Posts by MagusUnion

    I definitely need to pick up Cartographer again. The amount of info I can gleam off that one image is astounding, lol...

    Nice pics, but do note that your cable setup is experience quite a bit of losses in the wire. For insulated copper cable, each time you exceed 4 blocks in length for a cable, you experience 1 EU/t loss going into your machines. Might want to consider backing the cables down a bit, since you can directly attach a Generator block to a Batbox and send generated power via proximity that way...

    Any chance you'll include pics of your mine?

    Ok, Rotate the graph counterclockwise, and that shows you the max layer for each ore spawned. in this case, Coal cuts off just before 100 before heading to infinity on the graph. for Clay, the layer it stops at is ~73. Iron, according to the chart, stops spawning at layer 64, and Gold ceases at layer 32...

    So it still works so long as you use the x-axis of the graph (y-axis is percentage of ore per stone within that layer), and account for the fact that it's not about how much the player has to find when he reaches said layers, but how far they have to venture in the first place JUST to find the ore that he/she needs...


    I will repeat one of the answers in the FAQ: if you can't see or craft any items, there is an ID conflict somewhere. I can't help you unless you post your ModLoader log.

    Reminder for those using ID Resolver: go into your RocketScience.cfg file and pull up the block ID's for the items there. Then, look at the ID's assigned for the 'mod_Missile' in ID Resolver. Manually change the ID's in the RocketScience.cfg to those given by ID Resolver for each. Then restart Minecraft and click the 'Override Old Setting' button for all the changes concerning 'mod_Missile"...

    It'd probably be better to use the highest layer spawned as a function of rarity. Then, multiply that by the amount required for a recipe.

    For example:
    Coal Spawns highest at 70 (ish) layer
    Copper spawns highest at 70 layer
    Tin Spawns highest at 40 layer
    Iron spawns at highest at 61 layer
    Redstone spawns highest at 16 layer (but drops at least 4 units per ore)
    Rubber spawns highest at layer 64 (sea level or higher pending biome), but has to be smelted/extracted before hand

    Cobble/Sand/Glass is negligible due to cobblestone generation (thus equals 0)

    So, layer 70 would become (1-.7) due to rarity. We can assume 1 in this sense because dirt/stone generation does not exceed layer 100 (and even when it does, it will not contain valuable materials in reference to the rarity calculation)...
    Then, after taking rarity into consideration, you then multiply the amounts needed in order to craft, and add those into a sum..

    So a Battery would be:
    4 Tin (.6) + 1 copper cable (1/2 copper (.3)+ 1 Rubber (.36)) + 2 Redstone (.84/2) = 3.33 rarity

    Keep in mind that this is taken from vMC tech level, as IC tech can easily skew the numbers quite a bit with ore duplication, dust crafting, and other means of eliminating cost of production. Also, Nether ores are NOT included into this calculation, as it's better to treat glowdust from its recipe form for rarity rather than it's Nether spawn frequency (this is due to how 'easy' it is to access the Nether for experienced players)...

    Then a Generator would be Battery + 8 Refined Iron + Funance, |OR| 3.33 + 8*.39 + 0 = 6.45 rarity

    Divive EU yield per tick by rarity, and you get 1.55 effectiveness for materials acquired. This, ofc, is not including materials consumed in the manufacturing of Refine Iron or the smelting of dust/ores, as those factors are changed in accordance to energy/tech production.

    More proof that Geothermal is the most underused and OP energy generator in the game, lol...

    But seriously, what value are you using to determine the 'expenditure' cost for your efficiency calculations? Depth of where materials are and amount of those materials needed?

    Pretty much THE source of all electrical generation on the planet. Every power plant has a large one of these creating electrical differentials by rotation of some sort. That rotation can either be caused by steam generated by coal/geothermal/nuclear heat, or some other methods of mechanical rotation. Solar panels are the exception to this rule, as they rely on the charge displacement of electrons as they are being bombarded by light from the Sun.

