Posts by MagusUnion


    If you (Or anyone else) dont really have anything more intelligent to give to this discussion, then let it rest peacefully.

    How self imposing of you...

    Considering that the main pro/antagonists in this thread have been banned due to other, semi-correlated events, I'm pretty sure this thread is dead. However I do want to weight in on some last valid things to consider why this is an issue...

    Here's a great example: Flowerchild. He's a modder with considerable skill with Java and a modification with semi-decent content and materials to add to the game. He doesn't allow mod pack, and doesn't like people altering his code due to the simple fact that he loves his design (way too damn much). Now while he has a right to be an exclusionist with his material, it does reflect poorly on his character to do so, due to the fact that he creates an inherit disservice to his fan-base. This disservice is key, because it does relate to Eloraam actions. What Flowerchild did over the course the course of his 'stay' with the Forge team was demonstrate a lack of cooperation and inability to compromise his game design when faced with the "consequences" of compatibility. This, on top of other pressures not-to-be-mentioned-here *chuckle*, is what would later cause him to leave Forge and gate his design around sheer nepotism with his mod...

    However, realize that he IS allowed to do that with Better than Wolves, because he created that mod...

    Yet in that token, it doesn't mean that players will want to pick up BTW anytime soon, due to the simple fact that there are better and more effective mods out there with much more valuable content. Players are driven away from his attitudes and behaviors that he has does, as well as his berating choices in game design and lack of compatibility. This causes his mod to 'depreciate in value'. which in a figurative sense his hard to convey, so I'll attempt to make it simple. BTW is not 'worth' the time that people want to invest in it due to his actions/opinions/decisions around his mod. This means that less and less people are likely to pick that mod up, and less likely to use his work in their gameplay...

    Now while it's simple to disregard BTW due to how it's made, let's look back at Eloraam's work. She literally ported Forge to 1.8 by herself, has worked extremely hard on designing most of the hooks on the API system. With that in mind, if she creates the same type of environment with Redpower, she'll have more pull on the Forge team that FC did, due to how much involvement she's invested into the API system in the first place. This is something to seriously consider because she does have the potential to not only schism the loyalties in the Forge team, but ultimately shatter the project as a whole, as modders will begin to pull out of the API system due to their distrust of her. It's quite a scary scenario to consider, as her time and work investment into the Forge. Which, in many respects, is the reason several members on this and other MC mod forums are afraid of the possible actions she may take against others if they 'don't fit her design/progression in work'. I can't say I blame them to be concerned...

    However, I honestly doubt someone who has invested the amount of effort and trouble into Forge would go about egotistically undermining other developers using the same system. True, it is good to air on the side of caution due to her actions, but hopefully that volatility may not come to pass, as this would undo ALL the time/effort she's invested. And while people want crossover mods with Blutircity ASAP, they also have to keep in mind that Redpower isn't completely finished. Sure it's playable, but it's far from stand-alone content at this point...

    tl;dr: There is reason to be concerned about her actions, as they devalue the opinion of Forge with her decisions and actions over Redpower. But at the same time, I doubt she will do something so rash with RP that people drop that mod (and other mods that connect to it) due to said actions. Yes, it does make a few uneasy, but I say let's give her more time. She wants to do the energy crossover herself (I can almost bet that it's going to be based around a Volt*Amp = Watt(EU) system of energy transfer), and wants the proper 'tools' in place for the player to do so. Let's leave her be, because I do believe she'll deliver on what most of her playerbase wants...

    16 coal per set of arrows seems a bit brutal.

    But I like the idea. Only major problem would be enchanting. It would be overpowered to get an Infinity Carbon Fiber Bow.

    Could also place a Lapatron at the tip of the bow for an energy type bow. Makes it's own arrows, etc.

    I'd like this alot... wonder though what the IC-PvP weapon set looks like already, but would love to see this added into it's weapon group as well, lol...

    But if you are using Plasticcraft, you can make a Plexglass bomb shelter to protect against nuclear explosions for a much cheaper cost than Reinforced stone! (lol)

    It's true! Blew up a nuke inside a cube of plexglass and didn't even break a single block..

    Realistic, cheapest and intended way would be to use HV cables to every house and step it down there.

    If you want loseless transfer use fiber cables and either MFSUs (gives you extra buffer to prevent brown-outs in case of high load) or HV transformers as repeaters.
    I would place the plant in the middle of the city and put a cable under every street, easy access and you reach every house. Need to keep an eye on the overall capacity of the line tho. If using fiber all stations can only draw 512 EU/t combined, fine for 10 ppl on one line, but 20 is already too much. You can use HV lines, gives you a lot more power, but you also lose a lot more.

