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Resource monitor with FastCraft enabled and texture pack selected upon joining SMP server:
- Private: 3.6G
- Working Set: 4.3G
- Commit: 3.9G
- Available: 0G (every tool I use shows the memory pegged and using swap, system exhibiting behavior of memory starvation)
You are using 64 bit Java? The working set size is suspiciously close to what a 32 bit program on a 64 bit OS may have available. With 3 GB heap the remaining 1 GB would be insufficient to hold the texture data in the OpenGL client. Where did the remainder of your 8 GB RAM go?
I've calculated a total extra of 500-600 MB with this texture pack when using FastCraft, not taking memory savings elsewhere into account. The block texture atlas is 8192*8192 px with almost 10k individual textures, the items one is 8192*4096 px. It'd be interesting to know what "/csampler memory" reports besides the task manager readings (see 2nd spoiler in the op) to know how heap memory behaves. I unfortunately can't compare against Vanilla myself, since I'm running into a bug when using its stitcher instead of FastCraft's -_-
I've already changed some code to reduce peak memory usage during startup. Additionally I could disable an optimization which is memory intense with such large texture packs, 64x textures use 16 times as much memory as the normal 16x ones. I'll need the extra data from sampler before being able to determine a decent threshold for this. Taking the optimization out is not an option since it's quite beneficial with enough RAM or smaller textures.
Finally someone who posts the log
This further verifies that it's not FastCraft's fault. The components list FC prints after detecting a NullPointerException contains null entries, which will crash func_75068_a aka generateStructure. Check your log for entries like "Failed Piece with id" or "Skipping Piece with id".
By the looks of it this happens if a chunk is being populated near a structure which references components no longer available, e.g. if the mod providing the component was removed or said mod removed the component during an update.
Hmm I guess I could use a copy of your full instance directory (e.g. if you have sufficient upload bandwidth). Does the situation change after you restart the game with the same texture pack still enabled? Do you even get so far to join a game with the pack enabled? How's the memory use without FastCraft?
The memory difference between Java heap (F3 screen etc.) and what task manager shows is mostly Open GL data like textures, which could potentially also come from leaks in FastCraft. The poor performance is to be expected with no free memory.
Hopefully the last test version before the next release:
It's just some bug fixes.
Entoarox: It's AE2, I've notified the maintainer.
TickDynamic: I've already indicated in the reddit thread that it's not nearly as great of an idea in practice. It's not a new idea, sk89q and I tried it before, each independently, and ran into several corner cases making it much less attractive for general use. I have better ideas to achieve similar effects besides the generic tweaks FastCraft already does.
scorpian3600: Your crash report is missing the top bit, including all the necessary information. Please post it again.
ultrasn0w: I'm currently not altering chunk/dimension management in any directly relevant way, it may be that weather2 is just causing dimensions to load a bit too early (if it happens after startup) or something else unloading the spawn area. I unfortunately don't have the time to investigate this myself atm, the cause isn't obvious. FastCraft however is unlikely to be involved.
As mentioned earlier, this happens without FC, even in MC 1.6. The part of FastCraft you see in the stack trace is very simple pass-through code setting a FC-internal variable to know MC is generating terrain right now. It's really not more than replacing mc.doSomething() with fc.doSomething() { itsDoingThis = true; mc.doSomething(); }, i.e. wrapping the original call with the very same state and parameters. There's not much room for incompatibility at this very specific location, even if someone edited said mc.doSomething() via a coremod.
I googled the specific crash location once and a bug tracker entry for one of the major world gen mods indicated some mod(s) not having its structure generation code adjusted to more recent vanilla changes.
The debug logging FC 1.17+ does before said crash is supposed to give a hint about what's wrong. You have to check your fml-server-latest.log (or client for sp) right before MC/FML logged the crash stack trace the first time. FastCraft catches the exception, logs some extra info and them re-throws it. It's being logged as ERROR, just grep/search the log for it, presumable 3 lines worth of "[Server thread/ERROR] [FastCraft/FastCraft]".
I'm not that interested in this specific crash issue because of FastCraft, which doesn't seem to contribute to it, but it's about time to get investigated and fixed
Cobra1117: In all likelihood you'd have experienced your edit 2 case with FastCraft installed as well, regenerating just fixes the corruption in any case. Since MC doesn't normally save the world after/during a crash, it was most likely already corrupted before you had the original crash. I've put some protection against crash related save corrupted into FML a while ago, so this is to be assumed more complicated than you suspect.
Thanks Hazado, this bug should be fixed.
New test build at
firstarchon: Features of this sort are not my focus atm. I do have some ideas for "lossy" tweaks later on. Being able to see the sky regardless of the view distance is presumably quite difficult without making the world border too visible in some cases. FastCraft should already make animated textures significantly faster.
crunkazcanbe: This is most likely not a FastCraft issue, check/post your log right before the crash. It may contain useful information about the source of the problem.
The OP is updated to version 1.6.
I've fixed a few bugs, removed MJ support, updated to the latest RF api, added config options to disable item or tile entity integration and made it possible to use server-only.
New build for testing:
It further improves world gen related lag, fixes the texture glitches when used with Optifine, adds some debug options for the recently appeared structure generation and concurrent modification issues and improves the update checking code.