Don't you all think, that the best NON-CASUC's are already posted? We are actually getting pretty large amounts of Mark-I-Designs, which are very bad.
Naaah, we just have to keep trying.
Don't you all think, that the best NON-CASUC's are already posted? We are actually getting pretty large amounts of Mark-I-Designs, which are very bad.
Naaah, we just have to keep trying.
This design that outputs 140 eu/t is insane.that has to be the best design for low eu generative reactors. I have 25 hooked up and I'm generating around 3200 EU/T because I'm using HV cables. Is that what you guys are using or are you using fiber optic?
Sir, you have to be shitting uranium.
It highly depends on what "Best" means. If it's just about output, this one is the best I have ever made seen.
Hello !
I finally decided to add something to the main post, but... I found out that I completely lost track of everything new in agriculture, so this might not be as easy as I thought. If anyone has anything to offer, I dare you to post it here (or PM me, if you prefer to) ! If it is some kind of research, I will not add it unless it's proven somehow, so any speculation will most likely not be added. Things i would appreciate the most are: new plants' stats, tutorials, thorough explanation of agriculture mechanics, general tips and tricks. I will slowly crawl through this forum section and add anything new i find here and there, to keep information together. I have no idea how brewing works, I don't even have IC 2 installed right now (shame on me). ANY information (about agriculture ofc) will help. It's all for you, why can't it be made by you ? Thanks.
Have a nice day !
So, I managed to crossbreed a few plants and get their seeds, but I took Venomilia seeds and tried to plant them on crops and it didn't work. Do they need certain planting requirements?
Yes. Try fertilizing and hydrating empty corpsticks before planting. Also place dirt blocks (up to 3 I guess) under your crop block to provide best possible conditions.
Next shot at designing a reactor
- Link: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…i5nzaknvtie69066ze22adrsw
- Eu/tick: 150
- Efficiency: 2.14
- Cost: 18 integrated cooling units, 29 cooling cells, 7 uranium cells, a six chambered design
Much better than your previous, but expensive. Try to avoid placing HDs next to each other. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…fzuns78n9a8vf9kmx9ucfqccg
I'm tired of ur indirect pointless answers. Give some real answers or just stop this Q/A I see no point in hiding what makes what and then when people ask you avoid the real answer and all costs.
Answers are OK, questions are bad.
Question: How many crops are available for discovery right now ?
Your missing Terra Wart which is tier 3 As well as nether wart (tier 5) which grows if a terra wart is planted with soulsand under the dirt (grows in surface world.)
I am missing a lot of things right now, but don't worry, I will update soon. (in few day probably)
Display Morewell it may be somewhat uranium expensive but i still think this is a pretty good design, it also symmetrical so it looks sexy
feel free to let me know if it can be improved
cheaper + better http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…93t4nwxvfs2cwts6809ejhl34(symmetrical here)
only cheaper http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ldwi9apfoe8qnhmcucancxudc
actually it's better, not only cheaper. 27 cool time vs 30 on prev version
Hah, yes, 3 seconds do much.
No, it does not take evaporating into account. (As far as I know)
When a source block evaporates, it gets replaced by flowing water block from nearby source block. If not, it just stops cooling the reactor, since it is not present anymore.
Also you probably pasted wrong link.
Has there been any research into max EU output in a Mk II-1? I've currently got a set of 3 and two sets of 2 rods in my reactor giving me 30M, and I can just run it and leave it without fear of it exploding, and whenever it's cooled off I can put some more in. I suppose it'd be possible to fiddle around with single rods to try and get more, but that could get pretty uranium-intensive. Anyone have any thoughts?
Here, 36M and I think i can't get more:
Most probably.
look here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=4004
There is the list of most IC plants. 2 plants have only small chance to produce different(mutated) child, but high tier parents have higher chance to produce high tier children. So basically it's best for you to try to crossbreed two Tier II plants, like rose and dandelion, reed and reed, reed and melon, to get best results. If you got some cocoa, it is smart to plant some too, as it's Tier III plant.
Just set up 10 [P][CB][P] fields, where [P] is parent plant and [CB] is crossbreeding block created by placing cropsticks on empty cropsticks.
Also don't forget to fertilize and hydrate parents and even empty cropsticks and stay close to quickly react when weed appears.
Happy farming.
Dear raGan, i think you can add in OP way how to create first crops (eg. blackthorn or sticky reed) - after this small advice new farmers will have larger chnce to create somehing (like me for exsample - after 3 days of searching i still dont know how to create new crop), and/or you can add info what is GGR?
I will definitely add something sooner or later. (highly depens on my laziness) At GGR, I think it already described in main post, have you read it ?
There is also great video about agriculture basics -
Everyone is free to post any helpful information, which should be added to the thread, I will collect them and add bunch of them at a time.
Can anyone do this with 1 chamber less?
I can't get it to Mark II-15, but adding one HD to any emty slot will do. Adding HD to each epmty corner will make it Mark II-E.
*Wakes up* What ?
Not my work, though.
I managed to make it slightly cheaper (only 2 coolant cells).
Cocoa seems to require water next to it to be planted.
Nope, i managed to plant some without adjacend water.