Posts by MagusUnion


    i realised i probably need to implement ITileEntity or something but like i say, first MC mod, first IC2 addon...

    Most (if not all) blocks that deal with 'power' are going to be TileEntities, and not just 'Blocks'. The way that EU is sent around and managed is a bit of a hack with metadata values. However, since I don't have the 9 years of expertise that you have, I can't give you a decisive answer as to how it specifically calls those functions...

    And I don't know if MCreator will make the appropriate adjustments into this as requested. You may have to end up using an Eclipse workspace to apply this functionality...


    The internal cooling via ice and water system was removed due to it being extremely exploitable.

    Indeed. I would not count on ANY type of discussion on the matter to find a way to have that feature restored. Your best bet is to create a Nuclear spin-off add-on for IC2 that allows that. CASUC's aren't coming back (I hope)...

    And I'm still laughing that people are draining the Nether, I predicted that was going to happen once I saw the introduction of lava/water cells....


    I've been thinking of getting into modding for quite some time, and besides a few select mod authors like Al and his team, Azanor, and Spacetoad (or as I like to call them, the Forge Crew) the only thing that goes in my mod is what I want. The funny point in all of that is that none of them will have much to say about my mod, they're too busy making their own.

    A couple of things...

    1. Neither Al, Azanor, nor Spacetoad have a direct hand in Forge development currently. Spacetoad actually gave Buildcraft to Krapt and Sengir, and they respect Toad's wishes to leave the mod open sourced. If you need to contact someone about Forge, try either LexMatos or cpw over at the Minecraft Forge site. (Currently down at the time of this post, oddly enough)

    2. If you are going to make a mod, take Pahimar's advice and make something YOU want to play. DON'T rely on ANYBODY's input to help you with coding, or help continuing your mod. You may make something people hate, or find that your Java background is inadequate. Code something you like, and learn how it works. You will be happy that you did...


    I wouldn't trust a Site, which has grammatical Errors in automatically generated Text. Also four 94% ratings seems a bit "untested" to me. But the advertising Value of this Site is indeed very high

    not to mention ad revenue all depends on how much you want to annoy the user ;)

    Well, yeah, I know... Still, kinda funny that somebody/thing would put that high of a price tag on this site, for whatever reasons that may be...

    But I am glad that IC2 hasn't resorted to the heavy ad route. I can understand if the financial hardships started to require their use. I know those too well... :-/

    Are you sure you can trust GRichard? He could've poisoned your Computer with that little "Mod", which could be a serious Virus.

    I'm pretty sure he already knows who GRichard is on the SA Forums. They don't tolerate attacks against other members on that site (unless its purely 'for humor'), and losing your account on there is the same as losing as sizable monetary investment as they have plenty of subscription fees within their organization...


    Acid?! Is that something planned, or is that a random example? Everything else already is present in vanilla or IC2, but acid? Again, what?!

    Possibly. There are a few acids added by other mods via the Liquid API. If they are presented in liquid block form, I would imagine that this armor may apply to them..

    I'll test that and see if that's the case. Wouldn't bank on the idea of this as a 'future feature' out of IC2 as of yet...

    (Now, for other add-on's, however)...

    A dispenser, basically... Pack it up, with a heavy load coming thru, erecting your machine where-ever you feel like...

    It's a nice concept, but I don't think it balances well against the wrench. Although you could add a very low (1%) loss chance to it...


    if you've played IC1, three words for you: shining sun pattern.

    I kinda miss the checkerboard pattern from the old nukes... Although it was always annoying to have to work around the terrain like a floating checker piece...

    (Course, I think it helped discourage me from overusing the nuke as a terrain modification device, lol...)

    So no, you're a forum gadfly who thinks his fanboyism elevates himself. You're nobody.

    Oh hey! I just got a nickle!


    The odds of you completing something I feel the desire to install doesn't keep me up at night.?

    *shrug* Ok...


