Wish it worked now.
Posts by Sibire
Simpler then a blacklist, it will contain a plain interface consisting of a single boolean method. Items implementing said method can define true or false in the regard of being storeable.
Would it be possible for server admins to list what cannot be carried as well? So no hiding that
or stolen items?
--- MERGE ---
Also, regarding the dump-inv function someone stated earlier, would it be possible to use said machine to store a reactor setup for instant filling?
Actually that batpack thingy is a nice idea and shouldn't take all too much effort.
Could make batpack storeable as well...Means you can carry armor sets around in tool boxes, exchanging them with a few clicks.
As well i can make Toolboxed display the name of the first item within them if you hover over them. Should be determant enough
Sweet! You should make them nameable actually, and here's a recipe idea...
S: Stick
RR: Rose Red Dye -
- Name/Nick (just something to call you with)
- MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick / Minecraft Acountname (preferable all of them)
- Timezone you're living in, given in GMT +-x
GMT -5
- The position you want to take, aka: what do you want to do?
Tester, but I can find/make sounds and sprites, and I'll be taking Java courses in June. And Class A bug finder. If it's wrong, I'll probably have found it already.
- Previous experience on the position mentioned above? A good spot to throw links at previous projects/activitys of yours.Sounds for various videos, game sound modding, texture pack production, finding problems in damn near everything.
For the record Sibire is pronounced like "sighbeer", not "cyber", "sib-ere" or "sigh-bire".
Don't worry all too much, 1.6 is up and running [in closed section, that is]. We have some reported issue with a few items that need to be fixed though, i think people will hate me if i release a version with infunctional QuantumSuit.
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but it'll be fixed so ok.
I've got the same problem, only it starts to teleport me, like i can see where i tp'd to, but then tp's me back or something.
Achievement Get!
"Pop needs a new pair of shoes!"
Craft Quantum Boots -
Yeah as in showing the trade, that' what I meant.
...With the soon-to-come feature of spraying foam onto cables you can even hide them in walls, perfectly.Well that works too...
Unfortunately the best current way of doing that would be to use an intermediary object of little value (say converting the items in to scaffolding) and using stacks of that as currency.
That's the problem I'm addressing here...
What would they be used for, anyway?
How about showing what they're selling and for what, as well as accepting different kinds of stuff? Like 2 sticks and 3 planks for a boat or such?
But what about the night vision equipment? I know there are mods for it, but it's IC2 for crying out loud! Less need for torches, better hunting, nighttime inspection of cables and such, construction, everything!
Sand + Macerator = Sand Dust
Sand Dust + Furnace = Impure Sillicon
Impure Silicon + Furnace = Silicon Blob
Silicon Blob + Compressor = Silicon ChipComplex, but meh.
Achievement Get!
Kill a skeleton with a Long-Range laser shot.Achievement Get!
"It's the thought that counts..."
Craft an Industrial Diamond.Achievement Get!
Cause a Nuclear Meltdown/Explosion.=
Here's an idea: Why don't we take the painter, add a special dye, and use it to paint blocks with a conductive strip, not too powerful though, just enough to power luminators. It would save loads of time and effort charging them up manually, and save space.
Conductive Paint:
= 1 Conductive Dye
Paint Coulouring:
Conductive Dye + Dye(lapiz, rose red, etc.) = Coloured CDye
Energy-O-Mat is meant to come back at some point. For the time being, use lapotron + trade-o-mat.
That'd be pretty sweet, so long as people don't just break the door down and it's just for aesthetics or something, not protecting personal safes, as those would be cheaper...
+ Reinforced Door =
Hell yeah. Like [Private] signs in that Bukkit plugin...
That could be useful for resupplying remote areas...
+ outpost+
+ Freqtrans= Happypoweredface