LOL! I know, right? And to think what it will be like when we hit our grandparent's ages with the technological changes to society that we'll have to endure...
Posts by MagusUnion
Think of it this way... Mining by hand allows for the MOST possible precision of harvesting blocks per volume. Sure, you might have to break a few stone here or there to fully get into an ore vein, but beyond that, you have the maximum level of control with how you spend the effort to mine materials from underground...
Alternatively, the machines used to mine blocks with enable you to leave the process to automation, at the cost of precision. While the IC Mining well is the 2nd most precise means of harvesting ore, it still means you have to go thru the logistical effort of powering it and fining the right spot to place the machine at (as well as dealing with the volume of material coming from the machine as well)...
So really it's a question of whether or not you want to spend time or energy in minecraft to obtain materials, as well as at what level of precision do you desire while doing so...
Haha, yes, I did base it off the terran scv. Especially the legs and the body. I'm planning to redo it though. As the bot is in my opinion not 'blocky' enough.
But where is the gear in the rear?
And can I get a T2 looking version of this? I would like for them to construct
additional pylonsmore complex structures for me while I maintain my pumps/reactors... -
Might as well do so... but you also have to understand that the Pump for IC is designed more around water capture than lava in some respects. Since Ice is so readily made via an attachment to Compressors, pumps do a great job at manufacturing them. Yet the BC Pump is more suited for lava capture, as it will take large amounts of source blocks in a set radius around it. The IC Pump doesn't do that (unless attached to a miner), and is better for capturing liquid from infinite sources...
Sometimes specialization is better than compatibility.. /shrug
After I chose windmill, I realised that geothermal can now accept BuildCraft pipes, which is what I'll go for next time I start a new world.
Liquid energy = best energy
So what you're suggesting is that you also can't get more energy out of a fuel by making the machine more efficient at converting one form of energy into another? So I'm guessing solar panels in real life will never be viable, car engines will never get more powerful or efficient, and wind turbines will never be able to harness all of the winds power either. The whole idea behind this concept is that your'e making a technological improvement to the machine that makes it use the energy input more efficiently, not that the fuel suddenly has more energy contained within
No, that's not what I'm saying... I'm saying that Overclockers can NOT influence the EU generation of a generator. Yes, you can make it more efficient, but that's a different aspect of technology that you are asking for. Overclockers actually are LESS efficient for their use as they over consume power to reduce time. As such, technology to make generators more efficient are not similar to the nature of time saving technology of overclockers...
I don't think you quite understand how generators work: They obtain a 'fuel' and convert it into EU. That fuel can either be flowing water, coal/charcoal, lava, sunlight, biomass (Forestry addon), heat from nuclear fission, heat from Nuclear Fusion (Rocket Science add-on) or any other Forge Mod items that apply as a fuel in the Forge API... You CAN NOT increase the gain you receive from these fuels because of the mechanics behind them. (You can, however, tinker with the output settings in the config. file)...
But no, a 'generator overclocker' makes no sense. You can't get more energy out of a fuel by adding a device to a machine manufacturing EU. You can get more energy out of a fuel by readjusting the nature of a fuel, but that's something different entirely...
I'd like it, but I don't see much point to it..
Unless a new extension of IC allows us to use the products from agriculture cross-breeding to create new and interesting foods which require milk as part of some of the ingredients....
The reactor bug is probably due to you changing it's ID, no matter if manually or not. Have you tried not changing it?
Actually, I'm going to go on a limb and say that he was using 'incorrect' RE-Batteries from either TMI or NEI that didn't have a 'health bar'...
Aww, nuts, IC2 updated again? I have an important meeting on Wednesday I seriously need to prepare for, so... compatibility patch Thursday? Maybe?
(I'll also see what I can do about these fusion reactor glitches people keep having. I've never been able to reproduce the issue, but...)
Take your time.. we'll still be here awaiting your addon regardless...
Plus the Fusion reactor bugs may still be the ID Resolver mis-mash that people have not done the manual fix for. So I wouldn't worry too much about them...
The Isotopic Seperator crashes the client with IC v1.70b (atleast it does so for me)
Quotejava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: rocketScience.TileEntityIsotope.gaugeFuelScaled(I)I
From minecraft error log...
That. . . is an awesome idea. Of course, It'd have to paint a large area, 3x3 per click? I'm just thinking out loud here, though. (As a side note, that'd give a real use to canning machines, I never use them.)
I'd like to think so :3
Amount and AoE of paint can vary by whatever the developers feel would be comfortable for game balance and application. The idea of having a set of painting devices which can be used to either mass paint blocks, or be set to precisely paint in set areas with 'spray modes' to do designs with on very large projects is something I'd like to see, regardless...
I usually use Buildcraft pumps to pump any lava I find into tanks.
From there I do whatever I want/need with it. Though right now i've got a ton sitting around unused.Same here... over 20 Million EU in stored liquid energy. Easier to keep it in something like that instead of trying to find coal/diamonds for a MFSU, lol...
I'm going under the assumption that explosions can't do right angles very well and will waste most of their energy against the stone.
They can't... tested this with other mod blocks as well
Quite possible it is hardcoded into the mod for whatever reason.
Mostly for balance.. lol
Better idea: how about refillable spray cans that accept dye via the canning machine, and can paint about 4x longer than the Painters?
Fusion Reactor works properly with ID Resolver. If you still have bugs with it about it not starting, you need to do the manuel fix...
Superconductor cable drops are still bugged. Idk if that's due to a set ID error on the mod's end or intended feature for them not dropping at all...
Missile Behavior is checking out clean... looks like this release is stable for the most part...
Again: go into your RocketScience.cfg file and pull up the block ID's for the items there. Then, look at the ID's assigned for the 'mod_Missile' in ID Resolver. Manually change the ID's in the RocketScience.cfg to those given by ID Resolver for each. Then restart Minecraft and click the 'Override Old Setting' button for all the changes concerning 'mod_Missile"...
Kentington is still working on a fix for that particular bug. So for the mean time, you'll have to use the manual method of fixing this issue until RocketScience is able to allow ID Resolver's readjustments..
Edit: Downloading the latest build to see how stable it is. Always love your work Kentington!
But running around with and inventory full of buckets is kind of useless and using a pump also is useless unless you have teleport pipes.
Or lava cells... that you right click with... -__-
No, I disabled it on the next hotfix, think I confused you
*eye twitch*... why you do dat? Now I have to use Thaum Armor against dragons.. >:{