (probably nothing to note), runs about 18 cycles more, and cuts off about 30 seconds.
I think I'm finally satisfied with the design. Can't get much more energy out of a self-cooling system, as far as I've seen. I didn't realize earlier tonight that I could increase efficiency by putting u-cells next to each other, so that was a big upgrade. I was originally using 12 cells to get 24kk. > . >
I'm gonna look more into breeders tomorrow because I'm lazy and don't want to go out searching for uranium. ; P Thanks for all the great info and the awesome planner program, everybody.
EDIT:EEEEEEE I modified it a bit more to make it an absolute I-O! : D
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…sluh6tyo7oct9zzhjeus3w0zkOne more coolant cell, two less heat dispersers (could add another coolant cell, but no point). It's only efficiency 1.5, but for a 24kk I-O, it's dang good!
Good work there, bro. The thing is, Mark II reactors capable of runnung more than 15 cycles are considered to be Mark I. Reason is simple, You just wont stand there for 15 cycles to refuel your reactor under 3 mins after each cycle, so it will eventually cool down completely. It's not really necessary to have have Mark I.
But if you really want to, you can make Mark I from my on by adding just one HD into one of corners - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…etoapu0tmdc4wmnn2n7474000 -
that design loses the "can survive a direct hit" safety feature if the chamber gets knocked off mid cycle the reactor could go critical my design wan't for cheapness it was for overkill safety
EDIT: here i dropped 3 heat dispensers and it still can take a direct hit at any time and survive http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…b5lxe1z6mssj66kjbcmxzq3i8
Yea I forgot about it, I always accidentally remove my chambers too.Ahhhhhh! Thank you sir! Or madam!
Sir, please. -
Also, this:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…z5iiwbyq81hc9qix088iz1hs0Versus this:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…agp7rlnvyla31dcjn8f3kynggI DON'T GET IT.
How can adding a coolant cell make it not able to cool down just as well?
Planner wants to save all components from melting. It counts time until one component reaches critical state, where it cannot gain any more heat, otherwise it will melt. Then, planner counts time to completely cool down each component after one cycle or after some of components reached critical stage. In your design, you have one cell getting bigger amounts of heat than it can handle and soon it reaches critical point. When that happens, you have to turn off your reactor and wait for it to completely cool (that's what planner does), which takes a long time, as one cell can cool only 1 heat per second and is not connected to any HD. In your other design, no cell will melt before 1st cycle and thats why it makes so big difference in planner.well the first post says nothing about designs that sacrifice performance for safety so here goes
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…g3pnf4puz1mar4ej4ha2po75sthe design is meant to provide an economical eff 2 reactor with an extra emphasis on safety and as a result is designed to not melt down even if the external water cooling was removed(it turns into a mark2 in a confined space) and blocks were broken off the reactor its self (the uranium is stored on the far right when the inventory shrinks from a chamber being broken off the uranium will drop out)
Much cheaper can be done - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ym8fb8f3ylfqqrjpkphober0g
the q&a says bone meal doesn't work i was the one who asked
the q&a also says the number of dirt under a crop affects nutrients
QuoteQ: does bone meal actually boost nutrient storage like fertilizer?
YesLooks like it does.
Dam... when did that change. Check this thread for any incompatibilities with official Q&A if you want to.
-No useless eff 1, low eu/cost etc -
Alright, here's my first stab at reactor design:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…5fpra56x3p93qzfw568o8nb40 (Not the link I had planned, that was a T-shape, but has the same stats. Uglier, though D:It's somewhere between reactors 2 and 4 on the one-cycle Mark II reactor list, having higher EU/t than reactor 2 and better efficiency than reactor 4 (however, it has higher cooldown than both). I'm only bothering to post it because it uses five cells and those two use 4 and 6 respectively, so anyone wishing to use five cells and a setup similar to that can use this design. I'll keep tooling around with five cell (since 4cell seems to have hit a dead end as described below and 3cell has been solved for perfect generation) and see what I can come up with.
I also suspect that 4-cell reactors (all cells connected to each other, not in a box shape) can get to a minimum of 5 heat generated per tick for mathematical reasons. I keep trying to get lower and it just does not work, and it seems like it's a combination of the reactor size and the way crosses tessellate in two dimensions. I'm not going to go and prove it, though.
You may as well try to improve this. http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=36420#post36420
I made it while ago for no special reason and it didn't make it any further. -
Machines are limited only by voltage too. You can feed 5000Eu/t to a single MassFab.
EU per packet and EU pre tick are completely different numbers. Cables are not limited by current, but by the the size of the packet. BatBox is outputing single 32 EU packet each tick, therefore it's outputting 32EU/t. If you add another BatBox, current will be increased to 64EU/t, however, voltage will still be the same (32EU/p). All cables are limited by voltage. Cable, which is able to carry 32EU/p can carry unlinited amount of packets at the same time, but not a single packet can be bigger than that.
If you want to split your output to many devices, just make sure their total required input is lower or equal to the current you are providing. Nothing will be lost (unless there is some loss due to cable length) and everything will get enough power to run.
Coolant cell between 2 uranium cells in the middle of design shoud die, but it won't. This is not MK 1.
Just started playing with reactors and got this from the reactor planner.
It's inefficient and expensive, but I've seen much worse. Try to avoid using that much Heat Dispensers in your next one.
It is even possible to remove some without any effect on cooling - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…pi6xgplukr80tvtxftvcy82dc
As always, I was curious how much can I improve it and this came up - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…etoapu0oyo741nf3r6v1audxcEdit: Or do you post this because of a strange behavior of the planner ?
I modified cocoa description and added your attachment to the bottom of the main post.
Added, but do some more experiments to confirm this please.
Each Uranium cell surrounded by it's own 4 Coolant cells is absolutely safe ad there is no way reactor can explode, even when it's placed in lava. You can place as many single uranium cells as you want there, like this: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…fzh4s2ox3cdgx4ocgrdncr22o
However, this type of reactor is extremely inefficient and far better safe designs are availible.
i found out an way to duplicate an plant, use the + setup with the origional plant in the middel and crossbreeding sticks around it. it worked for me some times now. (usualy an lesser plant wil get created of the same breed. and sometimes an higher tier plant) it takes time, alot of time to achieve an duplication.
If you want, you can write simple little tutorial about it here, and I'll copypaste it into main post.
You can make manual override button to force turn on.
I upgraded one of mine a while ago. It's the reactor 3 in mk 2 section
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