    Notch leaving Minecraft has been the best thing to happen to Minecraft it appears.

    Never though I would agree with you about something... but this is certainly it, lol...

    However, if meta-data counts as a block ID now, that does make me wonder about the total volume of block ID data you can actually store. also, it begs the question of what will happen to any and all old saves under the 128 world generation format? Personally, I do restart a save each and every update now, but I worry about those who have been on an old world since 1.8...

    Sour about that MC Edit as well. There are some bugs that I have to solve with MCEdit just to reclaim worlds (stupid null block spawnings). Not going to like the idea of losing a world because the properties file decided to poop on ID Resolver and I didn't catch it before hand...

    The highest amount a single block can contain of energy is 10 MEu, according to your scale. This isn't including the Diamond chest Lapatron trick (which is even more expensive to preform), and thus means that the overall energy containment of the yield is limited. You also have to account for things such as liquid storage amounts, as 1 BC Tank is equal to 16 buckets of lava, or 320 kEU of geothermal energy.

    In short, nothing is stopping you from using such terminology (in fact I'm glad that you suggested this SI unit application into IC^2), but it may result in a fair amount of confusion for those not trained to handle that kind interpretation of mathematical units...


    By that every generator but the Reactor would be in Tier 1 and the reactor is in all three XD

    So? It's surprisingly easy to create a furnace and to link it to a boiler/dynamo to generate electricity... sure, it's slightly impractical in some ways, but it's still doable in the sense of creating localized electricity in your own home...


    @Banned discussion:
    Head_Hunter was NOT banned for his participation in this thread, but rather for flaming in a different one.

    Yeah... I'm still kinda disappointed in him for that... I mean, it was a kid for god sake's.. leave him be..

    On-topic: I'm still betting on that Volt*Amp=Watt system. I'm not faulting her for doing the conversion if this is her specific aim. And personally, I find that a tab forgivable because her mod becomes more that just a new element of fun: it also becomes a powerful teaching tool to be usable in an academic setting. I kinda wish I could say the same for Minecraft's "geology"...

    It's all about control. She wants to keep it.

    I highly doubt it's that. With FC, yes... but her, not really. I believe she can already she the futility of such efforts on the open-domain as is. Besides, part of warning control is the inability to allowed shared design with others, and she's already lent more than enough concepts from her code to trump that argument...


    Is an extracted quotation of my own... As I've said in the past about precedents- Mojang set one here. I don't feel that Eloraam has been very open, and I doubt the honesty of anyone that says this is about license terms.

    Granted, but I do believe this is a 'for-the-time-being' sort of thing due to how limited her current mod is. Once Redpower comes off the pre-release state, that may change, and she may surprise us with how open (or closed) about the code that she'll be..

    I'm assuming that this isn't possible with vanilla IC2? I know that Glowstone = Redstone+gold dust and iron = copper + tin, but I didn't know that you could get redstone out (that would make my life much easier)

    It's not sadly... I added the recipe via Custom Recipes. Been trying to petition that idea to be added as part of default IC since MC version 1.7.3, but meh...

    Small reality check, who will be consuming your power and how will they be consuming it? Minecraft doesn't actually have lights, vacuum cleaners and pool filters that need power like a real town would. I think it's a lovely idea but I fear that you may be wasting plenty of resources and effort to run power to a house that no one lives in. If it's providing power to other players on your server, wouldn't they rather make their own power?

    While this is true, what's the point of autonomy when you can specialize and proficiently divide the cost-and-labor with those who enjoy doing it? If it's a city with players creating around it, then idk why you'd have tons and tons of generator devices consuming space left and right when you can conserve space and develop a power grid network... That way, the server feels more fun constructively and people would feel more likely to contribute to the grid and such due to both personal and interpersonal investments..

    Sounds like fun to me at least, lol...

    Edit: Got ninja'ed by a cat, lol...

    That's an extremly thin ice you're working on.

