What the hell are ejector upgrades
Version 5.1.1
Implemented Ejector Upgrades
What the hell are ejector upgrades
Version 5.1.1
Implemented Ejector Upgrades
I've looked. I haven't touched Hopper relevant code since then, and it works in 1.6.1. So, i have no clue where the issue is.
Anyway, files for 1.6.2 are up aswell
I've recompiled and reuploaded the last 1.5.2 files again. I am not installing 1.5.2 again myself.
Did you try Buildcraft pipes ontop (they use the same API)
Are you sure you attached the Hoppers correctly (crouching and right clicking the top of the machines)
Is your Forge new enough? Grab the last 1.5.2 version
Better redownload 1.5.2, maybe you dont have the latest build (with the hopper change)
I've used the IC2 1.6.1 builds to fix Advanced Machines. The GUI textures appear broken but it works in MCP ... may or may not be a Forge error. Hoppers remain working.
Updated for 1.6.1
Now to wait for IC2 to catch up xD
Until Redpower gets updated, eh, i guess. Buildcraft buffering is shoddy
Seeing as it's such a popular request (do people really use Hoppers?!)
+changed advanced machines bottom side, can now do automated (hopper) output too
Indeed, i did not test that. Also, the code does not quite work as i would have expected it to
+ fixed bug that prevented advanced machines from accepting automated/hopper input
Assuming that's the May 1. version, you crashed because Recipes.macerator was null. That would be an IC2 crash.
Server/client progress being out of sync, probably
Your crash happens because the Tile Entity was saved with a different NBT dataset than the one you are attempting to load it with
More to the point, your save file is prior to the Short overflow bugfix, and the one you tried to load was after. Yes, they are incompatible. Sorry.
I'm pushing a fix to that particular issue.
I welcome immibis offering an actual rewrite of this mod. The (just recently fixed) ghost TileEntity bug, and basically every single other bug i have fixed, were pretty much all stuff i missed when fixing Zippinuis source up. It should have had a clean re-code, given the code state. But i didn't want to put in the considerable effort. Just making it work was hard enough back then.
Good call. Another late Zippinius fix: breakBlock Override now calls super.breakBlock
It means IC2 wrenching did not correctly kill the TileEntity when setting the block 0, or it refused to die somehow
Looking at IC2 code, they use "world.setBlock(x, y, z, 0, 0, 3);" hmmm should work
IC2 crash. Don't care.
Addendum: Updated to current IC2 API.
IC2 crash. Don't care.
They will never be compatible with Hoppers, Hoppers only take Items from Inventories above them, and Advanced Machines can only be emptied from the sides
Delete your configs and let them re-generate.
No it isn't. It is referenced in several common methods such as EntityCreature.attackEntity or serverside AI class EntityAITempt