Posts by MagusUnion


    If I (or we I guess!) were out to make things "miserable for everyone" or "defile" people's work then you can bet your ass that I wouldn't bother giving credit to whose mods are in the pack. Why would I go through the trouble of that if I am simple out to CRUSH the community with "spite" and "malevolence". Why would I even speak with Alblaka, or steer people towards his paypal when they ask to donate to Technic? Why wouldn't I just take the money and run?

    Oh idk... because a couple of stupid brits made some YouTube videos of your work, and said developers got wind with it? That's about the ONLY real reason you bothered to communicate with the developers, because they started to ask questions about what you were doing...


    You can hate us and the Technic pack all you want, but I want you to really think about what you are claiming. There is no grand scheme to somehow make life more unpleasant for you, MagnusUnion. We're not out to 'steal' work and if we are, we are doing a piss-poor job at it. I've turned away donations! You're right though, I'm only turning the donations away so when someone complains I can go 'no see we don't take donations!' so we can further get our justifications out there and seem even more legit! You've cracked the code! Because obviously the next step is to...

    ... is to take up fans of Technic Mod Pack and gain more SA recuits, just like you always do in every single game that Goonswarm has involved itself in.


    -words and lol-

    I don't care if you like MC or not, nor do I care about the scam money that you throw onto said developers that you have access to just to get their approval (or at least, their silence). Point is, you only made the pack for your ends, and the ends of your SA forum members. You care nothing for the developers work or their vision of future versions of said mods, yet you still 'spin' the story as hard as you want to say that you do for the sake of getting more downloads for your pack, and more fans to follow you back to SA...


    The second most common error is trying to install an additional mod not included in the pack.

    That's a very big damn logistical error, period. You're basically saying that 'only mods in Technic pack are worth playing, and all other mods are shit'. I'm sorry, but who gave you the damn right to say what mods I wanted, much less to judge which mods are 'worth the community's attention'? That's a VERY big claim to make: Who the hell do you (and Goonswarm) think you are in saying what mods I should/shouldn't be playng with my Minecraft? You think you have any RIGHT or MERIT to even begin to make such an action like that towards me? Course not, so don't sit there and say that it's 'ok' to railroad specific mods to users, and neglete others just because you 'don't like them'. That's not your choice to make with people, and no amount of SA spin doctoring is going to justify that...


    They still have X number of mods in their pack that they haven't received permission to use = They still don't give a rats ass about other peoples work.
    They still have X number of mods in their pack that they have been asked to remove but refuse to remove = They are being asshats about it.

    All of this could have been solved if they had spent some extra time asking first and adding later.
    And further more, taking in that many mods and releasing a mod pack means they will ultimately have to deal with all the support requests for said pack.

    This right here is the ultimate reason why Technic is plainly bad for both MC and Forge. It's not the fact that it 'makes installation easier' (like it was hard to begin with, lol), it's the fact that the blatantly DO NOT ask for any permissions before they throw mods into said packs to begin with... I'm pretty damn sure that, beforehand, if they had talked to any of the said mod developers (except FC, since that man has no sense of logic anyway) before they used them that they could have developed the pack no problems...

    But this is Kakermix, beloved 'hero' for Goonswarm: an organization that loves to profiteer off of making online play miserable for everyone and defiles every game that they touch with bile, malevolence, and spite. They don't ask permissions because they LOVE pissing people off with their actions, and spinning some 'but we're helping you out bro' justification afterwords. In every post (yes, every post) either Kakermix or another fellow goonswarm member has stated that they 'are doing good' by either 'donating money and not using adfly', 'giving more publicity that you may have ever got', 'made it easier for people to enjoy your work'. Sure, they did those things, but at what price? Increased installation problems and help requests, further issues with incompatibility and off-the-wall technical errors, and even more of the useless 'when iz thiz mod be update 4 1.x.x.x?!?!/!/11?!'... About half of the errors encountered actually have to be solved thru manual re-installation of said mods, which leaves most users further behind square one than if they had not touched the pack to begin with...