    Mojang permits modifications of Minecraft for non-commercial use only.
    Term "modification" can as well be interpreted to include any add-ons not directly modifying baseclasses.

    Agreed... and even to a point, mods can even be considered a violation of copyright law if Mojang were to suddenly withdraw the allowance of any modifications to Minecraft's code later down the road. (and even now if they think that adfly links count enough of a profit for an individual modder, but that's highly unlikely...)

    This may become an issue when a 'standardized' Mod API for Minecraft is released, but that's neither here nor there...

    And I'm not going to comment on the regard of 'FC/Eloraam are more experienced in their field' argument you've used. That's irrelevant in a recreational-type environment of freelance modding. Yes, they have skills, but that doesn't determine their 'team worth' in terms of this setting, but merely how quick they'll be to update their material to new version of Minecraft...


    Third she never was more than a contributor. There was no time at which she was activly leading forge and she never wanted that (since she recognizes that she is not the best at such anyway).

    Now I know for a fact that's a damn lie. She did MOST if not all of the work on the 1.8 port of Forge due to the changes in the Mojang lighting code. Without her, 1.8 forge probably wouldn't have happened within the time frame that it did. Due to this, she's created quite an influence on Forge's development, but all of those influences have helped the team in many ways than originally intended...


    And I'm not aware of a modder that is naming eloraam as a reason not to join forge, more likely some are hesitating because of the problems with the latest versions (since 1.0 every second version of forge had some errors.

    True, but I know for a fact TehKrush would not pick up MCForge due to Flowerchild's involvement with it. Which, in hindsight, I can't say I blame him (I still owe TehKrush an apology, lol), and as such, he integrated his mod with Forge soon after FC left. Bugs in MCForge are not the fault of any programmer, but mostly due to the imperfections of having to rewrite Mojang's mostly sloppy Java code and framework (as many in other threads has pointed out Notch's buggy system of enchantments, lol)...

    You missed the point entirely.. The point was that while she's a great programmer, there is cause for concern for her hard-handed actions against not allowing add-ons, as they limit the level of customization of Redpower in some degrees of cross functionality. However, you did help validate the point of 'she's still a great team member with Forge, and willingly helps people where she can regardless', so I guess I can forgive you with that at least...

    And no, I don't buy that BS of 'it wasn't fun to mod with Forge' from FC. He didn't like the way his mod was getting altered by other mods. Hell, he'd pitch a fit when I'd tell him I would custom recipe out of changes I didn't feel were necessary. His leaving had NOTHING to do with it not being 'fun' anymore. It was more about control, and he knew if he stayed with Forge he couldn't continually maintain it 100% over his mod and his gameplay design..

    Eloraam is greatly different in that respect. She doesn't disallow the add-ons because she 'doesn't want them'. She disallows the add-ons because she wants them to be done 'right' or done at a level that properly fits with how Blutricity works at its base, and how that connects to the functions of other mods. If we were to say that Blu power is Volts, then the EU is a Watt, and I do think that it will be a point that she wants to emphases due to her experience as an electrical engineer. This also explains why she doesn't want add-on creators to make 'magic box' add-ons to convert power back and forth, because they are both unrealistic and miss the point of how electricity works in the real world, as well as the fact that it's hard to accommodate other Blu power generators when you have $%@#$@!converters running around for this/that/and the other, mod in the Forge...

    So no, I don't blame her for her actions. True, it may worry others (and they do have a right to be worried in some ways), but I understand the logic that she's going by. She merely needs time to test/debug/f-ing test/ f-ing debug it all. Once she's finished, I'm sure all of this will become a non-issue.

    (and on a semi-related note: Part of my personal interest in designing alternative energy applications was thru inspiration from Industrialcraft and mods like it, as it does fairly parallel with the scientific logic of geology and engineering in many ways. Eloraam may also be doing the same by inspiring others to take up real-life circuity and electrical trades thru the ease-of-use of gameplay and parallel scientific conceptualization of her mod.)