Posts by MagusUnion

    I see many, yet none are deemed worth fixing until a 1.0.0 update :/

    Yeah, thank god I have CR... otherwise, I would be having a kicking fit over this add-on right now...

    BTW: You CAN play this with IC 1.337b... I am as of right now. Although I will say this as 'unofficial' news for this add-on (as I'm the type who direct .jar installs still, and that probably makes the difference, lol)...


    See? All these power systems can be made very useful under the right circumstances. No one power need become obsolete with a few changes. Buffing other power types will not make solar pointless, nor will re-working solar make other types pointless. All types of power systems should be very viable in the right circumstances. No single power source should ever be the right choice in all situations.

    Which is very true, even in real life. The problem I find that people are running into is the fact that they want ONE power source to run ALL of their machines/utilities. That honestly does not work in life, or in Minecraft. The BEST approach is to explore ALL your options, and use the ones that grant the best, most effective benefit...

    Take, for example, my Bio-Plant (pics soon hopefully). The initial energy investment is 32 solars imputing into a Batbox. The Batbox is used to feed power into two Electric Gasificators, 1 Adv. Compressor, 1 Adv. Extractor, and two Canning machines. The Gasificators generate both charcoal and Wood Gas Cells. Charcoal is fed into a Generator setup, which partly feeds into both a series of MFE's and partly back into the original Batbox. Afterwhich, the Wood gas is extracted and canned into Fuel, which is later burned. Optionally, I also added Xie's hybrid Wheat into the mix, where I get over 3 stacks of wheat from half a stack of hybrid seeds. The wheat is also processed into Bio Fuel as well, and fed into the MFE's for the plant.

    There is quite a fair deal of work that goes into energy production. Despite what some may think, throwing up a bunch of 'free' energy systems and letting them run off your setup forever is NOT a practical solution. However, it is a great investment to apply in, and if all you need is a small amount of startup energy, they can be worth the investment later on (when you have larger, more sophisticated, setups of energy generation)...


    (I wonder if it would be possible to make luminators project an *air-like* block that you can walk through, but gives off 15 light. specifically, project one of them in all six directions, skipping one block, which must be air or a transparent block, as a hackish method of extending the light)

    That's... a pretty brilliant idea! Quick! Someone phone alba if this would be practical to code!

    Enough... there is enough consensus between the sides to see that arguing this is a moot point. We can at least agree that FC can do what he wants with his mod, and he don't have to agree with his decisions. Since that point has been made, there is no reason to deviate this thread any further. There is no reason the argue the 'rights' or 'wrongs' about this issue, as it does little to affect the outcome of either Forge or BTW development. Plus, I don't believe it's fair to jorgebonafe to use his add-on thread as a means to carry out/continue a flame war (he has, after all, worked hard on his add-on to allow cross compatibility between IC2 and BTW)...

    So that is that. We may not like the direction that ANY mod takes, but we ALWAYS have the option of simply not using said mods. If that is how it must be, then so be it...

    (and I say this because I'd rather not have a moderator lock this thread down, btw...)


    You can't just dismiss people

    Yeah, I can... because you are white knighting for FC/BTW right now. You are right about 'just don't play it' though, which is what I'm doing. Just because my opinion 'seems wrong' or 'is wrong' doesn't mean I can't post it. It also doesn't mean people have to listen to what I say either (and I actually expect people to mostly ignore me anyways 9/10). Sadly, you fail to understand those two key concepts, and have derailed this thread quite extensively...


    Look. I'll start by saying this: You are correct. His reasons are selfish. So what?

    *shrug* about the most honest thing I think we are going to get out of the BTW community. Which, tbh, we aren't trying to say he can't be selfish with his mod, but at the same time, we are voicing our dismay at his decision. Doesn't mean we think he should change his decision, but it just means that there are those of us who disagree with it. And if that's such a crime, then idk what to tell you then...


    Not intending to derail this thread too much, but you can't post "I believe this was the reasons" without a reference to a video which actually explains what his reasons.

    Uh, yeah... I can, because it's called an opinion (and they don't have to be right). :rolleyes: And considering you are a fan-boy of his work I can't exactly give you much validity in your comments either since you want to hard ball this as a personal attack against me. This isn't FC forums, and despite what you may believe I don't 'swear wholly allegence to Alba' for IC either. So your post is a pretty moot point trying to 'discredit' 'my opinion'....

