It's already fixed in the next release.
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You're partially right. It was bugged because the transformer wasn't added to the EnergyNet. The alterFacing removes+adds the TE from/to the EnergyNet as well so it symptomatically fixes the issue as well.
Usually adding to the EnergyNet happens at the beginning of updateEntity() with an addedToEnergyNet flag, removing goes into invalidate().
I actually fixed the bug a couple hours after the 1.00 release, but thanks for the great report anyway.
The double slots behave like a single one with double capacity and possibly 2 different items. A pipe to the top fills the input, a pipe attached to the side extracts form the output as usual.
I already implemented proper slot handling for the induction furnace + BC pipes.
what happens when you cut a tree IRL??? the whole thing comes down....
Exactly, and not processed chunks of it. The way those mods work makes wood gathering way too fast, the resource loses almost all of its value.
Floating trees might not make much sense, but a whole tree transforming into pieces just by cutting the bottom doesn't either. Not having to cut trees multiple times makes it way too overpowered.
AudioMod should still work properly.
I'll release an internal smp build for testing in a few days.
Both, it's random but the probability is the same.
The mining drill can actually harvest it, I adjusted the miner to take tool-independent mineable blocks into account.
The fix will be in the next release.
We'll provide the files necessary to create mods once IC2 stabilized enough. SMP + 1.8 support has a higher priority atm.
Start if from the command line to get a decent error message.
It's not exactly the same as in IC1. You can supply up to 512 EU at once.
Where's the problem? Just add those files+folders to minecraft.jar.
I can confirm the issue, a fix is in the next release.
Of course there will be free ones, my server for example
Can you send me your savegame? PM is ok if you don't want to publish it.
Working on it, custom pipe is in the works.
No buildcraft handles extraction within the pipe code it self... and input is handled by stackutil in BC coreDon't waste your time, we can handle this properly without special pipes from the IC2-side.
Your mechanism depends on a piston bug.
IC2 doesn't replace blocks anymore as IC1 did, it just changes the texture and causes MC to update it. This performs better and halves the block id consumption, we'll certainly not change this behavior.
1) only if the total energy consumption is close to the source's output power, this might improve with future releases
2) 6