    Um, yes, of course. Of course having my players randomly be told that I don't have IC2 permissions, when I do, disturbs me. Of course my ability to play IC2 being turned on and off like a lightswitch at the fickle whims of some guy hinders my ability to trust IC2 as a mod. Yes, if I can't get some very serious answers from RichardG I'm going to be installing illicit coremods or removing IC2 entirely. Obviously. I don't want to resort to those things, though, that's why I'm here.

    Well, if you put your pack thru Feed the Beast, you probably won't have that issue. I mean, come on, Feed the Beast supports custom modpacks. Why not just use that?

    @Saul: look, I can understand your reason to be worried about suspicious code, but look at what's happening now. The forum is being trolled pretty hard because some mod pack creators who aren't getting their way. The code you are referencing serves two purposes, BECAUSE of them...

    Do you not see the logic as to why such measures are being used? We have FTB, IC2 welcomes modpacks under it. They aren't against people making modpacks, but against people who have no respect for those who develop mods. All the permission systems are, are merely citations of creation. No fame, no fortune to be require. Just a simple footnote saying "dis dude made dis mod." Yet, for some reason or another, doing that seems to be a very huge issue...

    The LAST thing any author wants is for someone to claim their work as their own. That's why such measures are being used. When Mojang makes the Mod API finally, there is a minor possibility that a mod could be taken by those who did not maintain it. Hence why permissions/community outcry is important. It helps ensure that we do know who actually made the mod, that they receive the credit for their work, and that no one else can profiteer off of it. Why? Because coding is hard work, and the mods are done well. That's why securing permissions is important. When modding becomes official under Mojang, we need to ensure that people know that it was Alba who made IC2 possible..

    Not technic, not goonswarm, not anybody else...

    "us"? "our"? Are you a member of the dev team now?

    I'm in the process of creating an IC2 add-on. So while I'm not the developer of the main, doesn't mean you don't have reason to worry...

    (inb4 GreenWolf world destruction rant)

    Plus, you didn't answer the question. Are you now hindered in your ability to trust the IC2 dev team?


    Does "pulled one over on" apparently mean "got an apology after my players were targetted incorrectly by DRM made by"? This is a serious issue for anyone who plays a modpack and isn't still a holy warrior in the technic wars.

    EDIT: I want an apology, because I want a confirmation that RichardG recognizes this issue as being as serious as it is.

    Why? You can't trust us anymore? Then why use our mods?




    I really don't see any reason why you need "I'm sorry", beyond being able to say that you 'pulled one over on a mod author'...

    I don't understand the sense in this. 'No' should mean 'No'... Is this some insatiable need to get what you want, and screw the consequences? Is it a mental disbalance that allows for one to act with no regard to others, or no thought as to why his actions bring such consequence/retaliation? I wonder, are the mods that great, like a form of virtual crack, that you MUST have them? Or is the simple act of being denied drawing you feverishly more toward wanting something you can't have?

    I don't get it.. all this is, is a modification to game...

    And you are denied because you could not follow some simplistic rules


    Magus Union has said that this will not be fixed because of the internet forums I post on.

    Man, I'm such a terrible person... To be actively against people who like to parade around explicitly in other games, attempt to crash entire game economies, commit acts of hacking during active PR events, and find exploits in other games to kill the unintended... I'm pretty terrible for not liking Goonswarm...

    (I will admit that what happened to 'Vile Rat' was messed up. You didn't have to use his death as a recruiting scheme in EVE, though...)


    The problem is that RichardG's DRM is affecting my players DESPITE THE FACT THAT I AM NOT BLACKLISTED

    You do know that RichardG is not the only one who develops IC2, and you do know that being in the Technic platform does not exclude you from getting mod permissions still, as Technic doesn't require you to individually do that for the pack created?

    He is human, after all. Since it is a misunderstanding, he may fix it...

    With Feed the Beast, mod authors already give the pack permission to use it via its platform. All you have to do is double check the list to see if all the mod authors have given FTB to use their mod in packs, and you should be good-to-go...