(TMI'd for testing perposes.) I blew up 200 nukes and Minecraft stopped lagging after 5 minutes. I did 1,600 nukes. (Heh. ) To see what would hurt me in RedMatter armor and... 10 minutes after it stopped lagging and had a nice hole. Oddly enough it didn't crash until I move around a bit.
Posts by ninjaman63
Weird I'm wondering why he got ninja'd. I didn't see anything bad.
Nice. May I see more?
Huh? Alblaka I just used flatifacator then cultivator.
The way I tested it was I scanned a 5x5 area first with me in the middle and then me where Ragen said and I cut the 6x6 outer perimeter down to bedrock and the middle had changed and the upper corner did not. Thus proving it.
Well for a quantum suit your setup for take about 32 days or ~720 hours. (Just including UU-Matter) For a quantum suit.
I was bored. (Thanks _Tim_ for your calculator!)
Well it's either as I said or the people who write the Wiki don't feel like it.
(5th time writing this, stupid rural area internet)
The Wiki info may be the problem here but I may be wrong. I'll test it. (probobly, how did you test it/find out?)
EDIT: Tada figured it out! Well you are correct in the scanning pattern. -
Additional info: Enviromental damage doesn't break armorlike lava, water, fall, etc., but all others; Creepers, Skeletons,etc., do just as Vanilla.
Huh. Seems odd since atleast when I tried to duplicate it, the wall did no damage to any of the armors: leather, gold, diamond, and iron, non enchanted.
You get 5 tin from 3 UU matter.
Oops. My memory from a few minutes earlier trying to see if uranium recipie is still in has failed. -
Also bordering on rediculsness UUM for 2 tin.
[/quote]You make uranium out of UUM which is made out of scrap.[/quote]
*cough*recipe removed for uranium*cough* End of discussion.
EDIT: Woops I didn't refresh and Cadde beat me to it. -
Why don't you do some "challenges" ? For example; gathering some dirt and saplings then heading underground to never see the sun again. Or create a castle with hidden traps as I like to do. The MCF has plenty of these.
Hmm, Maybe this is because quantum armor has far more DUrability, Because of it's higher energy capacity?
Nope. Both armors break when after depleted. Thanks to the local lava pool plus local creepers. (TMI'd both suits but doesn't matter. Didn't want to lose my legit Quantum Suit.
Imaginary purple goo generated out of 1 million EU.*Yes but that 1 million EU takes nothing (Excluding Scrap) and POOF 1/9th of a diamond! Yay!
Vanilla MineCraft.
Cheaper and does same thing by Rick: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1n10101001501521s1r11r10
Or have a more "realistic" way of doing this and have it consist of nano batteries and heat-resistent clay and electro magnets to contain the plasma as Michio Kaku suggested for a LightSaber? Still would just burn things. Not very effective as armor.
Maybe because UUM recipes cost millions of EU's. (And of course it's imaginary purple goo generated out of thin air.)