    Mostly this... IF you actually start pursuing this endeavor, you can begin to see why our RL power lines are the way that they are, as you encounter tons of losses down the line and logistic issues when that one creeper blows up in the right spot and knocks out people on half your grid... lol


    The thing is, most people only think about early and late in the game, why not mid game, although you have a Nano-Suit on your way to Quantum, there's a HUGE leap inbetween, The helmet feeds you, and with all the armor on, it's like a slow version of the ELS, but you are extremely armored. The ELS is meant to be something strong, but not so easy to make, you need to have plenty of recources, but not so much that you can make a quantum suit, like the miner with a OV and diamond drill, you need constant 30 eu/t income, have enough iron for the pipes, etc. Not to forget that the ELS doesn't give any armor, it only heals. The 1 min of triple health regen is a bit OP, so it could be 1 min of double, or 30 sec of triple.

    Good points. Having some midgame options would help those who don't rush to a UU factory state, as well as provide some more available options after the initial machine setup has been completed. Midgame, it other respects, is often overlooked due to the simple fact that people want to transition into the matter conjuring state of the game as quickly as humanly possible. For some of us who would rather save our EU and use other means of matter duplication, midgame options would be appreciated because we'd have something else to invest our energy into other than '1337 qarmorz'...

    I still have my ears just fine from all the sounds, lol...

    Although the power loss feature is something that troubles me as well per cycle. Not because I overclock the crap out of my machines, but due to the fact that I'm a minimalist in terms of production and energy. Usually I stay on Tier 1 of machines and stuff until I've collected enough materials to go all out on a large scale energy setup. Time consuming, I know, but I'd rather start small and use as little as I need to, and then jump into a higher tiers of overproduction...

    I may point out, you'Re doing it wrong.
    70% for me.

    1. Copper is brown, not red.
    2. Putting Watermill and Redstone in is a considerable annoyance. You name a few blocks and thus Redstone is assumed to be meant as a block too... and placed redstone does not produce EU.
    3. Nuclear Reactors use Lapis, too. Advanced circuits, pretty much.

    Thank you... because these were the exact things I got wrong as well... >:(

    If you have Power Converters and teleport pipes installed, you can create a solar relay area at a really high elevation. Then, thru EU-MJ conversion, use teleport pipes to teleport that energy to your base. There will be some losses here and there, so you might want to hook the panels to a Batbox, and then convert that outputing energy into the teleport pipe system...

    Not very efficient, but it increases the level of security of your base dramatically with said energy usage, lol...

    Edit: Since all of those are add-on's for the mods you already have, you may have to ask the server admin to allow this, though..


    I almost think that'd be a whole new drill though, using a normal drill and a Solar Cell, and if you're in the sun it'll (very) slowly charge

    In that case, you could also create one that makes EU while depleting your hunger bar. If you were to use the Q-helmet with it, it would practically negate the Quantum food function of the helm due to how much hunger it would consume as it's being used...

    Course that would be a devastating consumption rate in regards to food supply, but if you've automated your food resources enough to where this isn't a problem, then I wouldn't find it to be a terrible cost, lol...


    but those shouldn't be required to take over the world, right?

    Technically you can do this with Iron tools due to how piss weak villagers are, and predictable most mobs become...

    I vote Water+Lava, mostly due to the fact that both resources are easily available, and come in huge quantities. Also the fact that neither resource really harms the environment when consumed, and don't 'explode' on you as you are using them, lol...

    But if we are also including add-on energy sources, then Li-6 from Rocket Science and the biomass from Forestry mod are also nice energy resources as well...

    You could have bumped the thread, and if people didnt show any interest after all then you would know their opinion.

    Remaking threads just to repost an ignored idea its no way to do things.

    Bumping is also a banable offence... so he's better off reposing because some of us (i.e. me) did not get a chance to see this the first time...


    Any armor above Iron

    So basically everything electronic, also consuming energy... (Bronze only offers a SLIGHT buff to armor rating, but it's still fairly close to Iron)

    Probably another near-endgame type of armor to have, which I wouldn't mind because I'm not sold on the idea of Qsuit stuff tbh.. lol


    Also, am I right to think that components only cooldown when inside a reactor? If so, a reactor without any uranium cells could be used to cooldown hot components ...

    I'd like to know the answer to this as well... as that alone would motivate me into making such explosive investments in energy, lol...

    I remember Electric Minecarts. Most ill-conceived, buggy, feature ever in the history of IC. And crystal chargers. Oh, crystal chargers. And the nanosuit plus.



    lol.. not really, but I didn't mind them at the time. Funny how that's the only reason I make an MFE anymore is for that purpose...