Hope you guys didnt forget about https://github.com/Modular-For…odular-Force-Field-System - just create an account there, post your name and i can add you as developer
Posts by Dragonkin
My apologies for waking an old thread, i just wanted to point out the fact that real cameras are a possibility:
1) Portal mod uses seethrough portals
2) http://www.minecraftforum.net/…3-01-cctv-block-v01-mlv5/ introduces cameras to single player. There is no support for smp (and probably never will be), there is no way of setting which monitor should show feed from which camera, but the sole camera code is there and the owner even offers developers to decompile his code and use it -
Oh, didnt know it works that way too
Added both devs from the original repo to the group
Alright, source successfuly uploaded to the repository https://github.com/Dragonkin/IC2-Modular-Force-Field-System
Everyone who wants to contribute, just pm me your nick on github and i will whitelist you for write access. Or if someone wants to take over the management of the repository, i will gladly transfer it to you
But I know not of,...if anyone can create a Sourceforge,github,... would like to help all
Looks to me that Thunderdark agrees on making it opensource, but what do i know
Would love to have his response, but i guess hes busy
That it is, im still awating any response as well (either the sources or Thunderdarks nick on github to give him the access to upload them)
Github established https://github.com/Dragonkin/IC2-Modular-Force-Field-System just register there, post your nick and i will give you the write access
OK, i just ran through most of the new posts on minecraft forge forum (not to be mistaken with the totally unrelated MC Forge, hayo!
) and seems like there is a fix!
Display More[SEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.RuntimeException: ModLoader has failed to initialize. at ModLoader.ThrowException(ModLoader.java:1209) at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:630) at ModLoader.Init(ModLoader.java:1272) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.s(MinecraftServer.java:103) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:315) at cz.run(SourceFile:465) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: IndustrialCraft 2: MinecraftForge Too Old, need at least 1.3.1 at forge.MinecraftForge.killMinecraft(MinecraftForge.java:332) at forge.MinecraftForge.versionDetect(MinecraftForge.java:352) at mod_IC2.initialize(mod_IC2.java:128) at ic2.platform.Ic2.load(Ic2.java:22) at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:610) ... 4 more
Seems like it doesnt want to run with 1.3.0, could you post your minecraft-server.jar? Or are you using older minecraft version?
Whoa, now im confused too
At first there was the beta, then few months ago there was feature stop and classic 1.0 introduced, then 1.1, which is what im using. Is MC Forge for beta? They said there that if i have beta then i need to wait for Forgecraft o_O
http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ or any modern video player can play mkv
BTW, i have the same problem.
Magnetizer seems to be glitching especialy when i walk towards the bottom one (i have one magnetizer on the bottom, then 40 iron fences and another one on the top), this way it propells me only about 10% of the time i walk towards it, sometimes helps if I jump. However when i jump from the nearby ladder onto the fence, it pretty much always works, but once i get to the top and hit my head to the top magnetizer, instead of keeping me in that position i start falling down, after several meters of falling it starts propelling again. At first i thought it might be caused by long cabling, but now i have batboxes near both of magnetizers (fully charged of course) and nothing changed -
I have just posted at http://www.mcforge.net/forums/…?tid=994&pid=7184#pid7184 about this, didnt find anything related on the forum, lets hope they can fix this soon