Everything in this order? But seriously, work on the features you enjoy the most.
Posts by NLZ
I joined this fourm for 2 words
Thread Necro
hey greg ever thought of adding a 32 x 32 texture for you mod? i have old faithful pack and the only mod that doesn't have support is yours. it would be awesome so see it in higher res =).
Thank you for the heads up.
Good to know. I'll be sure to stop by the forge IRC and prod cpw about it when I get to that point.
Could you get anything out of cpw? -
Does it only affects the vanillia IC2 generators?
Do I still need this mod for .35?
Greg, could you please collect all the changelogs to the OP?
What does the influencedbyothermods config do exactly?
Thumbs.db is a database file which probably keeps the zip readable. I think that deleting them would corrupt the file, but i'm not totally sure.
No, you are wrong. -
Tease? Hmm... anyone seen logipies HUD glasses? well... that is like one thing... And there will be a change in name of addon. Actually it will be called IC Upgrades. Droping HUD is intentioned
And well... I like idea of having more tools, and higher tiers in IC2...
ThanksThat logistic hud glass seems neat.
What do you think about Greg's plans about his version of hud? Will you make an alternative to his, or someting completely different?Also a QHelmet-HUD is planned, what means that you then will no longer need another Mod for that.
Oh, and Greg, please remove these files:
\gregtechmod.zip\gregtechmod\textures\gui\Thumbs.dbThey are still there, please remove the Thumbs.dbs.
Could you tease us with what you are working in these days?
If evetything goes well, you wont need to make a separate bukkit version, because cpw is working on some magic right now.
http://www.mcportcentral.co.za…ic=3889.msg21365#msg21365 -
Wonder when the emergency teleport will be added
Uses insane amount of power maybe even a special fuel that's hard to make that will teleport you back to your bind one time use muhaha.
Or a random teleport anywhere with a solid block and two air cell above it.Oh, and Greg, please remove these files:
\gregtechmod.zip\gregtechmod\textures\gui\Thumbs.db -
remove the Thumbs.db from the textures folder
Sent you this link in a PM, but reposting here in case anyone else is interested - this updated source may help.. somewhat:https://github.com/mushroomhos…ch/tree/master/obf-client - uses Forge/FML, updated for Forge GUI calls (extends NetworkMod instead of BaseModMp, uses getGuiElement())
https://github.com/mushroomhos…tree/master/bukkit-server - same, but server-side portUnfortunately, neither are built to compile using MCP.
Looking forward to your update/rewrite of this classic add-on, very much needed :). I never did complete a vanilla SMP server update, hopefully you'll be able to..
SSP bug (yet to try SMP):
MSFU + Copper Cable + Charging Bench MK1 = Infinite explosion -
Behavior as normal. You'll need some kind of chunk loading block to keep the chunks loaded. (*NOT* the one from Additional Pipes, that one's unstable and un-maintained) There's two mods that I know of that have that functionality: Railcraft (world anchor) and Thaumcraft. (chunk loading seal)
There are more:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/…25-smp-chickenbones-mods/ -
Yeah, its nice one. Should be called Advanced Machines Light, but still.
The right Order for installing into Jar WITHOUT LAUNCHER is
CodeChickenCore + NEI
MystcraftOK the order of the last two is irrelevant, because they have no overlapping Files. This way Optifine gets overwritten by Forge. (Forge is more important)
Noooo, dont do that! You have to override Forge with Optifine, Forge and Optifine C2+ are fully compatible.