    Quite frankly, there isn't anything left to be said: Goonswarm, via Kakermix, will still operate in this fashion no matter how much the Forge and MC community dislikes it. Even if all the MC users protests their moves, they will still function with the same excuse lines of 'but this is really better for your 'backwater' community'. Really now? It's better for Forge to be used in such a defiled manner?

    Maybe it is for Goonswarm, but not for anyone else...


    Then they want to tell us "They are really nice guys"...
    Yeah, they might be nice guys. As long as they get what they want and nobody defies them.

    Yup, that's Goonswarm for you... I'm kinda surprised that the Yogcast doesn't have a banner for the SomethingAwful forums on their videos when they release them...

    This type of behavior is seen in EVERY game they involve themselves in... EVE Online, Second Life, you name it.. their actions are practically the same...

    I think i will offer casual "multitier" objects...
    A basic Stone-Iron overclocker giving like 20% boost fpor 50% more consumption.
    An advanced Iron-Cable overclocker granting 50% boost for 150% more consumption
    Next would be an super-advanced Diamond-Alloy overclocker with 100% boost for 400% more consumption
    The increased scaling of consumption is intended.

    And a redstone-gunpowder overclocker, granting 150% boost, 100% more consumption and overheat/explosion danger :3

    :O :D

    Me gusta! I honestly can't wait to see this in IC... 8)

    Edit: Although, I do have to ask, will multiple machines (no more than 4 or so) be able to hook up to the overclocker for it's benefits?


    My opinion is that this system is possibly even superior to most nuclear designs, as lava is fairly easy to come by and the power output of this system is rather incredible, with zero risk of explosion.

    I very much agree with this. It's SO much cheaper to spend Cobblestone on Lava storage than use diamonds for EU storage. Plus, in the event that you have to move said lava/energy around, it's easier to move the lava itself RATHER than experience EU loss via cables and wiring. Lava cells are a god-send, and ever since their inception into Industrialcraft, Geothermal has not only become a practical sense of energy generation, but a highly competitive one. Hell, I don't even bother with Uranium because of the sheer fact that it's cheaper/easier/effective to use geothermal energy over nuclear, and the substance of lava is more abundant than Uranium itself.

    But of course, this comes at the heavy reliance of Buildcraft. an "outside mod". Used to, that would limit your playstyle (due to slot ID restrictions), and force you into IC-BC only type play. But thanks to Forge, such restrictions are no longer an issue. In fact, geothermal power has been buffed considerably by add-ons and cross content mods as well. All in all, I don't know why more players aren't using lava instead of other energy means (or if they are, why they aren't sharing the info of such usage to the rest of the community). Yes, on a vIC level, it can be very Tin intensive, but even that can be circumvented thru clever bucket based applications.

    The only other form of energy production that comes close to matching Geothermal in terms of safety and production is Electric Wood Gasification. But that addon is a bit out-of-date, and those results can be greatly tampered with if you have agricultural based mods, lol...

    | Redstone -> EU | feature is a very old IC1 feature... but I guess Alba increased the yield of EU you can gain from Redstone...

    Personally, I'd rather not sink my RS into something like that, and this is coming from the guy who can craft it from Cu Dust+Sand...


    If I ever set up in the nether, I'm using geothermal. Did you know I actually go TO the nether to get my lava supply for my geothermal run outpost? I have yet to see a good way of actually moving energy from the overwold to the nether. It's just not practical, when you have almost infinite supply of 20,000 eu blocks of bubbling energy, AKA lava. I'm not against energy transfer, but it seems there is no perfect way of doing it.

    Ironically, there is such as a way, as seen in my last episode of my let's play .

    And the materials required for such a setup is so hideously cheap, it almost beckons the word 'OP'...