    Precisely, and no matter how much FC tries to hide it, this still remains as an evident constant to why FC does anything with BTW as a whole. The moment he feels his ego becomes violated, he attacks. And while other Forge mod developers may be guilty of the same thing, at least they have the intelligence and acceptance to the fact that not everyone will play the mod the same way. Addon's, cross-compatibility add-on's, overlapping resource usages, are some of the most pinnacle examples of mod blending and the greatness of compatibility. But sadly, these are all things FC opposes of, because it violates "his grand design," because (again, imo, lol) his form of game balance and design takes priority over everyone else's...

    I actually think that Flower child quit the forge because he didn't like that his mod was compatible with other mods.

    Biggest reason there... Initially, I think Flowerchild believed that compatibility with other mods meant that he could share and collaborate with others with his work, and by doing so expand his mod. However, the ultimate reason why he began hating this was due to the fact that the compatibility altered and 'deformed' the game design of his base mod by other mods and their modifications. Specifically, when I began showing my work on Youtube with the BTW community, they became flabbergasted at the level of change I could institute with simple CR designs and tech tree alterations. Alternatively, I ended up with some of the most unique styled progression paths in the game with my recipe 'addons', and I do think this is why FC began to leer away from compatibility as a whole (because when FC began to make some rigid, semi-unreasonable changes to the BTW base, I was usually the first to straight up circumvent said changes, lol...)

    So basically, the Forge leaving is a move to basically "preserve the mod" in his mind. Which, tbh, is pretty damn vain overall due to how modding works period. FC can try and 'justify' his move as much as he wants, but really it boils down to him wanting his mod 'played his way'...

    That's a tall order to ask from the very same people who won't play MC 'the way it was intended'...

    Ultimately, I'm not sure how much it matters, except in /SMP.
    Basically, Steve is the Last Man On Earth. He's accountable to no one and does what he must to survive and succeed.
    If that means clearcutting, strip-mining and burning heavy hydrocarbons, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
    There is no EPA, no DEC/DEP, no Greenpeace... he is the master of his domain.

    Sure, and for all we know Steve could be making the exact same mistakes as the civilization before him.. >.>

    Seriously, though... do you think that his lone wolf survival exempts him from responsibility?

    Bleh, just got back from work and can barely keep my eyes open. Don't think I'll be able to resolve the last bug tonight. (I could theoretically upload the current version, but I don't think you'd be too happy with an autominer that randomly drops its entire inventory) Saturday is my next guess - sorry about all these delays, guys. 'Tis the life of a graduate student.

    Take your time man... There are plenty of us who are fans of your work and understand the difficulties that college/science can bring...

    Personally, I would really like to see some of this put into IC, just for the sake of perceptive of how the industry impacts the environment as a whole. It would also give a nice layer of perceptive as to why 'it's a really damn bad idea' to careless burn as much as you want just in the name of energy generation. I find that there isn't many environmental consequences to go with certain actions in IC, and this seems like a nice fit to that idea...

    An 'el cheapo' version of a Nether Power station would be to instead use a combination of BC Tanks and Pumps, Teleport Pipes (optional), 2.2.5 bucket filler*, and Lava Cells. Simply set up a series of BC tanks to receive lava from your pumps. Then connect said tanks to a/several bucket fillers full of lava cells. Then transport the cells to the Overworld to be received. Yes, this system does cost quite a bit of Tin, but it's worth the investment...

    And it's more practical to have instead of trying to code cross-realm EU exchange...

    *You can by-pass needing bucket filler with the old 'Mobile Pump' addon, and having a GeoGen in the Nether to keep it charged with as you collect Lava cells directly from the BC tanks

    I'm about to try a setup like this myself, but also keep in mind that the source of fuel is coming from AdvGenerator's Gasificators, so I can use both charcoal AND biofuel at the same time with my setup (thus increasing my energy yield/lowering production cost)...

    Which is also ironically funny, because I may in the near future have this as an occupation, lol...

    Edit: Forgot to add Xie's Farming mod as well to this. 3 block tall hybrid wheat really does generate tons of EU, lol...