    Alfa proton Generator, every tick dispensing imaginary alfa particles to double the reaction speed, basicly as an aditional uranim cell beside every uranium cell, More power more energy, Faster heatup, FASTER & BIGER BANG

    Actually, what you are wanting is an neutron injector.. which does exist btw..

    I was hoping for more along the lines of Thorium/Plutonium refinement and designs revolving around those types of fuels. But this works nonetheless, lol....

    Just wire your array right up to the desired size of transformer. When there's enough for a full output packet it will be sent as such.

    This... as the transformer method is more natural to the nature of electricity than what you are proposing...

    Actually, what you are proposing IS a transformer, now that I think about it, lol....

    Has anyone tried using this with IC 1.337 ? It should work as before but I'm interested in hearing reports from people who do use it.
    I tried using it - no loading issues but none of the recipes were there. Wasn't sure if it's incompatible or if I need to rename the zip so that it loads after IC2.

    I am still, but I don't think mine is the version with regulator pipes. Even if it was, idk if I would use them or not... lol

    EE is really fun, but it makes the work to get all the materials too easy for my liking. But don't get me wrong, EE is a really great mod. I just feel better if I dig around for the material rather than create it with my philosipher stone. I do have to say though, destruction catalyst is fun as hell to use to plow through mountains.

    Which is some of the reason I was tempted to pick up the 5.x.x version of EE, as I find that's it's starting to balance out alot better than any of its predecessors (not completely, but it's a great start imo)... Course, EE doesn't follow any level of occultic logic, so this jarring attribute is probably why I may never pick it up still /shrug...

    OT: Great setup! I'd say this actually is more clever (and more powerful) than any other renewable energy source you can create with the Forge mods...

    I'm actually going to wait on the add-on's to catch up with the newest version of IC... mostly due to the fact that I've invested alot of time into Wood Gasificators, and I would rather wait till Adv. Gen. is updated as well. But, this does conflict with my desire to try Thaumcraft (as Apothicarium is, afaik, discontinued)...

    Unless Alba adds another version with alot of new stuff, I kinda don't see the need to move onto the 'official' version of Minecraft... lol

    You wont fix the lag issue by making solars more expensive. Ppl who prefer solars still make them even through windgens are WAY cheaper. You have to change the solars so that they become less laggy thats the only way to fix the lag issue.

    There are several fixes for the lag issue of solars. While they do involve the use of add-on's/outside mods, they are still available and easily fix this problem...

    The amount of fail arguing over solar panels is so facepalm-able that I'm surprised that I still have eyeballs, much less a nose present on my head. The reason Solar panels exist in IC is because they exist in real life. The reason they exist in real life is for MANY different reasons that solely game mechanics which, quite frankly, have little to no influence as to how people play Minecraft as a whole. Sure, it may just seem like an exploitable source of free EU to you, but to some of us who work with renewables, Solars are a low grade energy source that doesn't damage the environment in THIS world. Sure, Carbon emittions don't exist in Minecraft, but that doesn't mean renewable options shouldn't exist either due to this, and don't need to follow some unnecessary 'balance mechanic' just because they are easier to setup than nonrenewable energy sources (that, btw, output far greater energy yields than the former).

    So no, solars are fine. The lag is fixable at points, and no, they are not OP because they are FoF energy collectors. Water and Wind generators do the same thing with longer uptime, yet you don't see people complain about them (mostly because people do the 'bed run' for solar, lol). Quite honestly, if ANY energy generator is really op, it's the Nether-Geothermal one. As such, there is no further reason to complain about solar generation in regards to EU production: the generators are more expensive than before, the up-time has to constantly be manipulated for efficiency, AND (here's an overlooked variable) many of the components for solars are neither renewable nor 'cheap'. In many respects, it's better to use cheap water towers or wind energy than solars, due to the additional convenience of not having to sit on the bed all the time...

    And if you STILL have to argue about the 'free energy' of the panels, then you desperately need a lesson in resource/energy management, and not of 'game design philosophy'...